The Primordial Elementals

The Primordial Elementals, sometimes referred to as just Primordials, are a mythical group of lesser idols said to have created the physical world of Azimuth. As such, they predate the existance of the Material Plane. The Primordial Elementals are:  
  • Azur’tinax, The Emperor of Air, The Feldgrau Gale
  • Zi’magro, The Monarch of Water, The Hydrotic Wellspring
  • Mus’meno, The Overlord of Earth, The Sinoper Muse
  • Therm’askev, The Sovereign of Fire, The Burning Architect
  It is said they went to war with the old gods in the Age of Creations, and they have not been seen in the Material Plane since. It is unknown whether there were always four Primordials or if there were once more. It is unclear if the Primordials are actual entities or the personification of natural energies.   They are effectively lesser gods of the pantheon, and some cults worship them as full deities. Though any connections to their followers are seemingly distant, some of their worshippers have claimed their magcial powers and abilities were granted to them by the Primordials.



It is said the Primordials predate the existance of Azimuth. Where they originated from is unknown.   In Azimuth, it is said they first emerged into the Material Plane through the original elemental founts. The world of Azimuth was then created from their whims, starting the Age of Creations.   After their war with the first gods and after they receded to the inner elemental planes at the end of the First Age, there are scant mentions or references to them as part of surviving creation myth tales in the various cultures of Azimuth. The Primordials seemingly fell from history, to the point that even well-connected scholars in the Fifth Age, such as Lord Lortuk, were unfamiliar with "specific names associated with any of them."   It has recently come to light that each of the Primordials has hundreds of names and titles associated with them. However, as they are at least several thousand years old, where these titles came from and how they were earned is not known.


The extent of the powers and abilities of the Primordials is not known. However, it is said they were responsible for the creation of Azimuth and fought a war against the first gods. This would mean their power would be expected to be close to, if not on par with, a deity.   They are assumed to possess perfect control over elemental energies.   Cultists and worshippers of the Primordials have claimed their magical abilities come from the Primordials directly. If true, this would mean they have the ability to grant such boons and powers, similiar to other powerful patron entities or deities.

Places of Significance

Queendom of Keeleon

New Keeleon

Chamber of Titles - The Chamber of Titles is a hidden, underground religious shrine dedicated to the Primordial Elementals. It contains hundreds of sprawling titles and names for the four Primordials. It is located below the Commandment of Sky Guildhall in New Keeleon.


The First Age: The Age of Creations
The Age of Creations story is held by many scholars and story tellers as the origin of Azimuth. The theory states that the world was formed by an outpouring of energy from the elemental planes. It refers to Primordial Elementals as a driving force of this, however is unclear if these were entities or personified natural forces.   The Cycle of Ages makes mention of the Primordial's war with the first gods, where they were defeated and sent back to the elemental planes through the elemental founts they emerged from.  
"And at the end of this time of conflict, the great Primordials receded to their planes though the doorways of the world that led them here, and the divine and their creations stood victorious, and named their prize Azimuth. Though it was not to last."
The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
After the Great War, a cult called the Prophets of Regression led a fanatical reaction to the war in Endor. As a result of the destruction caused to Azimuth by the Dragon pantheon, there was a push by this cult to reject the Dragons and worship the Primordial Elementals as the original, true rulers of Azimuth.  
The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
In the Fifth Age, the Prophets of Regression resurfaced in the Queendom of Keeleon.  
Religious, Pantheon
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