Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan

Born in the bustling city of Epoch, Tama's early life took a sudden turn when he was abandoned in the nearby woods as a helpless child. Left to fend for himself, he quickly learned to adapt and survive in the wilderness, developing a deep connection with nature and a profound understanding of the world around him.   During his precarious childhood, Tama's path intersected with that of the legendary forest dweller known as Midday Glen. This enigmatic figure, with a reputation for being in harmony with the wild and possessing extraordinary knowledge of the natural world, recognized Tama's resilience and potential. Impressed by the young child's resourcefulness and affinity for the creatures of the forest, Midday Glen took Tama under their wing as an apprentice.  

Midday Glen

Under Midday Glen's tutelage, Tama honed his skills as a survivalist, delving into the secrets of the wilderness and developing an intimate bond with the flora and fauna that surrounded him. Midday Glen taught him the ways of the forest, from identifying edible plants to constructing shelter and navigating treacherous terrains. Tama's understanding of the natural world grew exponentially, and he became an expert at tracking, hunting, and living off the land.  

Early Life and Training

Throughout his upbringing, Tama developed an unwavering love and reverence for nature. He saw the interconnectedness of all living beings and felt a deep responsibility to protect and preserve the delicate balance of the ecosystem. This deep-rooted connection led him to advocate for the conservation of wildlife and the sustainable use of natural resources.   As Tama grew into adulthood, he ventured beyond the confines of the woods, carrying the knowledge and wisdom imparted to him by Midday Glen. With his expert survival skills, he embarked on journeys through vast wildernesses, exploring uncharted territories and encountering diverse ecosystems. Along his travels, he continued to expand his understanding of nature and formed a special bond with a variety of animals, whom he considered his loyal companions and trusted allies.   Tama's expertise as a survivalist and his profound love for nature have earned him a reputation as a knowledgeable and respected figure among those who share his passion. His extensive knowledge of the wilderness, combined with his empathetic nature, enables him to guide others through dangerous terrains, provide valuable insights on surviving in the wild, and foster a deeper appreciation for the natural world.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and possessing a commanding presence, Tama stands as a testament to the resilience and fortitude honed through years of living in the wild. His sturdy frame reflects the enduring strength and physical prowess he has developed over time, a result of navigating treacherous terrains and facing the challenges of the natural world head-on. Every sinew and muscle of his being speaks of a life forged through perseverance, bearing witness to the countless trials and triumphs he has encountered in his journey as a survivalist.

Body Features

Has a mostly healed scar on his right arm from when he was younger.

Facial Features

Scar on eyebrow.


Penn Wolf


Towards Tama Dalkan


Tama Dalkan


Towards Penn Wolf


Born in the city of Epoch and abandoned in the nearby woods, Tama learned to survive on his own. As a child, he encountered the legendary forest dweller Midday Glen who took him as an apprentice. Tama is an expert survivalist who loves nature and animals.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Year of Birth
563 CY 33 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 5"
210 lbs
Aligned Organization
Last Bastion Homepage

To Bastion! (7/23/23)

It was a wild night!

A Night of Peaceful Sleep? (7/16/23)

Tama and Quinn have just defeated the rowdy bar crew.   We buy courtiers outfits ready for this "double date".

Return to Chaos (7/9/23)

We figure we need to return to the manor soon to talk to Tana about the demonic presence inside their home. Then afterwards head towards the Bastion.   Otto goes to get his weapon enhanced.   Tama notices that the gold has the same markings as the gold from the troll area. Otto and Quinn work together to bamboozle the vendor into putting his gold into our bag of holding.

Rested, Refreshed, Ready! (6/25/23)

We finish up our rest and feel like a whole new party!   During the night at the manor, Otto is awoken to a disturbance. He excellently sneaks over and learns from Silas that the young child is having nightmares. Some kind of magical presence was there but the creature is able to get away before Otto gets a good look at it.   After everyone wakes up and we have breakfast, we meet the mother Tana in her study to discuss payment for rescuing her and her son as well as everything her late husband tasked us with. She writes a check to pay off our taxes to the bank.   Quinn talks to Nigel the son, who reveals that he dreamed of a horrible creature with a dog's face, bat like wings and a tail of a scorpion and that's what killed his dad. It was whispering in his mother's ear. Nigel drops the dagger Quinn gave him and runs off. So much for being a hero.   The party gathers together and discuss the morning's events.

Death of an Otto (6/18/23)

Otto tries to escape the manor but is killed by Calder before he can get on his horse.

Dwarf Issues (6/11/23)

We found the Einmanns but the dwarves owned them. We fight the dwarves and eliminate them, rescuing the imprisoned slaves. Tama notices treasure buried within the bones around the room and he starts collecting the aggot tureen and has the House Solstice symbol on it, and a scroll of magical writing.   After some struggles, the party and the captured ones were able to swim up the watery channels and escape the temple. A plan forms, we'll all go towards town (keeping the escapees hidden), when we get close, Quinn and Otto would go up ahead to Einmann and negotiate what additional funds they'd get.

Trolled? (6/4/23)

The troll is dead. Tama has the head. We negotiate with the rival party where they would take the 600 gold and chain mail that Sebastian wanted because it was elven in origin and it was of his homeland. We would take the two chests, a potion that seemed to repel the troll head. After some discussion, we figured the family is still in here somewhere below and we should go looking for them. The pool was our only lead as to an entrance towards anything underground. Tama swam but could only reach the bottom of the pool. Rosemary took the lead and rope that was in the pool and swam an incredible distance to attach it to a hook very very far below and very very far away from the pool. Eventually the rest of the party was able to use the rope to climb and swim in the water.   In the levels below we came across a group of grimlocks and took them out. We heard some voices pleading for help and found the Einmann family. Turned out there was indeed a dwarf below who bought them and they were dragged down here by the grimlocks through that really long set of water chambers we just swam through.   Quinn negotiates with the dwarf and convinces him that Pig-R "Actually named Beast-killer" accidentally sold the families to both of them and proposes a transaction.

Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls! (5/28/23)

The mosquito bat attacks me and easily bites me. Quinn dives in the water to place a torch on the other side. This draws the attention of grimlocks, Tama and Laero were near death but were able to be saved. Afterwards we gathered where Quinn was and Tama retrieves the shield and the adventurer's pack from below.   We go through the pack and find various scrolls and potions.   The rival team arrives and Quinn convinces Sebastian that they are the B team but does not convince Sebastian on identity, but Sebastian embraces Quinn because he thinks Quinn used Sebastian's name so he would still get the credit even though he's on the "B" team.   There's a skeleton that has dangerous fungus spores around it that Quinn touches with a 10 foot pole. We struggle to make it across the chasm to the other side but are able to continue on.   We join the "B" Team as they see the pigs, the dead soldiers and combat the troll and Quinn is able to create a line of oil which he lights with fire to burn the troll to death. Tama chops off the head with his spiked chain and everyone looks at each other in awkward silence.

It's Like Butter on a Hard Troll! (5/21/23)

Quinn expertly talks the Troll whose name in Giant means "Pig-R" out of outright killing us, the grimlocks seem to nod at each other. Tama deduces they have a plan. A fight breaks out! We quickly take out the grimlocks. Rosemary is badly wounded but is able to recover a potion and save herself. Rosemary and Laero tag team kill the last grimlock as it tries to run away.   Otto desparately wants to catch the train so when we come across a birdhe of rock platforms leading to another grimlock encampment, Otto jumps on the platform, misses and falls in the water. Otto struggles to climb the wall. Tama is able to tie a rope between Otto and his horse but Otto can't climb. After many agonizing attempts, it gets to the points the grimlocks fall down in the water with Otto and the party eliminates them.   We climb to the other side and begin exploring the caverns and Tama hears some chewing, but is attacked by giant mosquito bats sucking his blood!

Back at Mystwall... (5/7/23)

As the party heads towards Mystwall with an unconscious Tama, they decide what to do with the treasure they found.   They come across a farmer and his son on the outskirts and through the art of Quinn's diplomacy, Otto and he were able to get a cart to pull the treasure and unconscious people into town for 25 gold.   Arriving back in Mystwall, they explain what happened with the snakes and that the lady they found had almost birthed a snake baby.   Archie is the catchpole, who looks at what people bring into town and figures out how much it is. They end up haggling with him about a Rhino-hide bag he found in our haul. Linen blanket was worth 12 gold, buckler was worth 165 gold. Quinn seems to "forget who Archie is".... a lot. And Archie taxes us... a lot.   We arrive at the Broken Blade Inn and distribute the chests of treasure among ourselves. Quinn says he'll definitely be meeting with us later and leaves. Otto and Rosemary gets some rooms for the rest of the party.   Quinn heads past the brothels and heads to the nearest orphanage in Mystwall, the Mystwall Orphange. It's very rundown and at first no one answers the door when Quinn knocks. An older housemarm answers the door and Quinn introduces himself as "Christian Stephanopolis". He gives the orphanage a grant of money and spends the night in an alleyway.   The next morning, Tama and the lady Athelia (formerly known as Allegra) have recovered Otto and Tama go to the Mystic Emporium to pay our taxes. We also got tickets to take the ARTTRAIN on the 10th. We see a tall thin man with piercing eyes that look almost otherwordly to look at our magic items. Tama sells his whip for 1100 gold for the party.   Quinn is conning people into buying "invisible elixirs" from the party's cart. Quinn makes 21 gold.   We continue selling items at the Mystic Emporium and making a looooot of gold!   We begin our travels towards Wyndmere and ultimately Velspara. Tama spots a lady with long flowing hair staring in my direction. Quinn and Sebastian meet. Sebastian brags about being given a mission about taking down a troll. Tama and Otto's ex-lover meet when Mastiff comes up behind him and they reconnect. Rosemary and her rival stare at each other in silence. Otto hides and watches from a distance as Sebastian   At the docks, a boy with a sign holding up Bastion Apprentices. We follow the boy towards the troll while the other party searches for the boy.

Cobwebs and More Cobwebs (4/23/23)

We continue walking through the eastern exit where there are a bunch of cobwebs. The Belt found by Otto actually has the symbol of House Obsidian on it. Large cobwebs drape the corridors. Quinn immediately wants to leave, Otto wants to press on. Rosemary is staying stealthy. Tama is listening for other presences. Otto begins to burn the webs.   Eventually we come across multiple doors, one of which has a bunch of planks nailed to it. Tama hears a rustling behind one of the doors. Quinn wants to trick them and leave. Otto and Rosemary open the door and we find two cultists working by torchlight. They look up surprised and shout something about the Nameless One and we fight!   Quinn and Otto quickly dispatch the first two cultists. Tama hears two more rooms open, each with two cultists. His riding dog Laero waits alongside him. Tama is able to trip the first cultist to enter the room, takes damage from a second. A third hits Laero which launches Quinn into action as he hates jazz and animal cruelty. Rosemary is frightened by one of the cultists and begins to flee. Tama gets revenge by finishing off the cultist that hit Laero, Laero bites and kills another and Quinn critically stabs the last cultist.   As the party searches the bodies, Otto finds multiple chests filled to the brim with silver and other riches. Quinn wants to avoid the money being taxed by having us hide the riches somewhere. Otto believes we should turn the money in and have it taxed.   After some discussion, Rosemary opens the boarded up door so the party can investigate what lies beyond. Rosemary easily opens the door and we find that the room was left in a hurry, a very gruesome scene lies before us. Tama is not surprised as spiders descend on the party. As the party takes out spiders they explode with a sticky ooze.   Once the spiders are taken out, Rosemary and Otto work to investigate the scene. They find a whip that is pinging magic. Tama takes the whip.   Tama takes the leadership role and wants to investigate rooms and find out what is happening. We find a woman who is not breathing and was barely alive. After we stabilize her, she exclaims “it’s not real, none of it’s real”. The snakes brought her down and blew a black dust in her face and she had hallucinations of being saved by her family and she was eating dinner. But now she’s back here, how does she trust what’s real.   Her belly starts wriggling. Otto is familiar with this procedure and wants to open her up and heal her. Quinn plays “The Ballad of Goldcrest” to calm her down. Rosemary hands Otto a knife to cut her open and he has a sowing kit to sow her up. A snake comes out and the party works together to kill the snake while keeping her alive. The snake dies, and she stabilizes.   After making sure the girl is safe, we come upon a door with guards who tell us “The Mistress is here to see you.” Otto pretends he can’t hear them so they come closer and as they begin to repeat themselves, Otto charges and a fight begins. Otto takes out the guards and the party takes their robes and approaches the Mistress.   By this point Quinn has gathered a “reputation” and the party thinks he could woo the mistress, the Nameless One. The Mistress quickly wants to kill the party but keep Quinn’s “member” for herself.   The party begins to take out the guards as they head for the mistress. There’s a mysterious black cat that vanishes but is actually an imp! Tama goes to trip the Mistress but the Mistress trips him knocking him unconscious. As she goes to make the kill, Otto hits her. Rosemary hits the imp severely wounding it. The party eventually kills the imp and Quinn with surprising expertise, stabilizes Tama.   The dungeon quiets and they search the room to find 163 gold, 6 chests of silver pieces, a copper anklet plated with silver, a teak bowl on the table, a gem, and a wooden ring with a string stretched across it and three scrolls. We see something on the table that doesn’t match, it looks like an ornate scroll document (a black writ).   Otto touching the item gets a vision of his lost loved one and shudders. The item seems to be written in the Abyssal alphabet but not any recognizable language, it could be a code.   Rosemary finds a loose flagstone in the altar and a door opens up to the outside. Fresh air seeps through and the party ascends the stairs, carrying Tama’s unconscious body. Looking at the map they decide to head towards Mistwall.

Spelunking with Snakes (4/16/23)

The snake people find the light of our torches and head our way. Otto wants to bring them to justice. One of them attempts to call for backup, and Otto quickly acts, spurring the party into action. Tama one-shots one cultist by tripping it with his spiked chain. Otto hears them saying something in Infernal about the 7th seal. Quinn inspires the party by singing a rousing song saying "the party sucks, please do better and help him get out because he doesn't want to be stuck down here". Otto listens to the words, holds his holy symbol and begins tearing through enemies. A snake bites Tama and begins to drain his health, but Tama cuts it in half before it gets too far. At one point Otto takes Quinn's hand and heals him. Quinn is grateful because he gets to live. One cultist tried to stab Otto but stumbles and Tama kills him. Another snake attempts to bite Quinn. Zombies are also present and one attempts to attack Rosemary. Tama turns around and trips a snake that was flanking the party, slicing its head off. Otto takes on the zombie in front of him and connects. Rosemary joins Otto and Tama in attacking the zombie, and the zombie gets an attack in, almost killing her. Rosemary, Quinn and Otto hit the zombie in retaliation, with Otto knocking its head off like a football as it rolls down the stairs.   Otto tells the party they were saying something about getting in touch with the Mistress. As the party investigates for loot, Otto finds a belt with a crest "The Lost Crest of Smorgasboard".   We come upon a large room and take out the two cultists we spared from the last battle. Otto walks up to the pillars of four animals that were also in the room and depresses each button (mouse, snake, hawk, bear) and a hidden path opens. We take the western exit and are going through cobwebs as the session ends....

Trapped! (4/9/23)

We started to follow snakes that had strange eyes. We became trapped when a section of the cave caved in. I attempted to move the rubble but wasn't making any progress. There was a secret exit off to the side. I went to investigate it and could hear some discussion the snake people were having. Otto came with me. Otto went through a tunnel to the south where he heard footsteps.
This article has no secrets.