Reorganized Republic of Tortilia Organization in Avendora | World Anvil

Reorganized Republic of Tortilia (Tore-til-ee-uh)

Culture: Totalitarian state   Overview: The Tortilian race achieved space travel surprisingly close to the entry of the Saurians into Avendora. Due to severe infighting and a myriad of tumultuous political uprisings however, they did not become a player on the galactic stage for many many years aside from claiming a few systems for their own. Eventually a stable system of governance was established, which, unfortunately for the Tortilian people, happened to be totalitarian and dictatorial. Like any good dictatorship, they immediately labeled themselves as a republic, more specifically the Reorganized Republic of Tortilia (their home planet of course). One cannot deny, however, that they Tortilian state as a whole has benefitted from the new unitary leadership, as the RRT has increased exponentially in size and power since then. They now rule their people with an iron fist, briefly allying themselves with the Walren in the War For Atalan before gaining much respect on the eyes of the Saurians when they switched sides after acting as double agents for a time. This earned them the destruction of several of their worlds by the Walren, resulting in the RRT largely withdrawing from the galactic stage for a time for fear of further destruction.   Technology: Tortilian technology is typically very practical, which an emphasis on function and mass-producibility over looks and quality. Large portions of their tech is relatively outdated, but they have benefited greatly from technological insights granted to them by other nations, mainly the Saurian Empire.


The average Tortilian citizen is well below the galactic standard wealth, while not quite qualifying as poverty. Most facets of their life are controlled by the government, down to their allotted food rations and assigned occupations based on their tested proficiencies. They take their aptitude tests as soon as they reach adulthood, and are assigned to a job that best suits their skills with the thinkers and more intelligent amount them being given engineering and science jobs, those who are skilled with their hands becoming craftsmen and the like, and those deemed to have no practically useful skills are sent to the mines and other such menial jobs that do not require much mental fortitude. This life is considered quite bleak by Saurian standards, but it is all most Tortilians have and ever will know, and thus they do not often complain (aside from a few notable exceptions such as the insurgent group Tortilian Freedom Revolution). The RRT would likely institute even more restrictions and regulations over their people if they were not limited by the Alphega Accords.
Founding Date
15/8/569 ASD
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Controlled Territories
Related Species


Former allies, the Walren Empire now despises the RRT after their betrayal and switching of sides in the War For Atalan. In turn, the Tortilians were not very happy at the loss of several of their planets.


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