School of lightning magic

This school of magic is the second most powerful form of magic as it grants the ability to cast lightning down from the heavens itself and from one's own body. there have been a few occurrences that lightning magic has been used to shock someone back to life from the dead, but this method seems to be almost forgotten and even most masters could not perform this feat. from casting sparks out of one's fingertips, to shocking one's heart bringing them back to life to even summoning thunder storms and bend and shape the magnetic pull of the world around you. A school of magic that even decades old users may still die from the sheer power of this school of magic.


cast lightning/sparks out of one's hand (fingertips usually) or foot or to cast lightning from the sky.

Side/Secondary Effects

if not careful, lack of focus and discipline, the user can end up shocking themselves and even die from the current stopping their heart or brain activity.


it can be quite bright and fast but the smell is like that of burning corpses (a smell that can be repulsive) and the caster's hand (or other body part that has been used to cast the spell) may feel numb and shocked itself which may eventually cause the user to no longer feel touch from their hands (or other body part that has been used to cast the spell).


Spell books, or from within one's soul like a master or a sorcerer.
Material Components
Spell books, but to be able to perform like a master they would have to train during thunderstorms and or places where there is strong magnetic pulls to be then later able to perform magic without a spell book.
Related School
the nine schools of magic
Applied Restriction
being it is the second most powerful school of magic, it is mostly outlawed for just lightning school users to be in the country alone.

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