
Goblins are a race of goblinoids found on Azimuth. Though goblins are somewhat common, they are a relatively weak and unsophisticated race.



Goblins are small humanoid creatures. Their eyes vary from red to yellow, have a wide mouth and pointed ears, and their skin ranges in color from shades of green and brown to reds and yellows.


Goblins stand between 3 and 4 feet tall and weigh between 40 and 80 pounds.   Goblins reach adulthood at age 8 and live up to 60 years.


Early history and supposed creation

Like most races, they were formed in the Age of Creations. Goblins were created by dark aligned gods, and though the Severance has separated them from their creators, some have their minds clouded by the echoes of this origin. These goblins are more monstrous and dangerous – their purpose of bringing battle to other living things echoing through the ages. However, many goblins do not share this same fate, through luck or some other fortune in the path of their race they cannot say.


Goblins occupy an uneasy place in a dangerous world. The civilized people of the world consider goblins to be nothing more than monsters, and in many ways, they're right. Some goblin tribes do raid and pillage to survive and lash out at any creatures they believe they can bully, and as a result all goblinkind bear the prejudices brought on by such actions.   Goblins know they are a weak, unsophisticated race that can be easily dominated by bigger, smarter, more organized, more ferocious, or more magical creatures. They form small tribal groups and do their best to evade the vigilant eye of the armies of the other races nearby. Goblins tend to look out for themselves, preferably without drawing unwanted attention from any larger and more powerful people.   However, those goblin tribes that still align with their darker, more violent tendencies often raid and attack small farmsteads, traders, or travelers, using beasts and wolves to supplement their numbers. Farmers and folk in rural regions take special precautions against such goblin raids, and kill goblins on sight as if they were marauding animals, and the armies of such regions may seek to purge them from their lands. With goblins treated as little better than vermin throughout Azimuth, any citizen strong enough to wield a pitchfork can be a threat in their own right.   Even goblins not under these dark influences are hard-pressed to overcome the fears of rural folk. By contrast, city dwellers are rarely exposed to goblin raiders, and though they might react with suspicion and fear when seeing a goblin on the street, most are more accepting of the notion that not all goblins are evil in places like Endor, Santeem, and Konenbur.

Goblins in Gimora Major

In the lands of Branca, the Kingdom of the South, bestial races are incredibly rare due to the laws of the land allowing the hunting and killing of races like goblins.

Goblins in Tarteria

The largest populations of goblin tribes can be seen in Tarteria. The Western Valley has many tribes of goblins living on the coast of Green Metal Bay. There is a primarily goblinoid city on the coast, Goliin Hiid, where a settlement has formed out of those undesirables of Tarteria with nowhere else to go. Goblins can also be seen rarely along the Orc Highway in small bands or with larger groups of other races, rural orcs do treat them with suspicion.   Some goblins can be found forced into the legions of the Hobgoblin Khanate in the south, forced to fight in battles at spearpoint.   In addition to these, more monstrous goblins do plague the areas of Tarteria as well, raiding the many traders and travelers along the major roads and the homesteads and farms of rural locations like Gimoruk and Pygara.
Humanoid   Subtype
Goblinoid   Size
Small   Age of Adulthood
Around 8   Lifespan
Around 60 years   Average Height
Between 3 to 4 feet   Average weight
Between 40 and 80 pounds   Skin color
Shades of green that can range into browns and tans   Planes
Material Plane   Primary Locations
  • Goliin Hiid