
Half-Orc Fighter, Eldritch Knight, Haunted One

"I spent all of my life not knowing this other half of who I am."
Demitri, born as Kugo, son of Nikita, is a half-orc fighter who appears in Azimuth Campaign Two. He is played by K.B.    



Demitri is a young, half-orc man, standing about 6' 2". He is top-heavy and muscular with dark green skin except for a section of his face around the bridge of his nose and down to his chest, which is a lighter coloration. He also has a faint scar leading from under his lip to just under his eye. He has short tusks that appear to be filed down. Demitri has said he is now too old for them to properly grow back.   He previously wore a stylized leather armor which appears fancier at a distance and of noble quality, but showed a second hand nature when examined closely. He said this armor was not his to begin with, and he “borrowed” it from a widow that owed him a favor.   During their journey, Romsca, Smelter of Ingots, crafted him a new set of studded leather armor. Though the style was similar, it was fitted to Demitri's body. It was made from flexible, soft leather, with clusters of studs in vulnerable areas. The front of the armor could be easily opened with fasteners on the side. There were metal rivets and studs for decoration. Later, Chaka and Romsca added the design of a lion's head to the back of the armor.   He is equipped with a finely crafted rapier, Lion's Fang. It is a folded steel rapier with a handguard, with one side of the blade repeatedly acid washed to a black color. The hilt is made of axe-breaker wood and the pommel cap is a gold lion's head.   His magic is very regimented and practiced in its execution. The energies he pulls from gathers from the ambient arcane energies around.



Demitri was born in the Santeem Republic. He was the son of a poor orcish woman named Zofi and a human man named Nikita in Frenor. At some point before he was born, Adamski Sokolov approached Zofi with the intent to purchase her unborn child, but she refused, saying, “No, this will be my little latagu and I will give him up for nothing.” However, on Sokolov's third visit, he successfully purchased him after Maalik enchanted Zofi.   He spent the next years of his life under the strict tutelage of Sokolov, being trained to be the heir of his empire. This included "regimented tutoring and nonstop fencing lessons" and also learned to exploit weaknesses in members of the Lustrous Assembly. Demitri also participated in duels, including one against a Santeem noble, Baron von Faust, where he received his facial scar.   During this time, Demitri also had access to the Santeem Morounin Archive. Demitri said he would spend hours at the Archive when he could, gathering whatever he could about orcish culture and the Zenethian Heroes.   At some point, Demitri fell out of favor of Sokolov for an unknown reason and the resources he previously had access to were revoked.   From 18 Madaet to 20 Madaet 5A 352, Demitri was homeless, living as best he could in Kasltun. During this time, Demitri took a flyer for the Santeem Republic aid caravan that would head to Tarteria.

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Session 0.1 - The Provideniye
On 20 Madaet 5A 352, during the Wild Gathering celebrations in Kasltun, Demitri snuck into the White Fountain Gardens. There, he approached Asmik Makara. By using Sokolov's name and the promise of a return favor, Demitri convinced Makara to lend him his estate's carriage. Demitri quickly took this carriage and headed out of town westward towards Port Surene.   On 25 Madaet 5A 352, Demitri arrived in Port Surene and met Captain Levka Ruslan and the ship, the Provideniye. Demitri spoke with Captain Ruslan and joined the aid caravan. Captain Ruslan gave a speech to the members of the aid caravan mission after the last of the supplies were brought onboard. The Provideniye then left Port Surene and started her voyage southwards across the Leviathan Sea.   During the voyage, Demitri, Arwin, and Gertrude Oathenhammer, would meet and begin interacting with each other and Captain Ruslan. Demitri spent time sulking. Demitri noticed Arwin reading a book of orcish customs titled "How to Learn Orcish" and recognized it from his youth. Gertrude provided some dwarven ale to him, which Demitri quickly poured out overboard, which Gertrude derided him for.   On 29 Madaet 5A 352, the Providenye reached Rune Pike. As the ship rounded the Pike, the crew saw a nearby ship, the Testudo, under attack from a flock of harpies. Captain Ruslan took command of the ship and ordered her to approach and lend assistance. When the ships were close enough, Demitri jumped over to the Testudo to battle the harpies there and letting the crew know they were there to help. During the fight, Arwin and Captain Ruslan fell into the sea, and Gertrude and Demitri were able to use the rope to pull them both to the side of the ship and to safety.   After the battle, the ships departed and the Provideniye continued south towards Porgorag. In the early morning of 1 Adroth 5A 352, they could see the northern edge of Tarteria on the horizon.  
Session 1 - Silvery-White Threads
On 1 Adroth 5A 352, Demitri arrived at the Darksteel Foundry in Porgorag on the Provideniye. Along with the other caravan members, he met with Borscha Brickwell and Captain Levka Ruslan.   When Demitri seemingly did not like the prospect of carrying crates and boxes, Gertrude teased him, saying, "Afraid to get your hands dirty, there?"   Demitri asked Borscha for details about Coinguard Gim Gorod, saying he was looking for leverage over him in case it was needed.   Mortimr Gwathagoldrin noted that it didn't make sense that elven goods were coming from Calen Estel for a Santeem Republic caravan, and Demitri agreed.   After the party asked questions of Borscha and Ruslan, they decided to head out to the city to see what could be done about the missing carriages.  
Session 2 - Searching for Carriages
Demitri went with most of the party to the Yellow Quay, where they waited to meet Warguard Ghuzzakk. As they waited, when Romsca showed signs of stress, Demitri and Gertrude attempted to console her. Demitri told her to relax, saying this was a common tactic used in negotiations to “make you sweat and stew a bit.”   After their meeting, Demitri followed after Chaka who was speaking to Coinguard Gim Gorod. During the conversation, Demitri noticed that Gim Gorod wasn't wearing a wedding ring. Demitri said it was strange that as soon as carriages were needed, the Coinguard was arranging additional carriages for the Yellow Quay.  
Session 3 - Guildhalls and Churches
In the evening of 1 Adroth 5A 352, Gertrude, Arwin, and Demitri entered the Church of Zenethia and took seats in the pews while the rest of the party waited outside. After the sermon, Demitri approached the statue of Leo, Captain of the Black Barrow. He disparaged the state of the Santeem Republic and blamed Leo for setting the country on this path, though he acknowledged its current state of in-fighting and corruption was likely not Leo’s intent. Demitri then toured the other statues while listening for Gertrude’s conversation.   When Gertrude approached, she relayed the extent of her conversation to Demitri, and he noted she didn’t discuss the Coinguard. They both went to Godsguard Ankhan, daughter of Audeh, and Demitri asked about Coinguard Gim Gorod. Demitri asked if she had leverage on Gim Gorod they could use to put pressure on him. Ankhan was not comfortable with what Demitri was asking, and declined. They thanked her for her time and both left the church.   On their way back to the Darksteel Foundry, Demitri asked Gertrude about the design of this church and other churches in the world.   At the Foundry, Romulus asked if anyone was familiar with demon physiology. Romulus and Demitri had both read The Manual of Monsters, but they did not have a copy in their possession.   In the morning of 2 Adroth 5A 352, they discussed what to do next. Mortimr told Demitri he had an idea to get leverage on the Coinguard by going to his residence, sneaking in the back, and threatening him. The party felt it was extreme, but filed it away as a worst-case scenario.   The party entered the main manor of the Hero Hunters Facility. During the conversation, Romsca asked Demitri to speak on her behalf to Haugon, son of Goll, and Demitri interacted with propriety and manners. The party agreed to exchange their services for covered wagons, and they left the manor. Across the campus, they approached the abandoned storehouse and prepared to investigate.  
Session 4 - Dusty Dens
The party headed to the abandoned storehouse of the Hero Hunters Facility. Inside, they investigated the abandoned manor and found clues to the previous residents. Demitri found a children’s book titled “The Fox of Bonmalo and the Tower Heist”.   As they moved into the basement, demons and oozes attacked the party. In the battle, Demitri held his position between the creatures and his allies. A small demon clamped onto his arm and Demitri blasted it off him with magic.   After the battle, Romsca healed his injures. In the master bedroom, Demitri found an Earring of Message. The party argued if they should close the tunnels or enter them and investigate and Demitri suggested they could completed the task for Haugon and investigate the sewers on their own, but while they debated, Mortimr collapsed the tunnels.  
Session 5 - Reports of Demons
After their battle, Demitri returned with most of the others to report to Haugon. Demitri asked if there was any aid Haugon could provide regarding the Coinguard.   After leaving Haugon, Demitri went with Mortimr and Chaka towards the Westfield shops.  
Session 6 - Strings of Prophecies
Demitri and Mortimr entered Cardinal Desires and Demitri was picked up by a large orc woman, which flustered him. She brought them to the madam of the facility. They spoke with Matriarch Eval and the hobgoblin twins, Meena and Naran. They learned of the interactions between the Coinguard and Meena, and Demitri thought the blue-skinned man she had once seen with the Coinguard might have been a genasi.   Naran told prophecies to them both. To Demitri, she said, “The strings of fate surround you, like lights of radiance. They are small and frail, but they will join together and fuse, if you let them.” She continued, “Darkness seeps from you, like mud from clothes in water. You must choose, to scrub it or let it stain you. Family is forever, for both the good and the bad.”   As they left, near the door, Moritmr asked about the prophecy Demitri had gotten, and they both said there were uncomfortable memories brought up by it and thought it best to discuss it later.   The different groups reconvened at Cardinal Desires and shared the various information they’d gathered. Demitri shared they had spoken with Meena and discussed the Coinguard’s seeming obsession with Meena.   Naran approached and spoke prophecies to them all. As she did, silver energy filled the room and spread to each of them, like strings of light woven in a web. The energies then broke and dissipated and Naran fainted.   Demitri, Arwin, and Gertrude shared their suspicions of Gim Gorod with Matriarch Eval, and they asked her to hold onto the Coinguard’s papers. As they left, Demitri left a message for the orc woman that had greeted him.   The party then returned to the Darksteel Foundry. They went to the warehouse and confronted the goliath who was acting strangely.  
Session 7 - Brawl for the Box
The party confronted the goliath guarding the strange black box and a fight ensued. Demitri moved forward to engage with the goliath, but was hit from behind by an out-of-control spell from Mortimr. In the battle, Demitri used several spells against the goliath but to little effect.   As Romsca grabbed onto the goliath’s waist, Demitri jumped onto his back with a chokehold, and Ilmendwyth knocked the goliath out.   After the fight, Mortimr helped Demitri tie up the goliath. As they worked, Demitri said, “Who taught you how to cast a spell? A fucking gopher?” With a mix of anger and shame, Mortimr said, “It won't happen again.”   Gertrude helped heal the party’s wounds. In response, Demitri said, “Oh, you’re a gem, Gertrude.”   During the party’s discussion after the fight, Demitri asked if Romsca could make a forgery of the black box’s key. While she worked, Demitri went with Arwin and Ilmendwyth to the Church of Zenethia.   At the church, Demitri approached Godsguard Ankhan and quickly gave details of the issues their group faced. With Ilmendwyth’s help they convinced her to join Ilmendwyth to the Darksteel Foundry.   After, Arwin asked Demitri if he had a plan, and they went back to Cardinal Desires. On the way, Demitri asked Arwin about why he had left the church earlier and if there was something with him and dragonborn. Arwin said, “Wounds of the past cut deepest.”   They retrieved the papers previously left with Matriarch Eval. While leaving, Demitri saw the same large orc woman who previously lifted him up and she winked at him. Demitri and Arwin left and made their way back towards City Center.  
Session 8 - Disparate Pieces
On their way back, Arwin thanked Demitri, saying, “I appreciate you, Demitri, for bringing me along. I think I needed a quick break. A breather from all that's happened today.”   As they discussed what to do, Demitri had concerns with the black box’s contents, thinking maybe there was a connection to the Fire Spire Sands. Demitri was also unsure if the Oknar could be trusted. Arwin expressed he felt the Oknar seemed true in his concerns for the city, but didn’t know for sure.   After the green ring was revealed, Demitri was reminded of the Zenethian Heroes, where the soul of Trip, the One Who Fell, was transferred to the influence of Esturk, The World's End.   The party debated what should be done. Romsca was hesitant that the party should keep it, saying, "I’m not a hero, I’m not a mercenary, I’m just the blacksmith here, and I’m not even a good one." Demitri said, "Well I’m a mercenary. Give it to me." Romsca gave the black box and the duplicate key to him.   As the party ate and discussed, Demitri asked Mortimr what his connection to the Tarterian Traders was. He also asked Captain Ruslan why he became a public servant. Throughout their talks, the phrase “the four are now three” from Naran kept catching on Demitri’s mind.  
Session 9 - Befouled Waters
In the morning, Demitri asked to borrow Romulus's copy of The Manual of Monsters, checking as well for information about demons and oozes working together. However, he didn't uncover any new information. When they locked the black box and green ring in Romsca's room, Demitri accompanied her to ensure it was done.   They went to Westifeld to the sewer access marked by Romulus. They removed the rusted grate and entered the city’s sewers.   Reaching a series of intersections, they noticed several creatures nearby. The group debated if they should put these things out of their misery, but elected to try to not risk a larger fight. However, Gray Oozes that were hanging on the ceiling dropped on them suddenly and the other beasts were drawn towards them.   In the battle, the bloated body of an orc exploded and coated Demitri in bile, poisoning him. Demitri became delirious. To help, Romulus pulled a giant frog away from him and Gertrude pushed past him to kill a giant rat. Romsca cast Sanctuary on Demitri and after the battle, he recovered from the poison.  
Session 10 - The Sunken Shrine
While continuing forward, Demitri noticed carved symbols on the sewer walls, which reminded him of the holy symbol of Gaia, The Allmother. Ahead, the party heard Draconic chanting, which Demitri could understand. He used his Earring of Message and told Arwin, “We need to stop that chanting, now!”   In the Spring of the Natant Yew, the party faced two Bulezau and other demons. In the combat, Demitri ran inside. He tried to use Booming Blade on a maw demon, but missed as he took in the full scene.   After Romsca went down, Demitri tried to help Romsca, but there were too many enemies nearby. He stood over her body and attacked the maw demon latched on her. Chaka blasted the demon away and inspired Demitri with his art.   After Romsca was healed, she stood up and told Demitri to run. He replied, “Pot, kettle, black.”   The fiends were killed and prevented from completing a spell circle which would have created a source of corruption beneath Porgorag.   After the battle, Demitri focused on the shadow spell he saw. The shadow energy could no longer be seen, but it seemed to match what he’d heard of the Zenethian Hero Joseppe, the Shadow Mage.   As they regrouped, Demitri said to Romsca, “How do you plan to be a leader if you throw your life away?” Arwin and Demitri berated her for needlessly risking her life, and Romsca said no one in the city cared. Gertrude said this was not the right place for this conversation, but Demitri insisted, saying he hoped it would sink in.  
Session 11 - Porgorag's Light
After the battle, the group talked about what they wanted to accomplish next. Demitri wanted to have Godsguard Ankhan on their side so if they presented evidence against Coinguard Gim Gorod, they would have a potential ally. Demitri brought up that the Coinguard seemed put off by Mortimr’s Tarterian Traders pin and suggested he use that to deceive him.   The group left the sewers to speak with Godsguard Ankhan. The party told her what transpired, and she gave them some information she’d gathered about the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. During the conversation, Demitri listened carefully to determine if Ankhan was being truthful, and he felt she was being honest with them.   Demitri helped dig through journals and notes in the church’s office for information about the shrine. Demitri said the task would put some use to all the time he spent digging through the Santeem Morounin Archive. Romsca hadn’t heard there were archives, and Demitri confirmed they were full of information. Mortimr, however, said they were “nothing special.”   While searching, Romsca asked Ankhan about the carriages needed to transport some of the city’s orphans, and Demitri suggested she reach out to Haugon for aid. When Romsca asked the group if they would be willing to bring the orphans with the caravan, Demitri said they should bring it up with Captain Ruslan.   After Romulus located a hidden spell scroll, most of the group chose to accompany the godsguard back to the shrine, but Arwin and Mortimr elected to stay behind. Demitri told them it would be beneficial to gather additional evidence against Coinguard Gim Gorod.   Back at the shrine, Ankhan asked if one of the party’s clerics would be more comfortable attempting to cast the spell contained in the scroll. Romsca offered but could not read the draconic writing, and Demitri said he would help to translate.   After the spell was successfully cast and the protective barrier was reinforced, Romsca hugged Demitri. During the trek back, Gertrude said adventuring was proving to be fun, and Demitri teased her about not getting out of Endor sooner.  
Session 12 - Connections
The party regrouped at the Oknar Offices with Godsguard Ankhan. As they shared updates on their tasks, Demitri was frustrated that Arwin and Mortimr didn’t learn anything at the coinguard’s manor.   They met with Oknar Jod and Watchguard Inzun, where they discussed their actions in the sewers and their concerns with the coinguard. Demitri shared information about the giant rats and frogs they battled in the sewers, as well as the body of an orc they found.   At the Oknar’s direction, Ankhan cast a Zone of Truth spell, and Arwin chose to not resist the effects. Demitri brought up Gim Gorod and the group’s belief that he was sabotaging the aid caravan for his own benefit. Demitri gave the Oknar the unsent love letter, saying it was given to them from Meena (instead of stolen from the coinguard’s office).   Demitri said they might be able to get more information, or a potential confession, from the coinguard at a meeting later that night. Demitri proposed that Watchguard Inzun go with them as they tried to get a confession from the coinguard. The Oknar agreed to this.   The Oknar thanked the group and invited them back to the city for the Champion's Conquest celebration later in the month.   Later, at the Hero Hunters Facility, Haugon paid the group for their service and asked for their aid finding a lost Hero Hunters group in the west. During the conversations, Demitri told Romsca about the anti-beastfolk laws present in Branca, which Romsca had not known.   After the group said they would watch for sign of the missing group, Haugon also gave Demitri the other three Earrings of Message from the set his old adventuring party.   As they left, Arwin pulled Demitri aside. He mentioned that while Romsca was brash, if she hadn’t also rushed in, Demitri might have been killed. Arwin also said he believed in Demitri’s skill, and he gave him the Stone of Good Luck.   The group went to the Glistening Hog Tavern to eat and rest. Demitri ordered food and drink for the table and looked for possible entrances and exits. While waiting, Romulus asked to see the Stone of Good Luck, and he shared some of the history about the item.  
Session 13 - Growing Ties
In the Glistening Hog Tavern, the party ate a late brunch, rested, and talked. At Demitri's suggestion, they played a drinking game and answered questions about themselves.   Over the course of the conversation, Demitri revealed information about himself. Demitri started filing his tusks as a result of Santeem Republic perceptions of orcs, and as an attempt to fit in more. He also said it “wasn’t entirely my choice” to do so. He got his facial scar after winning a duel against a Santeem noble, Baron von Faust. After Demitri won and offered him his hand, the Baron struck him. Demitri then killed him.   Demitri said he wasn’t sure what he’s seeking in Tarteria. In Santeem, he spent time in the Santeem Morounin Archive seeking information on orcish culture. He had to keep his interest in this a secret.   After they finished their meal, Demitri shared the spare Earrings of Message with Arwin, Mortimr, and Ilmendwyth. When Watchguard Inzun joined them, Demitri said it was important that she overhear any conversation from Gim Gorod. At the Tin Tradepost, Demitri bought a cloak.  
Session 14 - Voltha's Walk
The party continued across town towards Eastfield. They reached a section of several specialty shops called Voltha’s Walk.   At Cloak and Trident, Demitri asked after a diamond. Orkid Aspara directed him to First Mountain Jewels. Demitri tried to continue the conversation to distract Orkid while Mortimr searched for log books behind the counter, but was unsuccessful. As the party left, Demitri derided Orkid and the shop, saying, “I give it month, tops.”   At First Mountain Jewels, they met Kororsh. Demitri checked if this was an illusion, but it seemed to be the real Kororsh. Demitri bought a diamond. Demitri asked more about Kororsh’s experience and what he knew about Stephan's Folly. Kororsh didn’t want to harsh the vibe and offered to have “bro time” with Demitri.   At Pages for Ages, Demitri asked after language books and bought a more advanced orcish language guide. Arwin tried to subtly purchase a Beastcommon guide, and Demitri noticed. Demitri also asked after a draconic language book, and the shopkeeper became more invested, asking if he was “interested in Dragons”.   When Trawlana mentioned she needed a pseudonym, Demitri suggested “Teakitisu”, which was Draconic for “The Tea Maid”. Trawlana thanked him, saying she really like the suggestion.   Before leaving, Demitri bought a copy of The Fate of Johanna.  
Session 15 - Snakes and Smokescreens
The party regrouped at the Darksteel Foundry and took time to prepare for their evening meeting. During this time, Mortimr used some clay from Chaka to help Demitri forge fake tusks as part of a disguise.   In the evening, they returned to the Glistening Hog Tavern. To prepare, Demitri rented the room two doors down. He purchased a bottle of wine, which he gave to Mortimr, and he tried to enter the room immediately adjacent, but it was locked.   After the Coinguard arrived, Romsca informed Demitri he was disguised as Kororsh. When the Coinguard went upstairs, Demitri peeked down the hall to watch. While Gim Gorod’s conversation with Mortimr continued, Romsca and Demitri approached the door. Romsca listened at the door, which prevented Demitri from getting a good angle to listen clearly.   When the Coinguard tried to flee, Romsca and Demitri were enveloped in a smoke cloud, and Demitri felt someone barrel past him. Demitri rushed out of the smoke and tackled the fleeing Gim Gorod to the ground, and he and Romulus captured him. While the chaos died down, Demitri messaged Arwin to inform him what happened, and he searched the Coinguard, finding some coins and a golden key.   When Inzun came to collect the Coinguard, Demitri showed her the gold key, and she suggested they hang onto it.  
Session 16 - Planting Seeds, Parting Gifts
As the party regrouped, Demitri suggested they investigate Gim Gorod's Residence, and they left the tavern.   Inside the manor, they explored. Gertrude found a locked wardrobe that seemed to match the gold key and called the group together. Demitri used the key to try to open it, and the wardrobe smashed him back.   Behind the wardrobe, Chaka saw a secret safe. Demitri used the key to open it and found Gim Gorod’s journal, and he began to read. After locating the journal, they left out the back and climbed the back fence. Demitri was ready to toss Mortimr over, but he brushed him off.   At the Darksteel Foundry, Demitri read the journal entries to the group and they discussed the contents. After, they rested. Demitri tried to read some of his new books, but quickly fell asleep.   In the morning, they decided what to do with the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. Romsca told Demitri she wanted to try being a better leader and offered to carry the ring. Demitri said he didn’t think it was something just one of them could carry.   Demitri joined part of the group to the Oknar Offices, speaking with Inzun and handing over Gim Gorod’s journal. Demitri showed her the relevant entries and suggested that any genasi that come to town should be watched.   After, they returned to the Foundry and prepared to leave. Demitri told Borscha Brickwell that they may have made more work for Borscha after giving her name as a replacement Coinguard.   Along with the rest of the Lightbringers, Demitri left Porgorag with the aid caravan, headed south.  
Session 17 - Setting Out
On 4 Adroth 5A 352, Demitri and the others set out from Porgorag southwards on the Orc Highway. Demitri spent his travel near to the central wagon where the box with the ring was stored, thinking over the ring and what they still didn’t know about its purpose. He also brought up his frustration with the wagon wheel tax and his expectation of higher quality roads, which soured Chaka’s mood.   As evening came, Captain Ruslan ordered camp, and the caravan pulled off the road. Demitri went to prepare his tent, saying, “How hard can this be?” Later, when Romsca asked if anyone had spare metal they didn’t need, Demitri gave her several sets of finely decorative silverware, which he seemed to have stolen.   During the evening watches, Demitri joined Mortimr and Chaka. When Mortimr asked if Chaka knew Lament of the Mountain, Demitri recognized it as a Santeemite song. He asked the pair about Kelwin, and they discussed their opinions, but didn’t elaborate. Arwin perked up, criticizing the group’s conversation, and Demitri and Arwin traded teasing for a while.   During the watch, Demitri felt a spell connection and heard the voice of a panicked Asmik Makara in his head. Shakily, the assemblyman said, "Ah, Demitri, it’s your good friend, Assemblyman Makara. I... spoke to Mr. Sokolov, he and his... lovely associate wanted to relay… (um, just read that? Of course…) 'noisy loose threads are dealt with'? I don't-". The spell was suddenly cut off. Demitri sat for a moment before assuring himself that everything was fine. Still, the interaction shook him.   The next day on 5 Adroth 5A 352, Demitri awoke haggard and ill rested. As he drank Gertrude’s dwarvish coffee, Chaka thanked him for the conversation during their watch, and he gave Demitri a small sketch as a gift.   After midday, traveling in the opposite direction, there was a dwarf driving a carriage that seemed off to the group. Demitri said the dwarf appeared suspicious, and Ruslan agreed the dwarf was rude, and they watched the carriage continue on.  
Session 18 - Cards and Conversations
In the evening of 5 Adroth, Romsca asked Demitri how he was doing. She noticed he seemed off since the night before. Demitri was lost in his own thoughts, but answered unconvincingly that everything was fine. Demitri shared he left something behind in Santeem he thought was behind him, but after last night he was no longer sure.   Gertrude overheard and gave Demitri an ale. He then suggested that if they really wanted to know, then they could play the questions drinking game. During the game, Demitri said he had a benefactor in Santeem he was previously beholden to.   Mortimr asked Demitri if he knew Zarqaa Masoud. Demitri shared she was not officially in the government, but she was a figure of strong political power in the Grand Bazaar, using money and magic to achieve her goals.   During the argument between Arwin and Romsca, Demitri called out Arwin for his unfair judgement of Romsca, saying the gnoll tribes might not have the same systems of schools and learning that large countries like Santeem or Branca did.   Demitri joined Arwin during the overnight watches. Demitri knew Branca had history with beastfolk, but suggested Arwin pull back some for the sake of group cohesion and not make his opinions Romsca’s problem.   In the morning of 6 Adroth, Romsca quietly gave Demitri a platinum ring. She quickly left before he could reply, and Demitri put the ring on.  
Session 19 - The Roadside Cairn
When Arwin and Romsca began to argue over the caravans, Demitri interrupted to distance Arwin and give Romsca the chance to leave.   In the evening as they broke for camp, Demitri used magic to help make fires that would last in the continuing rain.   Mortimr asked Demitri to step aside to talk about his powers, saying he really didn’t know where they came from. He asked Demitri to kill him if things got out of hand. Demitri said he wasn’t sure if he could, depending on what happened in the moment with Mortimr’s abilities.   While talking, Demitri noticed a spiderweb heavy with rain among the grasses nearby. Demitri thought it to be ominous. He tried to think of any entities he could relate to Mortimr and his abilities, but came up with nothing definitive.   Demitri assured Mortimr he would do what he could if the need arose.  
Session 20 - Drawn to Fire
Demitri and Chaka took watch. Chaka idly sketched, and Demitri was lost in the many thoughts on his mind. While caught in these thoughts, he saw shapes in the grasses. Demitiri alerted Ilmendwyth and both watched as a young, unkempt half-orc named Drok snuck to the edge of the tall grass and looked over the caravan.   After capturing him, Demitri helped interrogate Drok about the other bandits. Demitri placed his rapier next to Drok’s face, alight with magic, and asked, “Where did they go, and are they coming back?”   The group discussed what to do with Drok. Demitri was hesitant to trust Drok as he had already tried to rob them once. Romsca suggested he be brought north to work at the Darksteel Foundry. Romsca was uncomfortable turning Drok in if it meant his death, but Demitri cautioned the trouble the Darksteel Foundry could get into if Drok was found working there later on.   When ghosts attacked the caravan, Demitri cast Chromatic Orb, but the damage seemed to not hit with full effect. As the ghosts approached, Demitri was frightened by the ghastly appearance and aged twenty years in a moment. He retreated to a nearby tent and regained his composure.   In the wake of the combat, the group sought a way to keep the ghosts at bay. Arwin recited the Repose Coda to help restore the roadside cairn, and Demitri repeated the prayer in draconic. He also offered his Stone of Good Luck to the repair ritual Romsca performed to repair the roadside cairn.  
Session 21 - Axe-Breaker Blessings
During the travel, Demitri was slow and haggard from the aging effects.   When Romsca discussed her plan to try and remove any deserter charged from Drok, Demitri was not hopeful they would be able to clear him of any charges.   While talking with Lieutenant Vramas, Demitri mentioned they’d repaired the Nerull cairn. In reply, Vramas mentioned he’d had strange dreams the night prior involving sphynxes. He thanked the group for repairing the cairn and offered to try restorative magic on one of the group.   Ilmendwyth and Arwin suggested Demitri receive the spell, and Vramas cast a Greater Restoration spell on him. As the magic flowed, it seemed to overflow with extra, unexpected energy that coalesced around his hands. This energy allowed Demitri to remove the aging effects from Arwin and Ilmendwyth as well.   During the overnight watches, Demitri began to teach Romsca draconic.  
Session 22 - Raised Voices
In the morning of 9 Adroth, Arwin joined some others to speak with Lieutenant Vramas. Demitri said dying in battle couldn’t be Drok’s fate. They convinced him to take Drok northwards. After, Demitri suggested to Romsca that she contact Borscha about him as well.   During the travel, Demitri spoke with Mortimr. He shared his past with Adamski Sokolov and the message from Asmik Makara. He worried if Sokolov would devote the resources needed to reach him in Tarteria. Demitri asked if it came to choosing him or the group, they leave Demitri to his fate instead of risking their safety.   On 10 Adroth, they discussed the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. Demitri offered to try to attune to the ring, as his magic seemed unaffected. Before starting, Mortimr told Demitri the voice wanted to examine the ring.   Demitri told the others that Mortimr might be compelled to make another grab for the ring. The group prepared just in case.   Chaka shared an art piece with Demitri to inspire him. Demitri spent an hour and attempted to attune to the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring, but was unsuccessful.   In the ensuing discussion, Gertrude reached for the ring. Demitri held it away and she struck him, hitting his Shield spell. As they fought, Romsca cast Hold Person, but the ring activated and vacuous force harmed Demitri, Gertrude, and Romulus.  
Session 23 - Acid and Fire
The argument over the green ring was interrupted by tunneling ankhegs that attacked the group. Demitri held the green ring and rushed to attack the ankhegs with his rapier.   In the melee, Demitri was swarmed by the ankheg youths, and he was accidentally shot by Arwin. Demitri deftly killed one of the ankhegs, and was splashed with acid from another.   When Romsca went unconscious, Demitri moved away from the combat to keep the ring out of range of holy magic. He attempted to cast a spell at the alpha ankheg but the spell didn’t connect.   After the battle, Demitri saw several figures approach the caravan from the grasses. He cast a spell to understand their leader, who said in orcish, “What the-? Hold, hold! Friendlies!”  
Session 24 - A Dream of Iron
Demitri recognized the newcomers as the Warden Rangers. Ranger General Labb introduced himself to Demitri and asked if they were okay. Demitri informed him they were the aid caravan and Labb said they were expected in town. Demitri told the party who the rangers were, and during their work, Demitri learned the ankhegs were from a suspected nest to the east.   After, Demitri returned the Residuum Ring to the lead box, and Mortimr thanked him. Demitri told Mortimr that he should inform the group about the voice in his head.   During the travel on 11 Adroth, Arwin informed Demitri about Chaka’s nightmare and the sigil on his neck. That evening, Demitri spoke with Chaka and examined the mark. He noted the rune’s literal meaning, but didn’t know what caused it.   When Chaka shared drawings from his nightmare, Demitri recognized it as being from the Infinite Battlefield. He shared what he knew of Dynamia, but didn’t know how it connected to Chaka’s dreams or the mark.  
Session 25 - Rose Glasses, Clay Compass
The group prepared for Mortimr to see the ring, and Mortimr told Demitri to not forget their agreement. Demitri handed the ring over to Mortimr. During the investigation, Demitri saw a pink tint overtake the gnome’s glasses and ephemeral flower petals in the air. When Mortimr was finished, he returned the ring to Demitri, and he locked the ring away again.   After it was suggested Gertrude try reaching out to Chedae for guidance, Demitri suggested Romsca reach out to Morounin as well.   Before bedding down, Demitri approached Gertrude and thanked her for agreeing to let Mortimr examine the ring. He gifted her his copy of The Fate of Johanna. Gertrude was touched, and she hugged Demitri and offered him some of her ale.   At the Cereus Compass, Demitri recognized the preacher as the ex-soldier he’d seen outside the Darksteel Foundry.   Just after midday, Demitri entered New Keeleon through Argil’s Gate along with the aid caravan.  
Session 26 - Names, New and Old
Inside the city, the caravan passed through Resilience Park. Demitri investigated a broken statue of Warlord Keel, the First Orc King, and saw members of the Warden Rangers working with civil engineers to repair it.   They reached the Breakwater Keep and entered to speak with Nalt Oknar Rulla, Watchguard Stuzrog, Godsguard Shumedzar, and Lord Lortuk. During the conversation, Ruslan shared they had encountered difficulties on the road. Demitri said this could be corroborated by Lieutenant Vramas and Ranger General Labb.   They were directed to wait nearby for the arranged payment, which was brought and distributed shortly.   After Arwin spied on Sir Talmid’s conversation with the city officials, he returned to the group and quietly shared what he’d learned as they left.   Outside in the bailey, the group parted ways with Captain Ruslan. Demitri shook Ruslan’s hand and said, “When you return to Santeem, make no mention of me, and stay as far away as you can from anything to do with, ANYTHING to do with, Adamski Sokolov, for your own sake.”   The party regrouped at the Far Bar Inn and they discussed what to do next. When Romsca said she was not useful to them and was a hinderance, Demitri pointed out how many of the group had been healed by Romsca during their journey. He told her to not lie about herself to them.   After the discussion, Mortimr initiated a Gnomish Gem Binding ritual. Demitri participated.   The group went to Victory Market to purchase supplies. Demitri purchased two greater healing potions. After Arwin commissioned an enchantment on his bow, Demitri lent Arwin his bow to use in the interim.   During their time at the markets, Romsca seemed to be taking measurements of Demitri for new armor. Demitri was first confused, then thanked her.   After the markets, Romsca asked Demitri if he would accompany her to bring Leena to the Equus Orphanage. At the Equus Orphanage, the old woman at the chapel, Zofi, recognized Demitri. She was his mother and called him “Little Latagu” and “Kugo, son of Sokolov”.   Demitri accused her of selling him as a child. As Demitri asked what had happened, the way Zofi spoke and the details she relayed did not match Demitri’s knowledge and experience. Zofi invited the group inside, and Demitri said he had to go with her.   Romulus asked if the details Zofi said were accurate, and Romsca said Zofi’s behavior seemed similar to what Maalik had done to Cirro. Arwin asked what this could mean for Demitri if he really was the heir of Sokolov. Gertrude suggested Sokolov had lied to Demitri, to prevent him from seeking out his family.   Zofi asked about Demitri and his life. As Demitri pressed her for answers, Romulus noted an old enchantment on her mind. Romsca cast a spell to remove curse. As the true memories came to her, Zofi was overcome with emotion and collapsed into Demitri. Once she recovered, Demitri again asked what had happened.   Zofi told a story of her life in Frenor, where she was approached by Sokolov. He offered to purchase her baby, and she said no. Sokolov later returned along with Maalik. The genasi spoke words to her, and Zofi said that “everything changed” after that.   Zofi finished her story and Demitri apologized to her. He told her what Sokolov had done and the life he had created for Demitri. Zofi said that even if Sokolov had lied, he had given Demitri a better life than she could have. Demitri said that Sokolov did provide him with an education and the skills he acquired, Demitri never had love in his life. Zofi took a necklace of polished marble charms and placed it over Demitri’s head, and she said, “My little latagu, you always had my love.”   Demitri cried, and he shared the story of his life with his mother. Late that evening, they headed back to the Far Bar Inn. On the way, Demitri apologized to Romsca for snapping at her, and she said to think nothing of it. Gertrude shared her flask with Demitri and said Maalik was a problem.  
Session 27 - River and Sky
At the Far Bar Inn, with Mortimr’s assistance, Demitri used fine wine to learn about the strain on the city’s merchants. He heard the leader of the Tarterian Traders guildhall hadn’t been seen for some time.   In the rented rooms, Romsca gave the only key for the new Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring box to Demitri.   They discussed their plan. Demitri said their goal was Sir Talmid and the Commandment of Sky. He agreed rescuing the coinguard would be beneficial. Demitri planned to speak with the Nalt Oknar, and Romsca said she’d come with.   In the morning of 13 Adroth, Romsca gave Demtiri a newly crafted set of studded leather armor.   They met Captain Ruslan in the lower level of the inn. Demitri asked to see Ruslan’s notebook, and he crossed out his name from it. Romsca asked him if he preferred Demitri or Kugo. Demitri said, “I think either would be fine.”   Demitri and Romsca reached the Breakwater Keep, and Demitri asked Rulla and Stuzrog about the missing coinguard, Holarust.   As Romsca shared concerns about their previous dealing with Gim Gorod, Demitri added they were “swinging big” by reaching out to them. Demitri also said he noticed the tension caused by Lord Lortuk’s presence.  
Session 28 - An Interrupted Meal
At the Breakwater Keep, Rulla asked about the residuum ring. Demitri said it was with the rest of their group, and they could reach out to them at the Far Bar Inn.   Demitri brought up Godsguard Shumedzar’s reaction to Lord Lortuk the previous day and asked what their relationship was.   Demitri asked on Gertrude’s behalf if she could speak with Cole, the preacher arrested at the Cereus Compass.   Thanking them for their time, Demitri formally bowed as they departed.   On their way back, Demitri suggested they prepare checklists when they enter town. Romsca said she'd only seen civilization work in Endor, and Demitri said that's why the city is a beacon.   They regrouped at the Far Bar Inn and shared what they’d learned. When learning of Arwin’s plan to set a meeting with Sir Talmid, Demitri suggested they frame it as Arwin "shopping around".   Romsca relayed she’d informed Rulla and Stuzrog everything they’d learned. Demitri said they needed to make a move, and he didn’t trust Lord Lortuk.   The group met Captain Ruslan for a Santeemite-themed lunch downstairs. When city guards came to arrest Ruslan, Ruslan said in Santeemite to Demitri and Mortimr, “I bet you anything this is about the manifest and that black box of yours.”   Demitri and the others followed and spoke with the watch commander. Demitri said it was curious the watchguard would've neglected to mention an investigation on Ruslan when they'd met earlier in the day.   They went to the Nalt Oknar’s chamber and asked why Ruslan was in the dungeons. Demitri and Romsca quickly informed Rulla about the arrest at the Far Bar Inn.   Rulla and Shumedzar joined the group to the cells. Demitri told the Nalt Oknar it was too much a coincidence that as soon as the watchgaurd was sent to investigate that Ruslan was taken in. He said either the city had crooked guards or that she, the watchguard, or both were playing them for chumps.   Rulla agreed that something strange was going on, and said, “You mentioned you had a green ring somewhere else? Yet you all are here.”   Demitri replied, “Not all of us.”  
Session 29 - A Lord’s Investigation
Romsca sent a Sending spell to Demitri and said to regroup at Victory Market. There, Demitri helped look for the door from Lortuk’s message. Finding it, they entered and spoke with Lortuk and Ranger General Labb. They discussed Lortuk’s investigation into Red Lake and the Prophets of Regression.   Arwin said they did need allies, but he’d prefer someone different. Lortuk said he’d prefer someone more capable. Arwin replied they would see, and Lortuk was pleased Arwin had agreed to working together. Demitri called Arwin out for walking into Lortuk’s words.   Demitri used the Earring of Message to ask Romulus how they could trust Lortuk. When Demitri questioned Lortuk’s motivations, Lortuk said his interests were for the benefit of the country. Lortuk said he wouldn’t get in the way, and Demitri slyly said, “I’m sure it fits quite nicely into all of your plans.” Demitri continued, “Listen, I’m not sure what your motives and your interests for this is.” He said it could be genuine or it could be “more malicious.” Demitri said he had reservations, but Lortuk had more information than anyone they’d yet met and shared the goal of stopping the Traders.   Demitri asked if Red Lake had ties to the Elemental Planes and what the increased demon activity they’d seen had to do with Elemental Planes. Lortuk said that was his question as well.   After Ilmendwyth asked, Lortuk said Shumedzar couldn’t hold a secret to save his life. Demitri asked why he was involved with politics then.   As they talked about demons, Demitri suggested Shumedzar increase protection around the Equus Orphanage. Demitri said the ring’s siphoning of divine magic could be related, as Esturk was said to be sleeping beneath Tarteria.   After the conversation, the group left back into the alleys of Victory Market.  
Session 30 - On the Riverbank
The party regrouped in the alleys. After Arwin grabbed Ruslan’s art piece and joked about it, Demitri commented the scene of Rune Pike was missing “some idiot sailing off with a rope tied to him.”   When Ruslan asked how the meeting went, Demitri said he was “insufferable, but useful.” Demitri suggested the seek out Argilla for insight he may have on the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. Before leaving the Victory Market, the group spoke to the merchants about the missing coinguard. In the late evening, they returned to Far Bar Inn, ate, and rested. Demitri and Romulus would took second watch.   Demitri asked Chaka and Romsca to add a design of a roaring lion’s head to the back of his armor. Chaka asked about the design he envisioned, and Romsca melted a gold coin for the inlay.   In the morning of 14 Adroth, they took the main roadway into the Embankment district. At the Augurs, Demitri made an offering at Morounin’s shard. He left his copy of “The Fox of Bonmalo and the Tower Heist.” He said, “I’m learning slowly, but it’s been hard with everything going on.”   They saw Nedurr, the Mud Mage, on the riverbank nearby. They approached and questioned him. At Nedurr’s raised voice, they were ambushed by a pack of mudmutts.   Demitri resisted the sonic croak from the mutts. He used a potion to heal Nedurr. As the bugbear came to in confusion, one of the mudmutts left the water and moved to pick him up. Demitri saw Nedurr resist the creature and he drew his blade to fend it off with the group.   With the mutts in the water stunned and the one on the shore slain, Argilla called out to the group, “Quickly! Away from the water, this way, this way!” Gathering the wounded, the group rushed northwards towards the Watermill Gallery.  
Session 31 - These Old Artists
The party fled the riverbank with Argilla. At the Watermill Gallery, he formally introduced himself and invited them to his home to meet his patron, Al'phonas Muchaelas. They spoke at length about many topics.   Mortimr asked Romsca for healing. Demitri suggested he just drink his potion, and Mortimr coughed.   Romsca and Demitri said Godsguard Ankhan told them Argilla may know something about residuum ring. Argilla offered to take a look, if it could help. Demitri unlocked the box and explained its effects as Argilla examined it.   Argilla had read in his studies of a genasi seeking residuum in the wake of the Great War. Demitri named them as the Prophets of Regression. Argilla said they came into conflict with the Zenethian Champions and were dealt with.   Demitri asked about the Severance and the eras before the Dragons. He wondered if the Prophets were worshipping the beings that came before, the Primordial Elementals.   Romsca asked what elemental founts in Tarteria other than Red Lake. Argilla listed the ones he knew of. Demitri mentioned Ruin's Temple at the Fire Spire Sands. Demitri wondered if the missing Great Leviathan was connected to the elemental founts.   Al’phonas presented a plan to create a decoy Unsigned Painting of the Great Beasts to learn where his real painting may be and if the Tarterian Traders were involved. They agreed, and the party prepared to help Chaka as best they could.  
Session 32 - To Paint a Phoenix
On 14 Adroth 5A 352, Demitri visited the Equus Orphanage. He warned Zofi about things starting to happen in the city. Zofi asked for his help, and Demitri assisted crafting makeshift costumes in preparation for the upcoming Champion’s Conquest holiday.   To help Chaka, Demitri purchased many art supplies, paints, and brushes, and gave them all to Chaka.   On 15 Adroth 5A 352, after Gertrude received a Sending from Bishop Rannyl, she shared the message with the party. Demitri was curious about the Severance Siphons.   Mortimr and Demitri searched through Argilla’s copies of the Manual of Monsters volumes for information on the Elemental Planes, genasi, and residuum.   To help Chaka, Demitri explained various artistic theories related to proportions and scene-crafting.  
Session 33 - History and Heroes
Ruslan told Demitri he was thinking of joining them and not returning to Santeem. Demitri asked if his change of plans was a result of his death at the riverside. Demitri said Ruslan would be deserting the Santeem army. When Ruslan decided to join them, Demitri brought Ruslan fully up to speed with the party’s actions, plans, and information.   Demitri wanted to discuss the plan for the evening. They discussed the gallery, and he asked about magical defenses. As weapons weren’t allowed, He asked who could function well without weapons and armor.   Demitri suggested the group go shopping for clothes better suited to an art gallery. Al’phonas made arrangements with Leka Fabrics. There, Demitri received fancy clothes influenced by traditional and modern orcish styles.   Romsca said his current blade wasn’t made for combat and gave him a handcrafted sword. She had decided to call it Lion’s Fang in hopes it might make up for the tusks he lost. She told him he was “doing a wonderful job of deciding who you are here, and I think that you could very easily become a great hero of Tarteria.”   Demitri thanked her and said, “I can only hope that with this blade I can carve the future that you can see for me.   At the gallery opening, Chaka entered with Demitri. They explored the side gallery and Demitri told Chaka of an art movement going on in Santeem. Chaka wondered if he would benefit from studying different art styles.   Nearby, Chaka overheard two elves making snide comments, and he pointed the pair out to Demitri. Chaka and Demitri returned to the main gallery, where they saw Shur speaking with Al’phonas.  
Session 34 - Watermill Melee
Shur activated a smoke grenade in the gallery, and Demitri saw revealed cultists start pulling weapons. Demitri summoned his new weapon to him and moved to protect Chaka as he focused.   Demitri engaged two cultists in the smoke, killing one and severely wounding another. A guard entered through the back door and attempted to help, but couldn’t see clearly in the smoke.   Demitri rushed to the front exit. As Shur fled, Demitri used the Earring of Message to speak with the guard captain, saying, “Let them go, or you’ll ruin our mission. We need to know where their hideout is.”   Demitri moved past the guards and rejoined with some of the group outside the gallery.  
Session 35 - On the Scent
Ruslan handed out gear to Chaka, Mortimr, Gertrude and Demitri, and they reequipped themselves.   Demitri informed the guard captain Shur seemed to be headed towards the Commandment of Sky Guildhall. He recognized Demitri’s voice and asked them to keep an eye out for Watchguard Stuzrog, who was missing.   Demitri and Chaka tried to intimidate the captured cultists. Demitri demanded to know where in the guildhall the acolyte was fleeing to. The cultist seemed either too uninformed or too loyal to the cult to provide answers.   The party regrouped at the gate to the Catlinites and headed to a warehouse near the Commandment of Sky Guildhall. Several hidden cultists were posted around. Arwin, Ilmendwyth, Demitri, and Mortimr took aim with ranged weapons, timed their shots, and killed the sentries with a volley.   They entered and found a hidden passage to the main guildhall. Romsca asked to see Demitri’s sword and imbued it with fire energy.   Arwin found an accessway to a large metal door bearing an elemental plane sigil. Using the Earrings of Message, Arwin and Ilmendwyth informed Demitri about the door. He informed the rest of the party. They crossed, though the cultists were now searching for them.   Beneath the guildhall, the group found the Chamber of Titles. They overheard conversation between Talmid and Shur, but they triggered a trap. As Demtiri and Romsca moved towards orbs set in the walls, two large elementals apparated in front of them and attacked.  
Session 36 - The Chamber of Titles
Demitri attacked the air elemental with his ensorcelled sword. The elemental rushed through him as Talmid pushed Shur forward. Shur pulled an air longbow and shot Demitri, but missed.   Demitri looked at the tether between the air elemental and its core, but it didn’t seem to be a weak point he could exploit. The orb was showing damage, though. He attacked the core and the air elemental with Chromatic Orbs.   As Mortimr rushed to attack Talmid, Demitri smelled roses. Arwin, Romsca, Demitri, and Romulus encircled Talmid and attacked alongside Mortimr. Demitri’s first attack was parried but his next struck true.   As Talmid fought back, he called out to the fire elemental. It rushed across Gertrude, Romsca, Mortimr, and Demitri, setting them on fire. Demitri dodged the elemental’s attack and slashed his rapier repeatedly, cutting motes of the flames away until nothing remained. The red orb went dull and fell to pieces.   Talmid was subdued and captured. Romulus asked if the wounded Shur should be saved. Demitri said Talmid seemed more useful. Mortimr loaded his crossbow and the group argued about his interrogation methods. As Mortimr spoke, it was as if another force was present within him. Demitri held his sword and said, “Don’t make me fulfill that promise.”   Mortimr pointed at Talmid, and a voice that wasn’t quite his said only Talmid was in danger. Demitri replied, “For now.”   As Romsca moved away, Arwin and Demitri saw Mortimr’s arm shoot up strangely and fire a crossbow bolt wide of Romsca. Demitri said he needed to know if Mortimr was in control. Demitri and Arwin shared a concerned look at Mortimr’s condition, and they followed after.   As Talmid seemed to begin regaining his consciousness, Demitri noticed the box with Adamski Sokolov’s logo. He grabbed the box and threw it across the room, breaking it on the stone floor.  
Session 37 - Petals, Paintings, Pasts
During Mortimr’s interrogation, Demitri asked to interject. He said, “Give you a chance to take a breather. You look thirsty,” and motioned to the potion he was holding.   He showed the logo and asked about Sokolov. Talmid didn’t recognize the name. Demitri called Talmid useless. He said, “The guy who’s paid to get rid of people who ask too many questions learns very quickly not to ask too many questions.”   After Talmid was killed, Demitri was unmoved and went to investigate the ritual room. Arwin asked if this was a teleportation circle. Demitri examined the glyphs and the circle’s design.   They found the Great Leviathan painting, and Demitri asked if Arwin remembered the sailors saying the Leviathan was missing. Demitri found the Great Leviathan Bearing Stone nearby. He theorized the painting had been used to create it.   The sigil in the research room activated, and the group gathered at the sound of voices. They had a tense conversation with Maalik and Azariel. Demitri said, “It’s very interesting. It seems we have the thing that you want, yet you don’t offer anything to sweeten that deal.” Azariel threatened him, and Demitri replied, “I love a spirited negotiator.”   Arwin and Demitri began deriding their proposal flippantly. Maalik recognized Demitri, calling him Sokolov’s brat. Demitri said, “Tell the old man ‘Come and get me’. Better yet, tell him that Kugo, son of Nikita, sends his ill regards.”   The group was tired and it was past midnight, but they chose to stay and continue looking through the rooms. Demitri suggested when Gertrude speak with Bishop Rannyl, he should try to be safe as well.   The group settled down in the rooms to rest, thinking over the events of the day and the genasi they were involved with.  
Session 38 - The Prophets of Regression
Over the next days, they dug into the research, journals, and materials they found. They discovered information about the Prophets of Regression and the genasi’s actions.   Among a list of rumored sources of residuum, Demitri recognized the Mine of Spider's Bane as an asset of Adamski Sokolov. Sokolov acquired it after Demitri killed Baron von Faust in a duel.   At the end of studying all this information, they theorized what this all meant. Demitri felt Maalik had connections in Santeem under her given name, Zarqaa Massoud.   Chaka consulted with the party about providing the Great Leviathan painting to Al’phonas. Demitri suggested trading it for continued patronage.   In the late afternoon of 18 Adroth, Rulla sent Lord Lortuk to gather the Lightbringers. On the way, Chaka split Al’phonas’s gold with the party. Demitri asked Romsca to turn some of the coins into powder.   Lortuk said the crown may be willing to move against the Tarterian Traders now that the genasi’s actions were in the open. Lortuk was happy there was a group of adventurers on the task and to expect further contact. Demitri said, “If the genasi are pulling the crown’s strings, Lortuk, how long is it before we find ourselves at odds?”   The group discussed what next move would be best and chose Red Lake as priority, then they would cycle back to the ankheg nest.   At the Breakwater Keep they were brought before Nalt Oknar Rulla. Demitri informed her the genasi were running the Tarterian Traders.   As reward for their actions, the Lightbringers were given the Rill Priory and invited as guests of honor to the Champion’s Conquest festivities.   After the meeting, Demitri said, “I want to state my intention of wanting to fill the position of coinguard in this city. However, I find myself at a conflict of interest, because I think, as you know, I need to continue with the Lightbringers until this whole genasi business is finished.”   Rulla confirmed with Stuzrog and Labb, while Lortuk watched curiously. She said she’d look forward to learning more about his qualifications.


Adamski Sokolov

Demitri grew up under the tutelage of Adamski Sokolov, including "regimented tutoring and nonstop fencing lessons. At some point, Demitri fell out of favor of Sokolov for an unknown reason and the resources he had been provided were taken away.

Character Information

Notable Items

  • Signet ring: Given to Demitri by Assemblyman Asmik Makara, displaying the crest of the Makara family.
  • Platinum Ring: A ring given by Romsca, engraved with a rapier with a blue dust magical design.
  • Marble Charm Necklace: A necklace of polished marble charms given to Demitri by his mother, Zofi.
  • A set of fancy dress clothes purchased from Leka Fabrics. It consists of a leather and fur doublet accents with a shoulder pauldron and lion’s head pelt on either shoulder, with traditional orcish leather bracers and fingerless fur gloves accessories.
  • Lion's Fang: A finely crafted rapier made by Romsca. It is a folded steel rapier with a handguard, with one side of the blade repeatedly acid washed to a black color. The hilt is made of axe-breaker wood and the pommel cap is a gold lion's head.


  • "Is this what I've been reduced to? A fucking merc?" - 2.0.1
  • "If he tried these little games in the Santeem Republic, he'd get eaten alive. He can get away with this bullshit out here." - 2.2
  • "You have no idea the complicated web you left behind in Santeem. Although I doubt you intended it. You probably would have raised yourself from the dead just to stop it." - 2.3, said to the statue of Leo in Porgorag's Church of Zenethia.
  • "That's the problem with competent assholes. They're competent." - 2.3
  • "Listen, Zildri, I’ve got a lot of shit going on and this just triggered a lot of fucking shit for me. We can talk about it later, but now’s not the time." - 2.6
  • "Well I’m a mercenary. Give it to me." - 2.8, said to Romsca about the black box and green ring.
  • "In my time in Santeem, I've seen many leaders. Good leaders, and then shit leaders. I know the difference between the two. I don't want to see her be a shit leader." - 2.12
  • "I spent all of my life not knowing this other half of who I am." - 2.13
  • "I don’t think this is now something one person alone can carry." - 2.16
  • "We are ignorant of the things that are not taught to us." - 2.18
  • "We're going to learn a little lesson in politics today." - 2.22
  • "And what a life it was. Tasks of learning, of constantly trying to measure up, of being useful rather than loved. Yes, what a life indeed." - 2.26
  • "I’ve always wondered through all the teachings and schoolings and tasks and missions, how would my life have been different had I not been sold." - 2.26
  • "Don’t make me fulfill that promise." - 2.36
  • "The guy who’s paid to get rid of people who ask too many questions learns very quickly not to ask too many questions." - 2.37
  • "Tell the old man ‘Come and get me’. Better yet, tell him that Kugo, son of Nikita, sends his ill regards." - 2.37
2022 Character Art by K Bredain
Character Type
Player Character   Actor

Current Location
Date of Birth
5A 329
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2022 Character Art by K Bredain

2024 Character Art by Hero Forge, supplied by G.F.