
Thyme was born into a family of farmers, and from a young age, she developed a deep love and appreciation for the land. She learned to tend crops, care for livestock, and harvest the fruits of the earth, developing a keen eye for detail and an unshakeable work ethic. As she grew older, Thyme began to feel a pull towards leadership, sensing that she had a responsibility to use her talents and gifts to help others. One day, as Thyme was walking through the countryside, she came across an orphaned human baby girl named Rosemary. The child was wild and energetic, causing chaos wherever she went, but Thyme was determined to give her a chance. She took Rosemary under her wing, raising her as her own and doing her best to provide her with a stable and loving home.  
However, as Rosemary grew older, it became clear that her energy and restless nature were not suited to the quiet life of a halfling farmer. Thyme turned to her trusted captain of the guard, Pepper, to help train Rosemary in the art of combat. Under her tutelage, Rosemary learned to focus her energy and channel her strength into becoming a skilled fighter, eventually leaving Hatchberry to seek out her own adventures. Despite the challenges that came with raising a human child in a halfling community, Thyme never regretted her decision to take in Rosemary, and continued to serve her town with wisdom, compassion, and love.
As the leader of Hatchberry, Thyme is a kind and nurturing halfling who deeply cares for her community. She is highly respected by her fellow halflings for her fair and just leadership style. Thyme is known for her strong sense of empathy and her ability to listen to the concerns of her people, always taking their opinions into consideration when making important decisions.
Thyme is also a highly skilled gardener and herbalist, with an extensive knowledge of halfling spices and their uses. She is often found tending to the town's gardens and sharing her knowledge with those who seek it. Despite her gentle nature, Thyme is fiercely protective of her town and will not hesitate to take action when necessary.



Adopted Mother

Towards Rosemary Winter


Rosemary Winter

Adoptive Daughter

Towards Thyme


Current Location
Last Bastion Homepage