
In the late Fourth Age, Frenor was a somewhat large fishing town in the Sevnaya River Valley of Iluvitar.   Located at a crossing of the Sevnaya River, the town boasted the bounty of river and field, and the town's produce and supplies were transported throughout the Santeem Republic on the Brass Highway.


In the late Fourth Age, there were several farms and fishing accesses on the river. North of the crossing was a small courtyard used as a gathering place for the citizens. The mayor's house was on the northwest side of town. Inside the mayor's house was a passage which led to a secret storage room beneath the river.   There was a closed church to Zenethia on a hill to the south of the river crossing, near to the farms.


The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
In early 4A 996, several Zenethian Heroes came to Frenor. They saw evidence of the crown’s corruption and learned of a resistance movement against the chancellor.  
The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
At some point prior to 5A 329, Zofi, daughter of Mari, worked at the Zenethian chapel in Frenor. She was attacked by thugs and was rescued by Frenor's tanner, a human man named Nikita. They started a romance and Zofi became pregnant.   As Zofi carried her child, Nikita went missing, and Zofi was approached by Adamski Sokolov, who offered to purchase her baby. Zofi declined twice. On Sokolov's third visit, Maalik enchanted Zofi, and she agreed to sell her child to Sokolov.   In 5A 359, Demitri was born as Kugo, and Sokolov took him to western Santeem. At some point after Demitri's birth, Zofi left Frenor for Tarteria.
Large town
Owning Organization
Sevnaya River Valley   Continent
Iluvitar   Plane
Material Plane