Coinguard Gim Gorod

Human Treasurer

"Taxes are the price we all pay..."
Coinguard Gim Gorod is a human treasurer for the city of Porgorag who appears in Azimuth Campaign Two. He is an NPC played by M.B.



Gim Gorod is a tall human man somewhere in his sixties. He skin is pale and well taken care of. There are hints of wrinkles shown as crows feet and forehead lines. His graying hair is wavy, short cut, and swept backwards. He has a short, salt and pepper goatee.   He is seen to be well-dressed. He has a fancy, tailored cream shirt. He wears a lapel pin with the symbol of his station. He has a white ruffled ascot and a gray half-cape over his right shoulder. He wears thin cut pants and polished boots. He carries a thin black walking stick which has a golden handle.   He wears a number of fancy rings, some of which are signet rings. Demitri noted he was not wearing a wedding ring.


Gim Gorod is a charismatic, smooth-talking businessman. His speech is measured and reserved, and he is skilled at wording his answers to questions so as to not reveal much. Borscha Brickwell described Gim Gorod, saying, "his business acumen is pretty good, but he's a bit skeezy."   Gim Gorod seemed to like involving himself in the goings-on of Porgorag, and he showed knowledge of a lot of the business in town. This was shown by his familiarity with the 5A 352 Santeem Republic aid caravan and the sourcing of the carriages for it. Borscha said, "he likes to keep aware of what's going on."   Gim Gorod was also described as a bit of a womanizer, and seemed to not have the best relationship with Warguard Ghuzzakk, son of Ugral. When the party spoke with the Warguard, he said, "If you're seeking the Coinguard, I would check for loose panties in Westfield." Matriarch Eval said he seemed to believe his money could provide him benefits not available to others. He had been banned from Cardinal Desires for his obsesive pursuit of Meena.



At some point, Gim Gorod was appointed as Coinguard of Porgorag, presumably by Oknar Jod. By 5A 352, he had served faithfully for several years, earning Oknar Jod's praise.   On 24 Magan 5A 351, Gorod received a fortune from Meena, and he began aggressively pursuing her.   On 7 Jeran 5A 351, Gorod met with a genasi man at Cardinal Desires, which was witnessed by Meena. Gorod is given leave to pursue securing the Santeem Republic aid caravan for the Hands of Ore guild.   On 22 Jeran 5A 351, Gorod noted the group of genasi came back through Porgorag. This was the first time Gorod had seen "the grim one". This was also the last time Gorod saw Nabat in person.   On 31 Jeran 5A 351, Gorod was banned from Cardinal Desires for his interactions with Meena. At some point after this, he purchased a Hat of Disguise from Cloak and Trident.   On 2 Avedar 5A 351, Gorod and the other city officials were called away from the Dragonfall celebrations by Godsguard Ankhan, daughter of Audeh. She reported that she felt a blocking of Chedae, The Heaven's Light.   On 4 Madaet 5A 352, Gorod received a message from Azariel, indicating that Nabat was "gone" and the aid caravan needed to be secured. He started to interfere with the Darksteel Foundry.   By 17 Madaet 5A 352, Gorod noted in his journal that "All the carriages in town have been removed, bought, or occupied."   On 28 Madaet 5A 352, Gorod received a report from the owner of Cloak and Trident that some magical ingredients had been stolen.

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Session 2 - Searching for Carriages
In the late afternoon of 1 Adroth 5A 352, the Coinguard met with Warguard Ghuzzakk at the Yellow Quay. They discussed the military orders that had come in from the capital, which directed a portion of the city's garrison southwards. Gim Gorod assured Ghuzzakk that he had arranged "additional forces from New Keeleon" to replace them. This conversation was overheard by Mortimr Gwathagoldrin. After this meeting, Gim Gorod left the Yellow Quay and was rejoined by four bodyguards.   After leaving the Yellow Quay, the Coinguard was approached by Chaka and Mortimr, and soon by Gertrude, Demitri, and Romsca as well.   During the conversation, Gim Gorod seemed evasive in his answers. He showed a concern that the Hands of Ore were running into issues with the aid caravan. When Chaka asked if the Coinguard would accompany them to the Quayside Stables to sort this out, he declined as he had “business elsewhere”. As they talked, he avoided eye contact with Mortimr Gwathagoldrin after he put on a lapel pin with the symbol of the Tarterian Traders.   Late that evening, Mortimr saw Gim Gorod enter the Oknar Offices and later leave once more. As the Coinguard left back to the city, Mortimr followed after.  
Session 3 - Guildhalls and Churches
In the evening of 1 Adroth 5A 352, Mortimr followed Coinguard Gim Gorod to his residence in Grupe’s Row. He heard conversation inside, but he was unable to get close enough to hear the words. After midnight, he saw Gim Gorod’s bodyguards leave. An hour or so later, Mortimr saw another figure, a young half-orc man, leave the residence. Mortimr followed him towards Westfield.  
Session 11 - Porgorag's Light
In the morning of 3 Adroth 5A 352, Arwin and Mortimr noticed Gim Gorod enter the Hero Hunters Facility with Coletta.  
Session 12 - Connections
The party learned that Gim Gorod met with Haugon during this time, however Haugon said the meeting was not fruitful.   In Second Square, the party saw Gim Gorod leaving the Hero Hunters Facility. Mortimr walked directly towards him, and the Coinguard noticed him and the group before hurriedly leaving in a different direction. Ilmendwyth noticed him grab a key of some kind from his pocket as he left.  
Session 15 - Snakes and Smokescreens
In the evening of 3 Adroth 5A 352, Gim Gorod went in dusguise to the Glistening Hog Tavern after receiving a written message left for him at his home. He had paid coins to many civilians from Westfield and convinced them to enter the tavern around the time of this meeting, which caused a large crowd to gather inside.   Gim Gorod talked with Mortimr in a rented room and discussed his actions as a Tarterian Traders mole, his connections with the genasi, and his efforts to secure the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring.   During the conversation, Mortimr threatened Meena, and the Coinguard attempted to flee. He was attacked and captured by the party, who turned him over to Watchguard Inzun. Gim Gorod was brought to the holding area of the Oknar Offices.  
Session 16 - Planting Seeds, Parting Gifts
In the morning of 4 Adroth 5A 352, Arwin came to the Oknar Offices. He asked Inzun if he could speak with Gim Gorod, and she led them to the cell he was held in. Arwin asked him, “What was the purpose of all this?” Gorod said nothing.   Arwin then took out a small seed from a pouch around his neck and set it on the ground. Arwin said, “My cousin told me something once. He said, ‘Don’t be just part of the problem, be the whole problem,’” and he left. Before Gorod had the chance, Inzun took the seed from the ground.  
Session 36 - The Chamber of Titles
On 16 Adroth 5A 352, Sir Talmid said, “Gim Gorod mentioned something about a pesky fucking gnoll!” This was presumably sometime after Gorod first met Romsca on 1 Adroth.


Warguard Ghuzzakk, son of Ugral

Gim Gorod and Ghuzzakk did not appear to have a positive relationship. During conversation overheard by Mortimr Gwathagoldrin, there was a tension between them and the Warguard seemed upset by the overstepping of Gim Gorod. Gim Gorod said later that he would not want to get on Ghuzzakk's bad side. Ghuzzakk was also willing to tell the party that if they were seeking the Coinguard to "check for loose panties in Westfield."

Character Information

Notable Items

  • Letter: Gim Gorod's office had a letter addressed to him from Azariel. This letter was taken from the office by Arwin.
  • Hat of Disguise: Gim Gorod had a Hat of Disguise which he had purchased at Cloak and Trident, which he used to stalk the hobgoblin dancer, Meena. This was taken from hm by Romulus and handed over to Watchguard Inzun as evidence of his crimes.


  • "I simply wish this goes off without a hitch." - 2.2
  • "Taxes are the price we all pay for the safety and security of our military forces." - 2.2
  • "I never trust that I'm alone." - 2.15
Character Type
Non-Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
Around 5A 290
Ruled Locations