Campaign 2 NPCs

Throughout the five ages, many different peoples have influenced the fate and destiny of Azimuth. From the great kingdoms to the isolated lands, adventurers, heroes, politicians, thieves, priests, and warriors from races from all reaches of the world have made their mark, on their lands and those around the world. The vast tracks of land and the myriad dangers in Azimuth mean that such heroes will always be needed. For good or for ill, everyone can alter the trajectory of the world, however small in isolation it may seem to be.   However, this list is not complete. As the Fifth Age continues, there are others that exist in cities and towns and the far flung places outside the known lands. What other stories must these unknown peoples hold, and what mark may they yet make on this world?  


Borscha Brickwell

Borscha is a member of the Hands of Ore trade guild and is in charge of the Darksteel Foundry in Porgorag. She is a longtime mentor of Romsca, Smelter of Ingots.

Coinguard Gim Gorod

Gim Gorod is the Coinguard of the port city of Porgorag. He seemed to be working against the Hands of Ore regarding the 5A 352 Santeem Republic aid caravan.

Godsguard Ankhan, daughter of Audeh

Ankhan, daughter of Audeh, is the Godsguard of the port city of Porgorag. She is also the head of Church of Zenethia in the city.

Haugon, son of Goll

Haugon is the head of the Hero Hunters guild. He resides in their guildhall, the Hero Hunters Facility located in Porgorag. He is an old, eccentric, and somewhat paranoid orc.


Naran is a hobgoblin fortune teller of Cardinal Desires in Porgorag. She is the twin sister of Meena. They both came from the Hobgoblin Khanate following Naran's visions.

Ambera Lightbraid

Ambera is a member of the Hands of Ore trade guild and is in charge of the Ash Forge at the Darksteel Foundry in Porgorag. She is a mentor and tutor for Romsca, Smelter of Ingots.  

Barkin, Whittler of Wood

Barkin is a gnoll woodworker who operates in the Moss Docks area of Porgorag. He is an acquaintance of Loupaché.  

Bradzakk, son of Rhog

Bradzakk is the orc owner of the Glistening Hog Tavern in Porgorag.  


Coletta is the halfling assistant to Haugon, son of Goll. She appears to be the only person Haugon implicitly trusts.  

Kororsh Krugg

Kororsh is a half-orc originally from Endor, the First Mountain. He moved to Porgorag and runs the First Mountain Jewels shop.  


Loupaché is a woodworker who operates in the Moss Docks area of Porgorag.  

Matriarch Eval

Eval is the orcish madam of Cardinal Desires in Porgorag. She is the caretaker for the hobgoblin twins, Meena and Naran.  


Meena is a hobgoblin dancer of Cardinal Desires in Porgorag. She is the twin sister of Naran. They both came from the Hobgoblin Khanate following Naran's visions.

Minagak, daughter of Molve

Minagak is the orcish proprietor of the Yewberry Apothecary in Porgorag. She can often be seen near the Yew Well harvesting materials for her potioncraft.  

Oknar Jod, son of Anzuk

Jod is the Oknar of Porgorag. He appoints the various guard positions for the city and operates out of the Oknar Offices building.  

Orkid Aspara

Orkid is an enchanter originally from Branca, the Kingdom of the South. She runs the Cloak and Trident magic shop in Porgorag.  

Parn Snowale

Parn is a member of the Hands of Ore trade guild and is in charge of the trade goods shop at the Darksteel Foundry in Porgorag.  

Trawlana Snuggleshine

Trawlana is an aspiring elven author who runs the Pages for Ages bookshop in Porgorag. She is the author of the in-progress work, The Time the Eight Dragons Had Tea.  


Vitibuk is a dwarven member of the Hands of Ore trade guild and is the dock tender for the Darksteel Foundry in Porgorag.  

Warguard Ghuzzakk, son of Ugral

Ghuzzakk is an orc and the appointed Warguard of Porgorag. He runs the Yellow Quay military facility and is a member of the Keel's Band.  

Watchguard Inzun, daughter of Drab

Inzun is an orc and the appointed Watchgaurd of Porgorag. She runs the city's guards and reports to Oknar Jod.

Aid Caravan

Captain Levka Ruslan

Captain Ruslan is the officer in charge of the Santeem Republic aid caravan sent to the Queendom of Keeleon in 5A 352. As the individual coordinating the caravan, he has met the members of the party early on at the start of their journey together.


Cirro was a wandering goliath mercenary originally from the Thundermaker Tribe in the Wild Lands. In Endor, the First Mountain, he took work with the Santeem Republic's 5A 352 aid caravan to Tarteria. Before leaving town, his memory was modified by Maalik.  


A male orc barbarian memeber of the aid caravan. He answered Arwin's questions about bounties in Tarteria after the group captured the young bandit Drok. During the fight with the ghosts at the Roadside Cairn, Dhug charged fearlessly forward, being the only other caravan crew member to damage the spirits.  

Drok, son of Mog

Drok was a young half-orc who fled New Keeleon after receiving a military conscription notice. He had been part of the bandit crew who attacked Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders at Axe-Breaker Thicket. Later, he was again encountered as part of a different bandit group near to the 5A 352 Aid Caravan. Drok was captured and brought along with the caravan by the Lightbringers.


A young half-orc orphan from Porgorag Romsca would sometimes play with. She joined the group and the caravan as they left town towards the Orc Highway.  

Mardun, Malagat, and Dodim

A human and two half-orcs, they are a trio of caravan guards from the Santeem Republic. Arwin and Ilmendwyth played rounds of Crowns and Beasts with them, and traded wild boar they hunted.  

Soveih Veshi

A human woman member of the aid caravan. She wields a crossbow and helped to scare away a maned wolf during Arwin and Ilmendwyth's overnight watch. Later, Romsca would use her magic to cure Soveih of an illness caught on the road, earning her Soveih's thanks.

New Keeleon

Al'phonas Muchaelas

Al'phonas is a major figure in the Keeleon Artistry Society of Tarteria. He is looked down upon by other members for his eccentric tastes. He showed an interest in Chaka's work and admitted him into KAST.

Argilla, son of Kla

Argilla was the former Godsguard of Porgorag before retiring to New Keeleon. He is a student of history, as well as an artist with several notable works.

Ranger General Labb

Labb is the current warguard of New Keeleon and the leader of the Warden Rangers, a detachment of the Keel's Band. He offered the Lightbringers work helping to scout and investigate the area beneath Keeleon Castle.

Sir Talmid

Talmid was recently appointed to a leadership position in the Commandment of Sky Guildhall. He appeared somewhat uncomfortable in the role. Previously, he had been an escort captain with the Tarterian Traders, and Mortimr's brother, Borli, had worked under him.

Coinguard Holarust

Holarust is the current coinguard of New Keeleon. She went missing after investigating complaints about the Commandment of Sky Guildhall.  

Godsguard Shumedzar

Shumedzar is the current godsguard of New Keeleon, and is the grandson of High Matriarch Inkathu. He has a strong focus on traditional orc culture and history, and while he shows confidence related to his work as godsguard, he was seen to be nervous and hesitant with politicking.  


Gralphank is the charismatic proprietor of Gralphank's Ten-Foot Pole Emporium in New Keeleon, a franchise of Grank's Ten-Foot Pole Emporium. He is a skilled enchanter and was seen working with less fortunate suppliers in town to supply his shop.  

Nalt Oknar Rulla, daughter of Krisur

Rulla is the current Nalt Oknar of New Keeleon. She appeared to be reasonable and skilled at leadership, though tired from recent difficulties facing the city and frustrated by the restricting arrangements with the Commandment of Sky Guildhall.  

Nedurr, the Mud Mage

Nedurr is a dirty and somewhat oblivious bugbear druid. He had left his home near Goliin Hiid and was accosted by displaced Mudmutts on the banks of the Rexun River.

Shur, the Acolyte

Shur was a devotee of the Primordial Elementals and worked to spread a cult to them in the city. He had worked with Nabat and later with Sir Talmid.  

Vasari and Etienne

Vasari and Etienne attended the "Temperance and Peace" art show at the Watermill Gallery in New Keeleon. They were rude and snide when viewing Chaka's submitted art piece. Later, they also attended the "History and Heroes" showing, where they witnessed the attack on the gallery.  

Watchguard Stuzrog

Stuzrog is the current watchguard of New Keeleon. He was shown to be suspicous of others and protective of Nalt Oknar Rulla. He went missing after investigating the Commandment of Sky Guildhall while searching for Coinguard Holarust.  

Zofi, daughter of Mari

Zofi is an old orc woman originally from Frenor. She moved to Tarteria after her newborn son, Demitri, was sold to Adamski Sokolov after she was enchanted by Maalik. She attends to the orphans at the Equus Orphanage.

Other Tarteria Locations

Celanoth Thoromel

Celanoth is the owner and proprietor of Phoenix's Flight in Calen Estel. Celanoth has connections with both the Sacred Guardians and the Rabble.

Lord Lortuk, son of Mog

Lord Lortuk is a member of the Gold Council in Kievs and close associate of Ranger General Labb. He was sent by the crown to investigate the events at Red Lake, where he began following the trail of the Prophets of Regression. He was previously a student of The Hermit, and he has a friendly rivalry with Romulus.

The Auglosilf Family

The Auglosilfs are a family of gnomish traders and toymakers that operate Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders. The shop is run by Kelwin and his wife Lilys, and they care for their great-grandson, Ronpip.  

Borli Gwathagoldrin

Borli was the brother of Mortimr Gwathagoldrin. He joined his brother when they left Tempe and went to Kievs to work with the Tarterian Traders.  

Cole, the Preacher

Cole was a member of the Keel's Band military in Porgorag and was part of a scouting force sent to the rebellion in the west. He seemingly changed loyalties and joined the rebellion. He was seen outside the Darksteel Foundry watching the aid caravan. He was later seen at the Cereus Compass in New Keeleon, where he was arrested for speaking openly against the crown.  

Damu, Captain

Damu is a member of the crew on the Testudo. After the ship was attacked by harpies at Rune Pike and the previous captain was killed, he became the new captain. He has offered his aid to some of the party if they are ever in Chelonia.

Guildmarshal Hagar Krugg

Hagar Krugg is a member of the Gold Council in Kievs. His name was on paperwork giving Sir Talmid and the Commandment of Sky Guildhall access to the Santeem aid caravan for.  

High Matriarch Inkathu

Inkathu is an orc cleric and member of the Gold Council in Kievs, the capital of the Queendom of Keeleon. According to Godsguard Ankhan, Inkathu is "the strongest cleric I know."  

Rudok "The Rail"

Rudok is an associate of Celanoth Thoromel. He met Ilmendwyth in Calen Estel when he helped him escape his capture. He delivered needed items to Celanoth and to Ilmendwyth.

Other Azimuth Locations

Chedae, The Heaven's Light

Chedae, known by the title The Heaven's Light, is the Dragon Deity of Zenethia, the Plane of Light. In the Fifth Age, her light has been blocked from the lands of Tarteria.

Hceehc of the Golden Fur

Hceehc is the current leader of the Tribe of the Golden Fur. It was at his direction that Romsca, Smelter of Ingots, set out from her home in Gohled Teente.


Maalik is a fire genasi and member of the Prophets of Regression. Maalik hired the Lost Vessel Seekers to retrieve a lost item she was expecting from the transport vessel, the Harolaud. After their interactions with her and after the discovered more about the item she was seeking, the Lost Vessel Seekers decided to not return the green ring item to her.

Adamski Sokolov

Adamski Sokolov is an important member of Santeem Republic high society. His name carries a lot of power. He was the previous mentor of Demitri.  

Aralee Goldfall, Captain of the Amarth'rilain

Aralee is the captain of the Amarth'rilain, the vessel that brought Ilmendwyth from Haradren Gaer Arnad to Calen Estel and eventually to Porgorag.  

Asmik Makara, Assemblyman

Assemblyman Asmik Makara is a recently elected human member of the Santeem Republic's Lustrous Assembly. His level of political influence seems minor. He has a wife named Tania and a newborn son named Leo. During the Wild Gathering celebration in Kasltun, he provided Demitri a signet ring with his family emblem on it to allow Demitri to take his estate's carriage from the capital. Later, he magically messaged Demitri, but he was cut off violently.

Hummul Frostbrewer

Hummul Frostbrewer is a dwarf goods trader from Clan Frostbrewer. He is an acquaintance of Arwin, and Hummul had agreed to take Arwin by cart to the city of Endor, the First Mountain. Before parting, Arwin gave a letter to Hummul, asking if he would deliver it to a relative in Branca, the Kingdom of the South.  

Rannyl Grimsunder, Bishop

Bishop Rannyl is the head of the faith of Zenethia in Endor, the First Mountain, and is a personal friend to Gertrude Oathenhammer. It was with his blessings that Gertrude was released from her position in Endor to go to Tarteria in search of the cause of Chedae's fading light.  

Yeempa, Speaker of Stone

Yeempa is a gnoll member of the Tribe of the Golden Fur. She was sent to Endor, the First Mountain, by Hceehc of the Golden Fur after her sister, Romsca, Smelter of Ingots, did not return.