Cities and Economies in the Span

Demographics of the Span

The Epochian Span covers an area of Epochian Span covers an area of 30 thousand square miles. Of this, 37% (11 thousand sq. miles) is arable land, and 62% (18 thousand sq. miles) is wilderness.


The kingdom of Epochian Span has a total population of 1.4 million people. The The Metropolis of Epoch has a population of 80 thousand citizens, Eldergate is the second largest 24,000. The main cities below contain around 15% of the Spans population. The remaining population is comprised of Elfholme the North, with nearly 15,000, Agem Orshen with nearly 10,000 dwarves, and the rest remaining population lives in numerous small towns, isolated villages, etc.   Goblinoids, orcs, and other evil races are not counted in this population but are theorized to total 400,000 in total. Orcs being the most populous.    
Name Town Size Population GP Limit Total Wealth
Arcurolis Large City 21,000 40,000 42,000,000
Driftwood Small City 9,500 15,000 7,125,000
Eldergate Large City 24,500 40,000 49,000,000
Emberhold Small Town 1,700 800 68,000
Frostfall Small City 7,500 15,000 5,625,000
Goldcrest Large Town 4,100 3000 615,000
Hatchberry Villiage 450 200 4,500
Ironclad Small City 9,000 15,000 6,750,000
Laketown Large Town 3500 3000 525,000
The Metropolis of Epoch Metropolis 80,000 100,000 400,000,000
Moonstone Small City 5,500 15,000 4,125,000
Mystwall Large Town 4,500 3000 675,000
Rosewood Large Town 4,000 3000 600,000
Silverhaven Large City 19,000 40,000 38,000,000
Sunhaven Large Town 2,500 3000 375,000
Sunnyvale Small Town 1,100 800 44,000
Thunderstone Small City 10,300 3000 645,000
Vespera Large Town 3,300 3000 495,000
Willow Creek Large Town 3,000 3000 450,000
Windermere Large Town 2,700 3000 405,000

Gold Piece Limit

The gold piece limit is the maximum market price that can be found on items in the town. Anything over that price is considered to be out of their means. A player can look around for a magical item within that means in the town. If it's within the towns means, they have a 50% chance of having that on hand, and it generally takes between 1 to 4 hours to locate. If it's within the GP Limit, but the player cannot find it, they can request that the vendor get the item, which takes 2-12 days. The item can be shipped per the fastest route of travel for a 2% travel fee, and there is a 1% chance of the item being lost in transit thanks to the dangers of the road. In such a case, the item is non refundable.   Cities and Surrounding Area
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