Ruin, Wielder of the Zenethian Axe

Human Fighter

Ruin was a human fighter who appeared in Azimuth Campaign One. He was an NPC played by M.B.   Ruin was one of the legendary Zenethian Champions that fought alongside Zenthai, The Dragon King during the Great War. She was the original wielder of the powerful Zenethian Axe.   In the late Fourth Age, Ruin was the parent of Rath, the Blackguard, one of the legendary Zenethian Heroes that would save the world against the dual threats of Esturk, The World's End and Psaro the Manslayer.



Depictions of Ruin show him as a middle-aged human. His dark hair was kept short and wild. He had short-cut facial hair in a beard and moustache. He often wore a red headband tied across his forehead to hold back his hair. His leather and chain armor was simple and unadorned.


Ruin seemed to display a great care for his homeland. He worked tirelessly to aid the fractured Kingdom of Gimora during the Fourth Age.   He showed a sense of discomfort with childcare. Though he cared for Rath, Ruin was somewhat inarticulate and showed a lack of knowledge on how to convey these feelings. Ruin would often let others speak for him.



Not much is known of the lives of the Zenethian Champions before Zenthai, The Dragon King, elevetated them in the fighting of the Great War. It is said that Ruin was a fighter of some reknown in the Kingdom of Gimora.

The Great War

In the late Third Age, Esturk, The World's End used the Power of Evolution and started the Great War. Unable to meet this threat alone, Zenthai, The Dragon King, chose six Champions from the races of Azimuth. These 6 received the direct blessing of the Dragon King, and from his own divine heart he forged six crystalline weapons of holy power. For Ruin, Zenthai forged the Zenethian Axe. With their strength and will to aid his own, Zenthai and his Champions brought the fight to Esturk’s forces across Azimuth.   At some point during the war, the roving armies of Esturk beseiged the Gimoran army stationed at Fulgyrtoff. The stronghold stood for some time, allowing survivors to last until they were eventually rescued by Ruin.   The greatest battle of the age occurred on the shores of Tarteria: The Battle of the Demons' Blood Marshes. During this battle, Zenthai carried his Champions westward and battled with Esturk, setting him to slumber beneath Tarteria.   Though the battle was won and the world persisted, the two greatest gods of Azimuth were shuttered from it and too weak to interact with their followers. As the Zenethian Champions set to the task of repairing this broken world, the light of both Zenethia, the Plane of Light, and Nadiria, the Plane of Darkness, faded, and so ended the Golden Age of Azimuth.

The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow

In the early Fourth Age, Ruin oversaw the budding kingdoms that were formed from the remnants of the Kingdom of Gimora. His work was crucial to the stablization of these lands.   At some point, Ruin hid the Zenethian Axe in Ruin's Temple in the Fire Spire Sands of Tarteria.   At some point, during fighting in the lands of Gardenbur, Ruin was slain.

Campaign One: The Zenethian Heroes

During his preparations for the next time Esturk would rise again, Zenthai paired with each of the Zenethian Champions to birth the Zenethian Children. On 24 Felim 4A 979, Ruin's descendant Rath was born in Hometown.   In 4A 995, when the Zenethian Children retreived one of the lost Zenethian Orbs, they were transported to the Eternity Stair in Zenethia, the Plane of Light. It was here they met Zenthai, as well as Ruin and Rita.   In 4A 996, Ruin would be present in Zenethia when Zenthai reforged the Zenethian Items and bestowed the title The Zenethian Heroes onto his progeny and their allies.   In late 4A 996 when the Zenethian Heroes reached the ruins of Gardenbur in Parthenia, they found a destroyed church to Zenethia. That night, they battled an echo of Ruin's anger that had been separated from him at his death by Angioletta, Wielder of the Zenethian Cloak. Ruin spoke to the Heroes through the Zenethian Orb to confirm this.


Angioletta, Wielder of the Zenethian Cloak

Ruin shared a close caring with Angioletta. She separated Ruin's anger at the time of his death in Gardenbur.

Character Information


  • Ruin aided in the establishment of several human kingdoms after the fall of Kingdom of Gimora: Branca, Burland, Konenbur, Cascada, and Gardenbur.

Notable Items


  • "Angioletta cured me. My uncontrolled rage was left behind with my death. As just and righteous as it was, it was a dark part of who I used to be." - said to the Zenethian Heroes in the ruins of Gardenbur
Character Type
Non-Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Current Location
Aligned Organization
Rath, the Blackguard