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Kitty Pryde

Katherine Pryde (a.k.a. Kitty)

Kitty joined the X-Men as a young teen. Her first night at the mansion, she rose to get some water after a nightmare and unexpectedly met Kurt Wagner. It was a terrible start, but she determinedly worked through it to become fast friends with Kurt and later to date and Marry him.   In 1996, the War of Gods  occurred. She, along with several of her friends joined the rescue teams(sometimes wihtout approval) and rescued Piotr Rasputin and his sister. In doing so, she also rescued Kat Pryde, herself from another dimension, and N'Dare Monroe. She also rescued a small Dragon named Lockheed who decided to stay with her. Although she (and later the family) welcomed Kat as Kitty's sister, Kat decided to stay with Illyana Rasputin as her best friend as the memory of her own family was too painful.   On her 16th summer, she attended a family reunion where Nana Pryde tested 5 candidates for leadership of the Family. Kitty was chosen and trained under Nana to lead the family while she decided to have a career in politics otherwise. She also trained under Pepper Murdock during her college years.   As a young adult, She is kidnapped by Lord Ogun to seek revenge against Logan.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Kitty has the ability to make her body and object she's in direct contact with intangible or partially tangible.  This includes the ability to prevent photons from interacting, or they become invisible.  This also provides her with some telepathic protection.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kitty was born to a large Jewish family located in Elizabeth, New Jersey.  She grew up in Albany with her parents.  Her paternal Grandmother was the head of the family.  When Kitty was 13, she started having headaches.  Then she fell through the floor of her bedroom, literally.  Charles Xavier came and offered her a place at his school.


Political Science and Physics


Intern at Stark Industries with Pepper Murdock while Tony Stark is missing in 2001.

Personality Characteristics


Kitty has a deep belief in helping others and building up her community.


Family Ties

Kitty is one of 5 next in line for the head of the family.  Nana Pryde names her heir and turns over the leadership of the family to her upon her 21st birthday.


Kurt Wagner


Towards Kitty Pryde


Kitty Pryde


Towards Kurt Wagner


Honorary & Occupational Titles
Head of Pryde Family
Year of Birth
1982 13 Years old
Kurt Wagner (Lover)
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Hebrew and Yiddish


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