Plane of Water

The Plane of Water is one of the Elemental Planes of Azimuth. It is connected through the Material Plane with at least a few founts across the world.


The Inner Elemental Planes surround and enfold the Material Plane and its echoes, providing the raw elemental substance from which the world was made at the start of the Age of Creations. The four Elemental Planes – Air, Earth, Fire, and Water – form a ring around the Material Plane, which in turn is suspended within the churning Elemental Chaos.   The Plane of Water is an endless sea, dotted here and there with atolls and islands that rise up from enormous coral reeds that seem to stretch forever into the depths.

Connections to the Material Plane

The Shrine of Breaking Waves

The Plane of Water connects with the Material Plane at The Shrine of Breaking Waves. The shrine was built of ice and water and defended by a number of Water Elementals. Before the final shrine, a thin bridge of ice crossed a deep chasm and waterfalls poured on either side of it. To the Zenethian Heroes, these waterfalls appeared to fall forever.

Red Lake

A large lake in the Desecrated Hills region of Tarteria, which is said to be where the first orcs are from. The lake is believed to contain an elemental fount to the Plane of Water.


The First Age: The Age of Creations
At the beginning, from the Elemental Planes came a pouring of energies, and thus the world was formed in masses of water, earth, wind, and fire. Matter took shape in this primordial time and the newborn world was crafted at the will of these roiling and tumultuous energies.   When the first gods came to this place and made their creations, the Primordials battled against them. When they were defeated, the Primordials retreated back to the elemental planes through the rifts that connected to the Material Plane.
Plane of Existence