Mediators for Peace Organization in Bestowment of Greatness - A Parallel Earth | World Anvil
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Mediators for Peace

  As the tension grew and Axel hired Song Mages for Axel and Summoner to aid in his quest. Noah with the permission of the council enlisted the aid of a small monastic order to assist with the mediation between both sides. One of them claimed to be an oracle of their patron deity called Lightbringer. Unfortunately soon after reaching the island they were unable to contact their patron for guidance on how to proceed. Little did they realize he had traveled to another dimension and had been captured and placed under the custody of "The Parents".   Along with the oracle there were two monks sent for his protection. One a wolfman who insisted he was neither a Wolfen nor a wolf, by the name of Rawulf. The other a dwarf who had taken a vow of silence who went by the name Knox. Knox had been tasked with a vow of silence due to his foul mouth and temper had gotten him in trouble in the past. Unfortunately he was not more eloquent with hand sign and body language to communicate but he is too stubborn to quit now no matter how much the others wish he would.   The group was encountered at the stone circle attempting to either contact one of the lightbringers or the mages in floating tower when Eric Harmon and Erem Scathac showed up. Though Archie seemed relieved to see individuals he treated like adventuring mates, the oracle was not convinced they were the solution to the growing tensions and chose to continue the attempts to contact the others. Rawulf tried to offer assistance in the hope of showing the newcomers good intentions when further disruptions in the form of Wolfen, Sofia Fairchild and Dr. Elijah Heartman showed up. With them they left to travel to Island of Ruin where a conflict was ensuing.


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