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The land of Barovia was once a peaceful idyllic valley, a slice of heaven to those who knew of its existence before Strahd. However, this peace was shattered upon the arrival of STRAHD VON ZAROVICH and his armies. These lands, nestled in the shadows of the Balinok Mountains, were the final territories to fall to the conquering campaign of bloodshed that Strahd undertook after his father's death, desperate to create his own legacy.   That land is not the same as the realm that exists now; a demiplane, the Domain of Dread. It exists thanks to the power of Strahd's mind and no one is free to enter or leave of their own will. A deadly fog, the MISTS OF RAVENLOFT surround the lands and ensure that everyone remains a prisoner. Only the VISTANI seem free to come and go as they please.   Native BAROVIANS, terrorised by Strahd's oppression, can be found in these key geographical features:
"My army settled into the valley of Barovia and took power over the people in the name of a just god, but with none of a god's grace or justice"
Tome of Strahd
BAROVIA Base Map Image


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