
Fire Genasi Prophet of Regression

"First Durak, now you all. Adventurers keep getting in our way."
Maalik, also known as Zarqaa Massoud in the Santeem Republic, is a female genasi who appears in Azimuth Anthology: The Lost Vessel and in Azimuth Campaign Two. She is one of the Prophets of Regression seeking to bring about a cult following of the Primordial Elementals. She is an NPC played by M.B.   Maalik hired Durak Hamarhart, Corxim Loofallue, and "Lunchmoney" Snuggleshine, to retrieve the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring, she was expecting from the transport vessel, the Harolaud.   Later, she opposed the Lightbringers after they intercepted the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring.



Maalik is a tall and beautiful woman of dark, smooth, glowing skin and vibrant deep red hair that fades to a lighter orange as it reaches to her midback. There is a glowing light or heat that emanates from her. Her eyes are golden and fiery. She wears fine clothing and a long, black leather cloak that has a wide, oversized hood. On her hands she wore fine, black velvet gloves. She uses a deep red lipstick.   Her voice is deep and smooth. Though she is very comfortable speaking in Common, there is an element of it not being her first language.   As a member of the Prophets of Regression, she has a hand tattoo.


Maalik's demeanor was smooth, calm, and measured. Her speech was calm and confident. She displayed a knowledge of formality when Durak Hamarhart bowed deeply to her, returning the bow to him and easily matching the sincerity and depth of it.   She is observant and was able to quickly pick out details about others. She was seen to use this information to aid coercion and diplomacy attempts.   She seemed inclined to withhold information and only provide what was needed. She did not provide her real name to the Lost Vessel Seekers, and "Lunchmoney" Snuggleshine sensed that she was not providing the full details of the job she hired them for.   She is able to maintain her composure and articulate very well, even when frustrated or surprised. This was seen during her initial conversation with the Lightbringers, in contrast to Azariel's demenor.   She displayed a sense of unease with Beburos and a desire for revenge against her Patron.



At some point "decades ago" from 5A 352, Beburos appraoched Maalik and she joined the Prophets of Regression. Maalik brought money and connections to powerful figures and her Patron. Maalik felt unease towards Beburos, however this was soothed by someone she referred to as her Patron.   At some point, Maalik felt skepticism for Beburos' goal from her Patron. She suggested to instead use the Keys to undo the Severance and destroy the Severance Tear.   Eventually, the Prophets became the power running the Tarterian Traders from behind the scenes. They were the money and force behind the gathering power in the organization's guildhalls.   At some point prior to 5A 329, Maalik accompanied Adamski Sokolov to Frenor, where she modified the memory of Zofi. This led to Zofi selling her newborn child, Demitri, to Sokolov.   Around 5A 330, an untitled painting of Maalik and Nabat was created. The painting showed the two genasi as very close and familiar.   5A 351
On 7 Jeran 5A 351, Nabat passed through Porgorag on his way to Maalik in Port Haville.   In mid-Jeran 5A 351, the four Prophets headed north to the Leviathan Sea and defeated the Great Leviathan. Witnesses spoke of strong elemental spells in the Leviathan Sea before the waters went silent and calm. Maalik's journal said it took everything the four of them could provide. They claimed the Leviathan's Severance Key.   On 22 Jeran 5A 351, Maalik was seen with other genasi by Coinguard Gim Gorod as they passed through Porgorag and headed southwards.   On 2 Avedar 5A 351, four "interestingly colored" people were seen entering Red Lake. The Prophets used the Severance Key and caused an unexpected interaction with an elemental fount. Afterwards, Nabat was gone.   Beburos seemed unbothered by the setback, but there was a desire from Maalik to leave the Chamber of Titles, as it was too painful for her to be here. DUring her last research there, Maalik studied the remaining piece of the Severance Key and residuum.   At this time, Maalik felt that her Patron was responsible for what went wrong at Red Lake, and she blamed her Patron for Nabat's loss.   5A 352
In early Adroth 5A 352, a letter from Azariel indicated that Maalik had created a replica of the Severance Key: the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring.

Azimuth Anthology: The Lost Vessel

Maalik hired the Harolaud to transport the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring from the Santeem Republic to Endor, the First Mountain. It was scheduled to arrive Endor near to the end of Felim 5A 352 but it went missing before it arrived.   On 24 Felim 5A 352, Maalik hired the Lost Vessel Seekers to find the Harolaud and retrieve the item of importance it carried and deliver it to her.   They were successful in finding the lost ship in the Red Rocks bay, and they recovered the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. However, during their return travel to Endor, they decided to not give the item to Maalik without knowing its nature, as the item seemed powerful and dangerous.

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Session 0.1 - The Provideniye
At some point, Maalik recovered the green ring. On 9 Madaet 5A 352 at the Gate of the Maw, Arwin and Gertrude noticed Maalik leaving the black box containing the green ring with Cirro.  
Session 7 - Brawl for the Box
On 2 Adroth 5A 352, the party learned that Cirro's memory had been modified by Maalik. She had convinced Cirro to protect the black box and ensure it reached New Keeleon. The spell was removed from Cirro.  
Session 26 - Names, New and Old
On 12 Adroth 5A 352, the party learned that Zofi's memory had been modified by Maalik, leading to Demitri being sold as a newborn to Adamski Sokolov. The spell was removed from Zofi.  
Session 37 - Petals, Paintings, Pasts
On 16 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers activated the communication sigil in the Chamber of Titles. Azariel and Maalkk spoke with them.   When Maalik joined the conversation, she was somewhere in Endor, the First Mountain. She said, "Azariel, why are your people using the scry stones from my workshop?" She saw Chaka, and said, "You are not Azariel’s man, nor are you Nabat’s."   Maalik seemed to recognize Arwin and the rest of the group from the caravan. She said, "Gorod mentioned the caravaneers were trouble. This explains why the ring slipped through his hands. You need better men, Azariel."   She asked why they were trespassing. Maalik showed composed frustration as she slowly took in everyone’s faces. She said, “First Durak, now you all. Adventurers keep getting in our way.”   When Maalik looked at Mortimr, there was a flash of pink energy and petals around his eyes. Maalik reacted, stepping back. Urgently, Maalik asked Azariel, “Is the broken piece of the key in the workshop. She cannot have another one.” He replied it was not.   Maalik asked what they would like in exchange for the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. She said their group knew how much money was flowing in the Tarterian Traders. Arwin and Demitri began deriding their proposal flippantly.   Maalik seemed to recognize Demitri, calling him “Sokolov’s exiled brat”. She said that would be a good avenue to get some extra funds. Demitri said, “Tell the old man ‘Come and get me’. Better yet, tell him that Kugo, son of Nikita, sends his ill regards.”   Maalik and Azariel suddenly reacted and looked towards the earth gemstone of the network. With sudden meekness from both of them, Maalik said a quiet, “We’ll fix this,” and Azariel grunted an affirmation.   They both dropped from the communication and their stones went dark.



Maalik and Nabat appeared to have been very close. They seemed to have spent much time together in the research areas of the Chamber of Titles and the untitled painting of the pair showed them as very familiar with each other.   Maalik was so distraught after Red Lake and losing Nabat that it caused a schism between her and her patron.

Character Information


She hired Durak Hamarhart, Corxim Loofallue, and "Lunchmoney" Snuggleshine, to retrieve a lost item she was expecting from the transport vessel, the Harolaud. After their interactions with her and after the discovered more about the item she was seeking, the Lost Vessel Seekers decided to not return the green ring item to her.


  • An unsigned painting of Maalik and Nabat was found in the research room of the Chamber of Titles. It was dated to around 5A 330.

Notable Items

  • Blue glass cylinder containing a deep red licorice-colored lipstick
  • White silver hand mirror with the design of a sun on the back


  • "I am sure such details can be handled as we discuss your fee." - AA 02, said to Durak Hamarhart while hiring him.
  • "First Durak, now you all. Adventurers keep getting in our way." - 2.37
Character Type
Non-Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Current Location
Golden, fiery
Deep red fading to lighter orange, reaches midback
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark, smooth, glowing
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations