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Rue speaks with Arthur

2/6 17:00

After having defeated the The Drug Lords  , Rue is feeling conflicted about their place in the system and goes to see their old friend, Arthur Chapman.

Rue is walking down the streets, their eyes turned down to the ground and their hands tucked into the pockets of their hoodie. They can still feel the cannabis leaves in their left pocket, though they have little interest in doing anything with them.   They simply wanted to get as far away from City Hall as possible, so Rue is a little surprised when they find themself in front of Chapman's Bargains. They look up at the sign, debating if they should go in or keep walking.   They hear the sound of the radio playing indoors and feel a cold breeze blow past that encourages them to wrap up a little warmer. The lights of the old shop provide an almost inviting juxtaposition with the rapidly darkening evening that Rue finds themselves in. They wonder to themself why they always end up back in this place. Musing that perhaps given what happened with their parents, Dr Quade, Jasmine, Suplex and now the B-team, they're just drawn to the one thing in their life that never seems to change. Rue's eyes drift down to the front window of the shop. It almost feels like a glimpse into the past. The old carpet and distinctly seventies wallpaper makes them nostalgic almost for a time they never even lived in. But nonetheless it's nice to think about what things might've been like. It gives them hope that, perhaps one day, you'll find comfort like that too.   "You gonna stand out there all night, Kiddo?" Comes a familiar, friendly voice and, as they look up, Rue sees one of the few people in this world they'd actually consider a friend; Arthur Chapman himself, "If you're not careful, you'll catch a cold."   As if on cue, a shiver runs down Rue's spine, though there's a warmth that simultaneously spreads through their chest at Arthur's voice. Rue walks inside, wiping their feet on the rugged old mat by the door. This is perhaps the one place in all of Bathala that makes them feel calm, and so their shoulders release some of their tension the moment they pass the threshold. Rue looks at the neatly stacked shelves, they can smell the cup of coffee hidden behind the counter, and for a brief moment, they can almost forget the day they've had.   ''How's business been today, Pops?'' They ask, hopeful to hold on to the tranquillity a moment longer.   "Oh, you know," he mutters, taking a leisurely walk to the counter, taking a perch on his favourite stool and taking a long sip from his mug, "It keeps the wolves from the door." He smiles warmly into his beverage and then back up at Rue, "But enough about me, Kid. I haven't seen you in a little while." His brow furrows slightly, "You getting by okay? How's that team you joined? Not giving you any grief are they? Because if they are, well..." he grins, raising his fists in a mock fighting stance and watching for a reaction.   Rue chuckles faintly, the warmth inside their chest growing, ''Oh, you know...'' they shrug, making their way over to the counter and leaning against it. Rue pauses, looking for the right words to continue. Part of them longs to confide in Arthur, to tell him what happened and how it's shaken them to their core. Another part, a part that Rue realises Arthur would scold them for listening to, tells them that they shouldn't bother the old man with any of it. They think back to the events of that day, remember the looks the Drug Lords had given them. There is a knot in their stomach, their fingers searching for something to fidget with.   ''Today was... Well, it was rough.'' They smile bitterly. ''Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to this job, I'm clearly not cut out for hero work.''   Arthur sighs, taking a long moment to collect his thoughts as he turns away from Rue, returning a moment later with an inexplicable mug of hot chocolate. Rue wonders how long Arthur waited for them to come in that this was already prepared and waiting. He slides the old Bathala rail mug across the counter, the steam from the beverage almost seeming to emanate from the steam locomotive pictured on the side.   He flashes Rue an almost cocky grin as he retakes his place upon the stool, "People like you, me, and all those people out there," he says, nodding his head to the Railyard beyond the shop's front window, "They're no strangers to rough days. I'd go so far as to say Rue has had more than their fair share for someone so young," he crosses his arms, nodding pensively, "But one thing I've always admired about Rue is that no matter how many they've had, they're still here. Still swinging. Hard-headed, they are. Not gonna let a little thing like tragedy keep them down for long. In a lot of ways, they remind me of that red-haired girl who went on to get big and famous." He chuckles, thinking back on the not-too-distant past, "And as far as being a hero goes, well, you've been gifted and cursed with a good heart in this life, Kiddo. Sometimes it hurts, and sometimes it'll make you do things you really wish you didn't have to, but you're destined to make people's lives better one way or the other, whether it's by flying around and saving the day with the cape-and-cowl club or just helping an old man keep thugs away from his good apples." He smiles, making quite decisive eye contact, "That's what I believe. And I've believed it since the very first time you zoned out outside my front window." He chuckles, "Whatever you choose to do, I'm sure you'll do great, Kiddo."   Rue averts their eyes from the old man, instead taking the mug in their hands and savouring the comfort that comes with it. They trace the locomotive with their thumb, thinking over Arthur's words.   "What if I don't know what to do?" Rue asks despondently. ''There are so many people in the Railyard who do the wrong things for the right reasons, and I get it, I've been there," they run a hand through their hair, their shoulders tense once more, ''The people we put away today, I could've just as easily been one of them. So what gives me the right to play at being a hero?''   Looking back up at Arthur, they can read the concern and sadness on his face, and it brings a wave of guilt with it. The last thing they want to do is burden one of their oldest friends, ''I guess what I'm trying to say is that there should be someone looking out for them too, and it feels like there isn't... And well, where's the justice in that?''   "We can't always decide the cards we're dealt, Kiddo," he begins, rubbing his chin as he thinks, "You have yours, and they have theirs. All we can do is play the hand we're dealt to the best of our ability and hope we don't go bust." At their last statement he thinks for a moment, "Well, looking out for the Railyard folks was always Suplex's role, but this year..." he trails off, "And it's not just the... you know," he makes the shape of a large belly with his hand over his own, "Something happened this year. She's not the same as she once was... Have you ever thought that maybe that's why she chose you for this little team? Maybe she sees something of herself in you, something that can shine a little light in this dark place." to demonstrate his point, he clicks on a nearby reading lamp and grins, seemingly pleased with himself.   Rue ponders over this for a moment. They're not entirely convinced yet, but one thing that Rue has learned over the last few years is that sometimes, that little voice inside their head is wrong. Perhaps they can be the person that Arthur, and somehow also Suplex, see them for, whilst also doing what feels right.   ''I suppose you're right.'' They concede, a small smile pulling at the edges of their lips. ''Thanks, Pops.''   In that moment, Rue solidifies their desire to help the Drug Lords. If what they told them is true, then there may also still be other people like them and Rue out there, getting treated like lab rats and cast aside to rot in Bathala's underbelly. The mere thought makes their blood boil, and Rue is determined to stop anyone else from going through that if they can help it.   At that moment, another thought crosses their mind. They remember how angry Harmony was when the mayor told them what Billy Crystal had been looking for, and it makes them wonder, ''Actually, I may not be the only one who wants to do something...''   "Well I can imagine not," he says, his lips curling into a grin as he continues to mull his drink, "Got a plan do ya, Kiddo?"   ''Well, I'm not sure...'' Rue begins to pace back and forth, going over what they know about the team they've just joined. ''There's another team member, I don't know much about her, but she seemed angry with what happened...'' They purse their lips, a frown pulling their brows together. ''...But I don't know if I can trust her.''   "Well, it's not like she got where she is through murder and mayhem," he says, shrugging, "You could do a lot worse than to put yourself out there just this once..."   ''I know, but, well...'' Rue squirms under Arthur's gaze. ''I'm not very good at, well, people. And she used to be a scientist - not quite a doctor, mind you - but still...''   "Well, I've got a little secret to tell you," he whispers, leaning closer, "I've heard some scientists are actually somewhat decent people."   ''Yeah but it's not always easy to trust them.'' Rue sighs, moving back to the counter and picking up the mug of hot chocolate. The drink has cooled off a little, so they subtly heat the mug up with their hands before taking a sip. ''She does seem nice...''   "Well looks can be accurate, Kiddo," he shrugs again, "And like I said, if she's not..." the dukes are raised once more.   Rue chuckles, feeling a lot lighter than when they had come in. ''Alright, I get the message. Thanks, Pops.'' They hold up the mug. ''For the hot chocolate too.''   "Ah, as long as there's cocoa in my pot, Kiddo, you can always expect a warm cup around here."