Night of Recounting

The Night of Recounting is a spring holiday in Azimuth. It is celebrated yearly on 24 Magan. It is known as a solitary night of making amends for lies told.


The Night of Recounting is the holy day of Morounin, The Learned-Lady. For most in Azimuth, this holiday is observed by making amends for lies told in one's past, often as a symbol of the importance of truth and facts.   For some zealous followers of the Goddess of Knowledge, however, these "amends" are taken to an extreme, where confessions are extracted from those unwilling to admit to their falsehoods.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
On 24 Magan 5A 351, Coinguard Gim Gorod was given a prophecy involving the upcoming Santeem Republic aid caravan by the hobgoblin dancer, Meena. Afterwards, Meena was taken away by her sister, Naran.
Date of Holiday
24 Magan