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Howling Commandoes

Motto: Qui ose gagne (only those who dare, win!)

Formed by Steve Rogers following freeing them from Azzano in 1944. They set out to destroy HYDRA   The Howling Commandos were formed during World War II out from various P.O.W.s after they were rescued by Captain America. The new unit, led by Rogers and Bucky Barnes(James Rogers ), traveled around Western Europe to eliminate every HYDRA base they could find. Their operations were some of the most successful of the entire war.   The Howling Commandos were responsible for the capture of Arnim Zola during a raid on a train in the Alps. It was on this mission that Bucky Barnes was lost and presumed dead.   They also participated in attacking Johann Schmidt's last base along with other U.S. forces led by Colonel Chester Phillips. The battle was eventually won. However, despite Schmidt's apparent death and foiled plans, Captain America was missing in action after crashing Schmidt's plane to save the mainland United States.   Following the War The Howling Commandoes teamed up with Peggy Carter and Howard Stark to help post-war efforts. Slowly they were separated into their countries of origin.   Dernier went into the French underground and vanished from records Falsworth stayed in the British military, gaining a wife and two kids Morita and Dugan returned to the USA and eventually came to live together near Stark Mansion Gabe Jones stayed in the US Military as a lifer, lost his only child and ended up raising his grandchild with his wife until his death Pinky refused to return to UK as the heir to his own wealthy family, opening a night club in NYC Sawyer became a General, confined to a wheelchair, retired from the military in '90 with several grandchildren  


Commander: Steve Rogers
Second-in-Command: Sergeant Bucky Barnes (James Rogers )   Explosives:Jacques Dernier
Communications:Jim "Fresno" Morita )
Sub-Command: Sergeant Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan )
Machine Gun: Gabe Jones
Tactician: James Falsworth     After 1945:
Commander: Dum Dum Dugan
2nd-in-command: James Falsworth

Jacques Dernier
Jim Morita 
Gabe Jones
Pinky Pinkerton (Percival Pinkerton )
Happy Sam Sawyer

Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

Additional Contacts:

Howard Stark
Peggy Carter
Col Chester Phillips


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