
Hobgoblin Fortune Teller

"There is an aura about you all, that connects you, of silvery-white light..."
Naran is a hobgoblin fortune teller who appears in Azimuth Campaign Two. She is an NPC played by M.B.



Naran is a young, tall hobgoblin woman. Her skin tone is dark, like a brick red. Her hair is dyed white and kept in many thin braids or dreads held in one ponytail. Pinned in her hair are dozens of white feathers tipped in crimson making a thick plumage behind her.
  On her stoic face are teal blue tattoos, like chevrons above and below her eyes and down under her chin. She has two long earrings of many multicolored beads and her single poncho-like dress of sandy and blue colors leads down over a simple faded fabric pants and cloth shoes.
  When under the affects of her visions, her eyes become covered with a silver light and she appears to lose sight temporarily.


She is reserved and often quiet. However, she shows a fervor and pull when she is affected by her visions.
  Naran has said these visions are granted to her by the Goddess of Knowledge. She cannot control them and they occur most often when she is under stress.
  The prophecies appear to take much energy from her and she often faints if the visions continue for long periods. She does not retain memory of the prophecies she gives.



At some point before 5A 352, Naran and her sister, Meena, left the Hobgoblin Khanate northwards to follow Naran's visions and the pulling of the light which drew her. They arrived at Porgorag and were taken in by Matriarch Eval of Cardinal Desires. Since then, the twins have rarely left the facility.
  On 24 Magan 5A 351, Naran's sister Meena gave an unexpected prophecy to Coinguard Gim Gorod. After, Naran took her sister away to recover. After this time, Gim Gorod showed a seeming obsession with Meena.

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Session 6 - Strings of Prophecies
On 2 Adroth 5A 352, Demitri and Mortimr came to speak with Matriarch Eval at Cardinal Desires. They spoke of Coinguard Gim Gorod and his interactions with Naran and her sister, Meena.
  During the conversation, Naran became more and more unfocused and was drawn to Demitri and Mortimr. She reached out to Demitri and there was a spark of silver glow, and she began speaking prophecies. When she attempted to connect with Mortimr, a pink spark from Mortimr shot back, burning Naran’s hand.
  Later that day, the party gathered at Cardinal Desires. Naran was drawn to the gathered group and the energy she felt from them. She spoke prophecies to them all. As she spoke, the silver energy continued to pull through her as she turned to each party member in turn. The energy filled the room and above each of them, silvery-white light appeared above them. As she continued to talk to them all, these lights spread and connected to each of the eight of them, like strings of light woven in a web.
  After, the energies then broke and dissipated. Naran fainted and the light faded. Romsca caught her and asked Meena where she may take her. Meena led Romsca to the backrooms to a simple bed. Naran was feverish and seemingly ill. Romsca cast Cure Wounds on her, but there was an additional affect that came through her spell. A metallic silver energy ran down Romsca’s arm and into Naran, and with it Naran’s breathing calmed as she slept.
Session 16 - Planting Seeds, Parting Gifts
In the morning of 4 Adroth 5A 352, Romsca sent two letters to Cardinal Desires via Cinis. One was addressed to Meena and the other to Naran.
Naran, I hope you are well after our meeting. Should you ever need assistance and I am around you may come to me for help. I hope the gift you have stops being a burden for you, Speaker for Morounin. I too feel a burden but it is nowhere near the same. For such an ability from the same goddess I found, I feel much like you, we were supposed to meet. Please let me know if you or your sister ever need anything.
- Romsca of the Hands of Ore


  • "There is an aura about you all, that connects you, of silvery-white light..."
  • "Something has drawn you all here, and something has drawn me to you. I wish to find what that could be."
Character Type
Non-Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Current Location