Treaty of Sword and Axe

The Treaty of Sword and Axe is an important historical document and agreement which defines the official border shared by the Hobgoblin Khanate and the Queendom of Keeleon in Tarteria.   The treaty is important as the first official document of the Hobgoblin Khanate, and later as the first official document of the reformed Queendom of Keeleon.


The original Treaty of Sword and Axe officially ended the Baloratak War. It also set the border between the Kingdom of Keeleon and the newly formed Hobgoblin Khanate, which the treaty defined as the extent of the Orog Range in southern Tarteria.   As a result of an ammendment negotiated by Queen Alena, daughter of the Last Orc King, to avoid another war in the early Fifth Age, there is a region of dual fealty for certain parts of the Southern Orcish Plains near to Hezrou Pass. Before this ammendment, the entirety of the Southern Orcish Plains was the claimed territory of Keeleon.


The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
The Treaty of Sword and Axe ended the Baloratak War in the early Fourth Age and defined the border between the two countries. The agreement was the first official document of the Hobgoblin Khanate and was signed by Monbaraba, the First Grand Khan.  
The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
On 12 Naerui 5A 023, Grand Khan Drack referenced the treaty in a speech on the Vikramadi. He said, "Long ago, the Treaty of Sword and Axe limited us to peace. To negotiation. But the Kingdom of Keeleon is no more, and that pact is now just a piece of paper armor. Our nation can make our own destiny again. We will not be made impotent by ink and words."   In the early Fifth Age, Queen Alena, daughter of the Last Orc King, negotiated an ammendment to the treaty after Drack's fleet was lost in the South Sea. The ammendment ultimately averted another war between the two countries.


Treaty, Diplomatic
Signatories (Fourth Age)
Monbaraba, the First Grand Khan

Signatories (Fifth Age)
Queen Alena, daughter of the Last Orc King