Baloratak War

The Baloratak War, or the "Green-Red War", was a series of battles fought in the early Fourth Age between the orcish forces of the Kingdom of Keeleon and the various clans of the Hobgoblin Khanate.   The war was officially ended with the Treaty of Sword and Axe, which set the boundries of these two countries at the Orog Range.

Known Events

After the Great War at the end of the Third Age, orcish influence grew greatly in northern Tarteria. Early in the Fourth Age, the orcs expanded southwards to the Orog Range. While the kingdom of Keel was unified, the clans of the hobgoblins were not, and the forces of Keeleon invaded south beyond the mountains. The hobgoblin clans could not stand against Keeleon’s orichalcum so ununified.   This is when the first Grand Khan rose, a warrior from Clan Gobi named Monbaraba. He brought the other Khans to heel by defeating them in ritual combat and claiming lordship and loyalty from them, and for the first time all hobgoblins were unified under one banner. This great Khanate fought back the forces of the orcs in a drawn-out campaign of ambushes and blitzes until the orcs pulled back to the north of the Orog Range.   The war was officially ended with the Treaty of Sword and Axe, which set the boundries of these two countries at the Orog Range.


Conflict Type
Orog Range
Monbaraba Fields
