School of Ice magic

The School of ice magic is one that most do not practice as requires a very strong will and discipline and patience to endure the harsh cold biomes of Bi'Terra and to become one with it's freezing beauty. It is also very deadly to others and the even the user themselves as it can cause hypothermia to the user and even go as far as freezing one's hand or mouth or foot or eyes completely like an uce cube.


able to freeze things by touching it, able to cast ice spikes out of one's hand, mouth or foot.

Side/Secondary Effects

If not careful and cast a spell without proper discipline or focus, one may freeze themselves and or make themselves die from hypothermia.


looks like ice but has no smell or taste but leaves behind a quite cold aura near it's presence and after casting, the user may feel very cold in their hands, mouth foot or wherever else they casted ice magic.


This form of magic may be used by spell books but a master's Ice magic does not melt and is easier to shape.
Material Components
A spell book, cold temperatures and water or ice.
Related Element
frozen water
Applied Restriction
this school of magic is not feared as the others as those who use it tend to stay in the mountains the cold harsh tundras where nobody lives, so not many laws have been made against it except for it must be authorized by a teacher or the king or queen of that nation.

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