
Fulgyrtoff is a ruined stronghold of the lost Kingdom of Gimora located in the Crumbling Peaks. It had been a citadel that overlooked the southeastern stretches of Gimora, but it was abandoned after the Great War and has crumbled to ruin by the Fifth Age.


Fulgyrtoff was constructed in a great tuff cavern of the Crumbling Peaks. The cavern interior has many stalagtites of fulgurite, and there were large segments of collapsed and tumbled scree and rock.   Constructed fortifications protected the interior sections of Fulgyrtoff during sieges. By the Fifth Age, these fortifications had largely fallen to ruin.


The Third Age: The Age of Zenethia
During the Great War, Fulgyrtoff was greatly damaged by the sundering of Gimora. Though parts had collapsed or were buried in fallen scree, the defenses of the bastion stoof firm, and survivors from the regions near the Crumbling Peaks gathered at the stronghold for protection, including Edern Hamme.   The roving armies of Esturk, The World's End, beseiged the Gimoran army stationed at Fulgyrtoff. The stronghold stood for some time, allowing survivors to last until they were eventually rescued by Ruin, Wielder of the Zenethian Axe.  
The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
After the Great War, the crumbling damage continued to compound on the stronghold. By the Fourth Age, the eroding tuff and scree of the peaks made the settlement unlivable and it was lost to ruin.

Early Fourth Age

Dry River Desert   Continent
Gimora Minor   Plane
Material Plane