Part 2: Amelia Visits The MicroDome Plot in Beyond The Dome | World Anvil
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Part 2: Amelia Visits The MicroDome

Amelia visits the Explorer's Guild outpost at the Micro-Dome, where she learns more about the engineer who went missing a few years prior to Amelia's journey.


Part 1. Explorer Amelia Leaves the Dome
Plot | Jan 9, 2024

Explorer Amelia prepares to embark on a life-changing adventure into unknown territories.

Explorer Amelia prepared to leave her somewhat idyllic domed city and its community. Her adventure will take her beyond where anyone had been in generations. Her mission is to discover new lands and return to share that knowledge with the Dome Community.    


The airlock clicked behind Amelia and she waited for the next door to open. The world beyond beckoned. The noise of the cheering crowd became muffled as the doors shut. It was just her now. Amelia, her ship and the promise of an adventure.   Her stomach dropped. The reality of the situation came into focus. It was one thing to plan such a voyage, another one entirely to embark upon the journey.
  Protagonist: Amelia sets off from the West Gate airlock and contemplates the journey ahead. Amelia had been training for this mission for years and the Explorers' Guild provided her with state-of-the-art equipment. She faces known dangers, including the weather, storms, and challenging terrain. But she also faces many unknowns.   Out of the airlock, Amelia travels along the cleared route, getting used to her new vehicle, the Explorer One. It is a simple, one person vehicle but had everything she needed. It weaves between the piles of cleared scrap metal easily. Cars and lorries surround The Dome that were abandoned outside the Dome during the early days of its construction (But Amelia doesn't know what a car is because there haven't been vehicles under the Dome for generations).   Amelia heads to the MicroDome, a small town that is approximately one awake cycle away from the Dome. Arriving at the MicroDome, the archaeologists welcome Amelia and she spends the night in the last area of known civilisation.   The MicroDome is a small town owned and operated by the Explorers' Guild. It is similar to The Dome in its construction and ethos. However, it is smaller and not many members of the Dome Community live there because they fear the world outside.   The MicroDome is home to the Archaeologists' Guild who are excavating the grounds surrouding the Dome to learn more about their ancestors.   Amelia is a former archaeologist and did her initial explorer training here, so she knows the MicroDome and the Archaeologists' Guild well. Amelia and the archaeologists exchange stories about ghosts seen in the mists ghosts' seen in the mists; wonder about the Ancient Humans and reminisce about the engineer, named Solaris, who went missing a few years prior to Amelia's venture.   Later, Amelia looks through the possessions that Solaris had left behind and thinks about what might have happened to the missing engineer. When Amelia wakes the next day, she is filled with purpose as she decides to look for Solaris and gathers information about their last known location.   Amelia says goodbye to the Archaeologists, enjoying the last moments of known civilisation, before setting off.  
Part 3: Amelia is Trapped in a Storm
Plot | Dec 7, 2023
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Part 2 Overview
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