Unity in Freedom, July 31st

United, We Stand

by Penny Nelvis
Farafield, 8:06am
  Miltary forces from multiple states of the T'waran Weave have pushed back Skanian aggression after a unified effort began earlier this month in response to the capture of the New Skani capital of Farafield. New Skani forces continued to push Westward with the assistance of other Weave members, successfully retaking all of their original land by the end of the month. "Our imperialist neighbors wanted to test the strength of the bond of solidarity we have formed with others across the world," commented Edeltraudt Kecskes, head of the New Skani Department of Defense, "consider it tested and strong. I only wish they could have had their answer without such a cost in human lives." Following the successful campaign, Weave forces have begun to coordinate an exit strategy, however a number of personnel in both the New Skani Army and allied forces remain missing in action.  

Ecological Disasters Continue in Kapwa's Wake

In the months following the fall of Kapwa Station, extreme weather and tectonic activity continues to plague the greater Tchakoni region, with recorded effects now spreading outwards past Kiwan. Hurricanes, floods and extreme tidal activity have caused the total destruction of at least 13 different coastal settlements, with others facing shortages in power and clean drinking water. Government officials in these regions call out to members of the T'Waran Weave for aid. "We are not Caldaraan." reports Luciean Tapanes, mayor of the Kiwanese village of D'Kemba. "We have never bothered them, and we never asked for them to bring their problems here. My wife is sick, and cannot recieve medicine, because of something that happened in a land I have never set foot on. I only pray that those who have done this to us will have it in their hearts to make it right." In spite of these reports, sources indicate members of the T'Waran Weave, as well as independent charity organizations, such as the Ju'ri Land and Orbital Relief Channels, continue to respond to more than 60% of affected areas. More on this story as it develops.

Olorunites Carve Out Vi'Taran Resistance

Tuesday marked the final surrender of Imperial forces loyal to House Vi'Tara, all of whom were either captured or converted by the Congregation of OLORUN by the conflict's end. The tense back-and-forth conflict, which had lasted as a stalemate for nearly two years, was broken within the span of a month as supplementary forces from House Za'Jada, Za'Kada and Za'Ashva arrived under the leadership of Lilphia Za'Kana and her companion NHP AGEMO, quickly cutting short any remaining Vi'Taran resistance. While the conflict began as a difference in religious beliefs, more than half of the remaining Vi'Taran military requested to surrender to AGEMO personally, in an act of religious reverance. With their total defeat on the islands, House Vi'Tara has been completely dissolved by their rivals, integrating any who were not exiled or executed.  

The Karrakin Stranglehold on Conventional Industry, and How it Affects You

With today marking the third week of total market dominance by the House of Coals in the field of industrial manufacturing, many small businesses are more reliant than ever on printing technology to keep themselves running. With this recent uptick in production, cars, guns, homes and even mechanized chassis have seen a massive upturn in production and sale by the Karrakin nobility, causing those in less developed areas across the region to buy in or close shop, but it doesn't need to be that way. Here are 8 ways you and your community can come together to ensure your family, and your work, survives this huge economic swing.  

Hakaran Navy: Boast or Threat?

With priting and conventional manufacturing facilities across Hakara churning out an unprecedented number of naval vessels in the past month, political and military commentators are debating whether this gesture is merely a display of strength, or the first step in a cross-continental invasion. The newly-christened Royal Vi'Saan Aquatic Navy is comprised of 37 vessels, all with a contingent of marines, aircraft, and mechanized chassis, but when questioned during the christening event Colonel Karaman Morvaka Bracamonte III insisted that the fleet was developed purely in the interest of national defense and with "no intended target." With global tensions continuing to rise in the past months, only time will tell whether this remains the case.


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