Shadow Reapers Organization in Bestowment of Greatness - A Parallel Earth | World Anvil
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Shadow Reapers

Little is known of the enigmatic group called the Shadow Reapers. As of the trip to Sanctuary Islands and they have only interacted with Erem Scathac and he has kept this secret to himself. Appearance is a moving shadow vaguely in the shape of a humanoid. It has aided Erem in the past and even offered to contact Lightbringer to assist his sister making contact with entities known as Lightbringer to aid her developing her new abilities. They speak of order and balance, of which it seems they have something of an adversarial relationship with the Lightbringers though the agents have not made overt moves to assault them directly. Whether it is one individual or many has not been made clear. In conversation it alluded to once being more like a human, but that things had happened resulting in the change. It also referred to Erem as Shadow born. Its abilities show include manipulating shadow, moving through shadows and creating shadowy tendrils that can interact with the physical world.      One of their agents met with Erem on Sanctuary Island to show him an interaction between Mediators for Peace and Lightbringer. When motives were question it explained their motives coincide and this was a partnership of convenience. It explained it could only remain for a short time and expressed concerns that Lightbringer appeared to not showing signs of similar limitations on this other dimension, explaining this might be a further sign of dimensional fabric weakening further.


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