Edern Hamme

Human Ranger, Horizon Walker, Soldier

"Upon this task I will thusly set myself to."
Edern Hamme was a human ranger who appeared in Azimuth Anthology: Tournament of Champions. He was played by M.B.   Edern was a warrior of the Kingdom of Gimora during the Great War. Involved with the defense of Fulgyrtoff, he would join the military forces and campaign alongside the Zenethian Champions as they pushed back Esturk's forces. He would meet his end at the Battle of the Demons' Blood Marshes.   In the afterlife of Dynamia, the Plane of Strength, Edern proved himself to Barduumus, The Battlelord, and he was chosen to join Barduumus' champions.



Edern was a tall and strong human man. His shoulder-length hair, full beard, and mustache were blonde and unkempt. His skintone was somewhat tanned and haggard, and his eyes were hazel. Edern experienced a lifetime of war, and his expression was dour and tired or vacant.   The armor he wore seemed to be standard issue for his station, consisting of a long set of scale mail extending to the knees worn over leather padding. The metal was stained in places from blood and ichor.   He wore plaid pants and dark boots, with long leather straps that crossed over his calves. He had a segmented helmet with a nose and eye guard, and a long green cape with a furred hood.   On his waist were a number of small pouches and items attached to his belts, included an instrument crafted from a minotaur horn.   He wore a round metal shield on his back with holsters for his two battleaxes. When held in the holsters, the hafts of the weapons crossed over the shield, with the axe blades facing outwards from the shoulders.   Edern was capable of magic. His casting was by muttering the incantations under his breath. Much of his magic involved the summoning of, or his body taking on the form of, steel draconic features.


In life, Edern experienced much hardship and loss during the Great War, and this affected his worldview and outlook. These losses hardened Edern, but his experiences near the end of the war, especially with the efforts of the Zenethian Champions in reclaiming lost ground, seem to have returned some element of hope to him.   Edern had a strong hatred of Esturk, The World's End, and for the demon, gnoll, bugbear, and minotaur forces he commanded during the Great War.   Edern was very devoted to Barduumus, The Battlelord, and he attributed his strengths in battle to Barduumus' blessings.



At some point after the start of the Great War, Edern was born in the eastern sections of Gimora. The area of his family's home was once a riverside village, but after the splitting of the continent of Gimora, the region became known as the Dry River Desert, a place fallen to dry, craked earth and growing dust and sand.   Much of Edern's early life was greatly affected by the continued conflict and loss around him. His home village was destroyed by the changing environment and the demon and beastfolk armies, forcing his family and the other survivors to make the dangerous trek to the Fulgyrtoff stronghold in the Crumbling Peaks.   Though Fulgyrtoff was damaged from the splitting of the continent, it stood as a bastion against the demonic forces of Esturk, The World's End. It was here that the young Edern would become familiar with battle, war, and Barduumus, The Battlelord. Through a newfound devotion to the Dragon of Strength, Edern was given the chance to fight back against the forces set against him and his people.   Edern joined the Gimoran army of Fulgyrtoff and battled against the forces besieging the stronghold. Fulgyrtoff stood for some time during the Great War, allowing survivors to last until they were eventually rescued by Ruin, Wielder of the Zenethian Axe. Edern witnessed the Zenethian Champions and was inspired to join the allied armies of Azimuth as they began to reclaim Azimuth.   Edern became a skilled demon hunter. First in and around the fallen Kingdom of Gimora, and later in the Kingdom of Endor, Edern slew many demons in the battles of the war and hunted down the gateways and anchors holding the demons to the Material Plane.   Edern was part of the force that sailed towards Tarteria at the end of the war. Edern's ship survived the raising of the Radags and made landfall, and he fought in the Battle of the Demons' Blood Marshes. During the days of the battle, Edern witnessed the damage wrought by Zenthai, The Dragon King, and his Champions before they left the field towards Esturk.   Near the end of the battle, Edern was faced with six Galbrezu. Through the gifts granted by Barduumus, Edern was able to slay them all. But he could not avoid the damage from so many foes. He was overcome from his injuries and exhaustion, and Edern died in the marshes.

Azimuth Anthology: Tournament of Champions

After Edern's death, he reached Dynamia, the Plane of Strength. On the Infinite Battlefield, his soul spent many years fighting among the denizens of the plane.   In the fighting, Edern found a momentary peace as the last combatants near him were cut down. He sat on the ground and played a calm tune on his horn, until a great, rhythmic thumping of steel echoed across Dynamia.   A beam of bright light descended on Edern, transporting him to the Hall of Champions. As he gained his bearings, he saw he was joined by Daedra Sen, Karda Bloodfist Skullripper, Styrke, and Galaduath Valaran.   Edern asked if any of them knew why they had been brought here, but none did. They regarded the statues in the hall, and Edern recognized the depiction of Irina Ozero. He noted that Daedra did as well, and asked if she knew of her.   As they walked, they reached the end of the hall, where on a grand plinth stood Barduumus, The Battlelord. Upon seeing the Dragon, Edern kneeled.   Barduumus wanted new champions to fill his hall. The group was charged to fight in the Steel Soul Arena, and Barduumus transported them again.   After he told the group of the fight that awaited them, Edern said he would set himself to the task. He addressed Karda and asked if they would be allies or enemies in the fighting, and Karda responded they were not yet enemies.  
Round One
Beams of light brought forth wyvern riders and war drakes, and Edern rushed into battle.   Casting Haste on himself, Edern started to teleport back and forth to the Ethereal Plane to attack the riders. Though he was knocked out of the spell's effect, he recovered by summoning metal wings to protect him and was partially overcome with a draconic visage.   From their combined efforts, all the riders were cut down. With their victory, Barduumus congratulated them all and asked if they were ready for the next round. As the din of battle faded, they heard the approach of creaking wheels and the gnashing of metal scraping metal.  
Round Two
Digging up from the steel bottom of the arena, four dracotaurs armed with bows emerged. At the same time, moving through an opening of the outer walls, two steaming metal war machines piloted by kobolds chugged into the arena.   Edern charged in to attack the dracotaurs, getting blasted point blank by a lightning breath attack. Teleporting around, he moved to aid Styrke against multiple foes. The proximity meant he was stuck by a lightning arrow and a burst of magic from Styrke, which blinded Edern. Unable to see, he tried to hold the machine in place with tangling vines, but the spiked wheels tore the plant apart.   Once his eyesight was restored, his axes cut down the dracotaur and the last war machine, and the second round was won.  
Round Three
Barduumus looked down upon them, saying, “Perhaps I have gone too easy on you.” He slammed his tail and the ground began to rumble and shift, erupting in a field of weapon spikes. Edern jumped to the center glyph; then, flying celestial creatures descended from the sky in beams of bluish light.   Edern cast Haste and he and Karda battled the planatar in the central glyph, but Edern’s movement triggered a mental prison that locked him in the memory of his death battling against demons. Stuck in the lethargy of his spell, he recovered and faced the demons, taking major damage from the spell as he broke through as the last of the enemies were slain.   As the enemies dissolved into blue sparks, the solid steel ground returned. The group healed and recovered, and Edern cast a healing spell on Daedra, but all were starting to run out of resources.  
Round Four
Barduumus called for the next round, and a mithril wyvern crashed like a meteor into the arena. As the dust settled, they heard the movement of the arena’s statues as they animated and also stepped into the field.   Edern quickly tried to assist with powerful magic, but the wyvern was too powerful to be affected. With attacks from the group cutting into the creature, Edern delivered the final blow.   As the wyvern dissolved in blue sparks, he rushed to aid Daedra, but he forgot of the statues ominously approaching. The battle was still on, and the glyph activated, hitting him with a Fireball spell. He reached Daedra and cast a healing spell, bringing her back from the brink.   The group charged at the statues that remained. They had a magnetic energy to them, and Edern’s weapon was pulled from his grasp. They crumbled all four statues to ruin, and the fourth round was won.  
Round Five
From the sky, a massive archangel entered the arena. A single, massive eye suspended in the rings regarded the group. Silently, it expanded its many wings and began to attack.   As Karda held it firmly in place, the angel summoned haladron obelisks. Edern tried to fight them, but his attacks were ineffective. As the angel killed Daedra and was invigorated with vitality, Edern realized they could not defeat the celestial.   Turning on the rest of them, Galaduath cast Hold Person on Edern, then shot arrows into him. As the elf was blasted by the angel, the spell broke and Edern regarded him, saying, “The way of thine magic is unknown to me, elf, as the dark half of sweet Meridi. We shall see how is the brave warrior on the field to earn the favor of our watching Dragon and who is to be a coward so named, avoiding honorable combat.”   Edern attacked the angel and used his last spell to close the distance to Galaduath. They both turned to see the archangel hover towards them, and with razor sharp wings it attacked Galaduath. He fell into an array of elven blood and blue sparks, and only Edern remained.  
After Battle
Looking down at the last standing warrior, Barduumus said, “Right! Edern, you have earned your place in the Hall of Champions. I know this was but a wee test of what is to come, for Esturk will rise again. I fear your time fighting demons is long, long from over.” Edern replied, thanking Barduumus for his belief to aid in his endeavor to prepare for this next war.   The wall of the arena shifted and opened. Within was brilliant blue light showing a great feasting table. Edern thought to himself that in a different life, he might have been one of the bards his homeland was once famous for. He looked forward to hearing the stories the other champions awaiting him could tell, and he went inside.

Character Information


After the Battle of the Demons' Blood Marshes, Gimoruk was founded to begin the long process of recovery and accounting for all those lost. The settlement was named in honor of an unknown warrior of the Kingdom of Gimora found among the slain, dissolving bodies of a half dozen Glabrezu.   Though the warrior's name was unknown, the manner of his death was similiar to the way Edern died in the battle.

Notable Items

  • Ufaníren, the God-steel Axe: a shining steel axe of bright, slate-colored metal, with an engraved and ornate handle. The head of the axe has rigged detailing in layers on it, like a wave of jagged swords.
  • Deofolíren, the Demon-steel Axe: a much rougher looking weapon in a similar design, however the haft and head of the axe is stained black like an oil slick.


  • "Upon this task I will thusly set myself to." - AA 04.1
  • "This be not the first time I have faced this many enemies at once. Indeed, was such a way that I met my fate, drakes!" - AA 04.1
  • "The enemies we face are severe and I know not whether this be wisdom or folly. You be a frightening warrior, and I wish to continue facing things alongside you, not against you." - AA 04.2, said to Daedra Sen before healing her.
  • "The way of thine magic is unknown to me, elf, as the dark half of sweet Meridi. We shall see who is the brave warrior on the field to earn the favor of our watching Dragon and who is to be a coward so named, avoiding honorable combat." - AA 04.2, said after he was shot by Galaduath Valaran.
2024 Character Art by Hero Forge, supplied by M.B.
Character Type
Player Character   Actor

Current Status
44 (at time of death)
Date of Birth
3A 2048
Date of Death
Days after 19 Adroth 3A 2092
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
2024 Character Art by Hero Forge, supplied by M.B.