School of Air magic

The School of Air magic is considered to be one of the more powerful schools of magic, able to cast mighty wind storms, tornadoes and dust storms or even choke someone with air. But it is the most difficult magic to master since it requires total and complete control of one's focus and to have a steady and rhythmic breathing pattern to perform this magic and requires many years of practice before becoming an advanced user and only a small portion ever become masters.


able to strike and exaggerate the effect of attacks with air using only fists, such as performing a punch but a mighty blast of wind knocks back enemies. it is also the ability to guide air/wind to a desired location or even blow mighty gusts of wind from one's mouth.

Side/Secondary Effects

if casting air from using the lungs, o the caster may feel lack of breath with the throat becoming cold and aching.


depending on the air's temperature is can feel cold or hot and depending on the aroma is can smell like a garden or a sewer.


Spell books, masters can use magic from the power within their soul.
Material Components
A Spell book to recite the magic words, Air (of course) and the steady focus of one's breath and mind.
Related Element
Applied Restriction
Air magic has been seen to be quite destructive amongst most nations, therefore making the use outlawed if not part of a college for magic, but for laws of nations that do not have it outlawed it is still restricted for only job related tasks that involve the use of air, such as: A sailor casting wind to help the ship blow towards it's destination or for medical purposes such as giving air to someone's lungs from drowning.

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