Earliest traces of Avani/Avani precursors
This is a history of the Avani race, particularly focusing on events related to the core countries that play a pivotal part in the approaching conflict. Countries on the continents of Alvana, Kahdro, and northern Kinavi are deeply tied to these events in ways that have completely shaped their histories and their future.
This is an era prior to the formation of major civilizations, technological development, writing, and agriculture. Much of the "Events" in this era are merely archaeological discoveries, verbal rumors, and theorizing. It ended at the beginning of the Agricultural Revolution.
The Alleged time period that the First Pantheon created the city of Luminos on Luna.
Sparked by the development of Agriculture, which allowed for larger groups of Avani to live in a permanent location with more stable sources of food, Avani societies rapidly advanced, fought wars with each other, grew quickly, and formed the first civilizations. At some point they even hit an "Industrial Revolution", which details are sparse about, where Avani nations reached levels of development unfathomable today. It abruptly came to an end with the First Torrent.
This was a period of about 100 years where most Avani societies rapidly transitioned from hunter-gatherers to farmers.
The age of Development ended abruptly, with eras definitively changing over the course of less than a month. Unlike its predecessor, the age of collapse was marked by defeat after defeat until the Avani were nearly driven to extinction. Civilization effectively came to an end.
The date of the mythical Torrent, when supposedly the First Pantheon gods were destroyed by monsters and Apogee were introduced to the world.
The alleged period during which a being known as the Sovereign attempted to destroy the Avani, along with the four other races.
About 2000 cycles after the Torrent that collapsed civilization, primitive society began to reconstruct itself. Without the assistance of more advanced beings and facing constant threats, development was slow and sporatic. It was also permeated with wars between the Avani themselves.
Over time, the raids and attacks undertaken by the Falco-Kiptrani were gradually replaced by a slave trade between eastern Alvana and Kiptravos. It eventually became so robust it survived longer than most civilizations in the region before it abruptly ended.
In the cycle now known as 0, the Treaty of Passaran was signed. It brought on nearly 200 years of unprecedented peace between the major powers, until tensions came to a head with the Cyanni War.
The Treaty of Passaran was signed this year.
The Cyanni War, a conflict that rocked much of the known world, completely reshaped history. Even 287 years later it affects the daily lives of people across Avanima.
The Cyanni wars begin after an attempt by the Cyanni to disable Arkos military assets
This was the day the Altowood, horrified by the actions of Tolagos, joined the war.
This was when the Olaran kingdom opened its borders, revealing themselves to the outside world and entering the war
After the death of their Queen and most of their government, the Cyanni surrender.
This was the revolution against the former kingdom of Constole that eventually led to the founding of the Jasani. It lasted seven years and embroiled the entire country