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Howard Stark

Howard Stark

Howard Stark was born to a poor working class family in Manhattan in 1917. He worked on the Manhattan project and Super Soldier project during World War II and helped create Captain America. He then flew Steve Rogers behind enemy lines to rescue Bucky Barnes. He'd then outfitted Steve and the Howling Commandoes for the War. He was there with Peggy Carter when Steve went down withthe Valkyrie.

After World War II, he then built his company into a giant in weapons industry, helping the US win its conflicts. He kept a search for Steve going the entire time, sometimes giving his personal attention to it. Also, on the side was his work with SHIELD where he worked with Peggy and Hank Pym until HYDRA framed Howard for sealing Pym's research.

During this time several Red Room spies attempted to gain access to Howard until Ana Jarvis was sent during Maria's first pregnancy. He married Maria Stark nee Carbonelli in 1957 and had a son, Tony Stark on May 30, 1970. Their first pregnancy ended in miscarriage during Vietnam War. During this time, while Howard was distracted by SHIELD and family, Obadiah Stane became second head of Stark Industries and set himself up to control the company. he maniulated the company for profit. As Tony grew and Obadiah recognized his genius and worked to undermine any positive relationship between father and son.

also during Veitnam War, Howard made a surprise visit overseas to one of his onsite locations only to find experimentation on mutants, including Logan.  The free mutants turned on their captors and then ran.  In 1980s, Howard would again recogize Logan and offer him assistance while he recovered from a lost memory.
  Howard loved his son, but feared for his safety due to post-war threats when Tony was a child. He sent Tony to boarding school. He also feared his son would surpass him in kknowledge before they had a chance to bond and work together. He was very insecure about Tony's regard for him, amplified by Stane. He tried to bring Tony into Stark Industries when Tony was 17 but his then girlfriend, Sunset Bain, successfully manipulated Tony to allow her to steal IP from the company. After that disastrous relationship came to light, Tony and Howard had a bigger falling out that Howard couldn't reconcile.

Fury worked with Howard breifly before Howard left SHIELD in the early 80s. They both were present when Woodrow McCord visits Earth and explains that he's just passing though. His family was kidnapped by aliens to be working slaves and since the rebellion, he'd swore to protect Earth from any more "scavengers". He landed on Earth injured from foiling an invasion plot. he warned Fury and Howard that they'd come back. He'd done what he could. He made both men swear to build Earth a better line of defense. This was what led to Howard supporting Project Pegasus in the 80s.

In 1987, Howard was at the hospital visiting his wife when he stumbled on Delores Downing in the Maternity ward, pregnant and in tears. He stayed with her and was present at the birth of William Downing. He later offered Delores a job at Stark Industries which she gladly accepted.

  For Christmas of 1991, Howard set up Christmas for him and Maria before Tony came home. They'd planned to only be gone a few days before returning to celebrate Christmas with their son. Howard also set up a meeting with SHIELD to hand off the last of his experiment on the Super Soldier Serum, thus ending his associate with SHIELD and completing his side of the deal to leave Tony alone. HYDRA learned of this transfer and sent the Winter Soldier to retrieve the serum and kill the Stark couple. In the original Timeline Howard and Maria are killed by the Winter Soldier on Dec 16, 1991. In the new Timeline, Tony joined them in the car. All three survived the accident. Howard woke first and saw Winter Soldier. He begged him to help Tony and Maria, making his last act to recognize Bucky and plead for his family's lives.


Howard Stark

Father (Vital)

Towards Tony Stark



Tony Stark

Son (Vital)

Towards Howard Stark




Hoawrd's relationship with Tony is very strained due to Howard's inability to communicate with his son and complete dedication to his work.  He wanted to give his son a good role model so He spoke highly of Steve Rogers often.  He also spent several months looking for Steve Rogers on and off throughout Tony's life

Relationship Reasoning

Howard is Aspergers with an aspergers son who surpassed him at age 6.  He is afraid that Tony will have no use for him even though he loves Tony and wishes to share workspace.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Dedicated, qualified Engineers Aspergers Hyper-focus on R&D Child-like wonder at technology

Maria Stark

Wife (Vital)

Towards Howard Stark



Howard Stark

Husband (Vital)

Towards Maria Stark




Proposed with a mechanical Flower.  It was supposed to present the Ring to her, but it threw it at her instead.  They both laughed and she loved him

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both loved their son Humanitarian

Shared Acquaintances

Ana Jarvis Edwin Jarvis Obadiah Stane

Legal Status


Hank Pym

Annoyance (Important)

Towards Howard Stark



Howard Stark

Irritant (Trivial)

Towards Hank Pym




Hank was convinced Howard tried to seal Pym Particles, except it was HYDRA.  This angered him, combined with Janet's death, caused him to leave SHIELD permanently.   This Anger was transferred to Tony after Howard's death

Howard Stark

Victim (Vital)

Towards Obadiah Stane



Obadiah Stane

Best Friend (Important)

Towards Howard Stark




Obadiah Stane manipulated Howard Stark for profit. He further soured Howard's relationship with Tony before manipulating Tony in the same way. In the original timeline he attempted to have Tony killed so he could take over Stark Industries

Nicknames & Petnames


1917 1991 74 years old
Circumstances of Death
Assassinated by Winter Soldier
Parents (Adopting)
Maria Stark (Wife)


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