The Shrine of Breaking Waves

In the late Fourth Age, the Shrine of Breaking Waves was a large cave system formed behind a waterfall on the coast of the Parthenian Sea in the Wild Lands. The Zenethian Hook and Chain remained hidden here by Porgorag until it was recovered by Grupe, the Monster Hunter.   The Plane of Water connects with the Material Plane at the Shrine of Breaking Waves.


The shrine was built of ice and water and defended by a number of Water Elementals. Many icy stalagmites had formed, and the surface of the cavern floor throughout the cave system was made of relatively thin ice that could be broken with sufficient force, leading to dark water below.   Before the final shrine, a thin bridge of ice crossed a deep chasm and waterfalls poured on either side of it. To the Zenethian Heroes, these waterfalls appeared to fall forever.

Porgorag's Temple

The shrine created by Porgorag was a sizeable room with a large Zenethian symbol on the central floor. A number of metal grates covered the design, where water could flow freely into resevoirs in the symbol.   To the front of this, an elevated platform spanned between two large statues. The left statue held a pitcher and a sword, and an engraving on it read "I hold the task". The right statue held a Zenethian symbol effigy and a mace, and an engraving on it read "I hold the answer".   On the raised platform was a dais with a keyhole formed to fit a dagger. Behind this was a sealed doorway with the message "Only the child of Porgorag may pass". Behind this door was a small room with a weapon stand where the Zenethian Hook and Chain was found.


The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
At some point in the early Fourth Age, Porgorag left the Zenethian Hook and Chain at this Shrine.   In 4A 995, the Zenethian Heroes battled several elementals at the Shrine and recovered the Zenethian Hook and Chain.
Cave System
Wild Lands   Continent
Gimora Minor   Plane
Material Plane