Brother Galad

3rd Son Galadian Jaom (a.k.a. Brother Galad)

Brother Galad Jaom, hailing from the cliffside city of Thunderstone in the Epochian Span, is a devout cleric of Boccob who has ascended through the ranks of the Seventh Seal to become the esteemed Third Son.   Born into a family of sailors, Galad grew up amidst the crashing waves and towering cliffs of Thunderstone, a city known for its seafaring traditions and proximity to the stormy seas. From a young age, Galad displayed a deep reverence for knowledge and a strong spiritual connection to the divine. His innate curiosity and thirst for wisdom led him to seek deeper understanding of the mysteries of the cosmos and the divine order.   Ten years ago, Galad made the fateful decision to leave Thunderstone and journey to the Bastion of Ascendence. Drawn by the profound teachings and ancient wisdom preserved within the walls of the Bastion, he sought to further his spiritual growth and serve a higher purpose. Galad's unwavering dedication and commitment to his faith quickly caught the attention of the leaders within the Seventh Seal.   With his exceptional knowledge of the arcane arts and profound connection to Boccob, Galad swiftly rose through the ranks of the organization. His tireless devotion to studying ancient texts, performing intricate rituals, and offering guidance to fellow members earned him respect and admiration among his peers. Recognizing his potential, the First Son appointed Galad as the Third Son, representing the god Boccob within the Seventh Seal.   As the Third Son, Brother Galad Jaom embraces his role with utmost humility and dedication. He is responsible for overseeing rituals, ceremonies, and practices associated with Boccob, guiding the members of the Seventh Seal in their pursuit of divine enlightenment. Galad's deep understanding of the arcane arts, combined with his unwavering faith, allows him to bridge the gap between the mortal realm and the divine, helping others navigate the intricacies of magic and spirituality.   Brother Galad's presence within the Seventh Seal is marked by his serene demeanor and unyielding commitment to upholding the teachings of Boccob. He is known for his insightful interpretations of ancient texts, his ability to unravel complex arcane mysteries, and his willingness to offer counsel and support to those in need. Galad's journey from Thunderstone to the Bastion of Ascendence stands as a testament to his unwavering determination to seek higher truths and his unrelenting pursuit of divine knowledge.   In the hallowed halls of the Bastion, Brother Galad Jaom, the Third Son of the Seventh Seal, stands as a beacon of wisdom and a conduit between mortals and the divine. His unwavering devotion to Boccob and his role within the organization serve as an inspiration to those who seek enlightenment and strive to maintain the delicate balance between magic and the greater cosmic order.
Current Location
Year of Birth
558 CY 38 Years old
Aligned Organization
Last Bastion Homepage

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