
Aarakocra are a somewhat uncommon race on Azimuth. They are a race of flighted bird-like humanoids.



From below, aarakocra look much like large birds. Only when they descend to roost on a branch or walk across the ground does their humanoid appearance reveal itself. Standing upright, aarakocra might reach 5 feet tall, and they have long, narrow legs that taper to sharp talons. Feathers cover their bodies. Their plumage typically denotes membership in a tribe. Males are brightly colored, with feathers of red, orange, or yellow. Females have more subdued colors, usually brown or gray.


Aarakocka stand between 5 to 6 feet tall, and relatively light, weighing between 80 and 100 pounds.   Aarakocra reach maturity by age 3 and don’t usually live longer than 30 years.


Early history and supposed creation

The aarakocra are not native to the world of Azimuth. Instead, they are natives to the Elemental Plane of Air, a place of open expanse of air streams and winds. Here and there, chunks of earth drift in the openness, and upon these floating spires, the aarakocra homelands sit in great rookeries and villages.   In the Age of Creations at the beginning of the world, the Elemental Planes burst to the Material Plane and formed the world that would be Azimuth. When the first gods made the first races, the Primordials warred with them. Residents of those planes did battle with the god-made races, but when the Primordials were defeated and forced back to the Inner Planes, the aarakocra were left behind.

Additional History

As the ages of the world continued, the aarakocra in Azimuth would congregate in the high places of the world, where flight by wing would keep them away from the ground-based races around them. In time, their origins would be forgotten but they would revere and worship the elemental energies that call to them. As beings of air, mountain tops and ridges call to them, and their culture has grown to refer to several Great Peaks of Azimuth.


Sequestered in high mountains, the aarakocra, sometimes called birdfolk, evoke fear and wonder in the other races of Azimuth. Aarakocra enjoy peace and solitude. Most of them have little interest in dealing with other peoples and even less interest in spending time on the ground.   Known in the world are three mountains where aarakocra can be found; Mount Huma in southern Tarteria, Coronata Volcano in the Northwest Seas, and the Roc Cliffs in the Wild Lands. Aarakocra tribes defend these places severely, as they view these locations as holy to their faith, bringing them into conflict with those who threaten this claim. Aarakocra can be seen in smaller tribes elsewhere, but always in the highest mountains of the region they inhabit. The mountains of Azimuth are wide ranging and hide many things.   They generally do not worship the Dragon pantheon of Azimuth, instead worshiping the energies of the world’s creation. Those that do may choose to worship Avianor, The Timefather, believing him to be an aspect of this belief.

Aarakocra in Gimora Major

The Gimora Mountains are wide ranging and many cultures interact across the range and its branch ranges. The Roc Cliffs in the Wild Lands are a known location of aarakocra tribes. Scavengers from the tribes come into conflict with the Brancana Rangers.   Of the Great Peaks of Azimuth that the aarakocra revere, it is believed that Azimuth's Heart is one of them, however no confirmed aarakocra have been seen around this peak.

Aarakocra in Gimora Minor

Sightings from the Greenscales of Konenbur, the Theocracy of the Sea, have reported aarakocra in the Parched Mountains of the region. However, the few sightings are largely unconfirmed.

Aarakocra in Tarteria

Mount Huma is one of the Great Peaks of the aarakocra people, and they defend it from on high with a ferocity that brings them to battle with the drow of Veldrinus, the hobgoblins of Clan Altai, and the orcs of Stipa Fields. Elsewhere in Tarteria, some aarakocra are said to inhabit the northern Khushuut Mountains, though these are unconfirmed rumors.

Aarakocra in Northwest Seas

The aarakocra of the Coronata Volcano in the Northwest Seas engage with the other races of the islands, as well as the Santeem Republic of nearby Iluvitar.

Aarakocra in Parthenia

The Muddy Peaks of Parthenia are old and low mountains, much shorter than other ranges in Azimuth and no known aarakocra tribes live there.   The Black Mountains of Parthenia are much newer, created by Psaro the Manslayer. They are not natural formations and no known tribes exist here. That said, they are wide ranging and largely unexplored.
Humanoid   Size
Medium   Age of Adulthood
Around 3   Lifespan
Around 30 years   Average Height
Around 5 feet   Average weight
Between 80 and 100 pounds   Feather color
Males are brightly colored, with feathers of red, orange, or yellow
Females have more subdued colors, usually brown or gray   Planes
Material Plane
Plane of Air   Primary Locations
  • Mount Huma
  • Coronata Volcano
  • Roc Cliffs