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James Logan Howlett (a.k.a. Wolverine)

At the beginning of BIT series, Logan is with Charles Xavier and the X-Men.  His memories start when Charles found him after Desert Storm.  They knew each other before.  Charles reognized him and offered to help him try to regain his memories.   Logan meets James Rogers the same time he meets Tony Stark.  He and James end up having very similar personalities and work together.   In 1997, a group dedicated to revenge against Logan gathers his children.  They grab William Downing and shoot Delores Downing in the process.  She tells James enough that he recognizes Logan's healing ability has manifested itself somewhat in his son.  The group is easier to find when they pursue Logan's son, Akihiro, who had been made into a Winter Soldier after James killed his pregnant mother.  We learn that there are several Winter Soldiers and not al lof them were the failures of the Siberian attempts of the other timeline.   Logan learns after this event that he has several children of varying age.  He decides to remain at Charles's mansion to teach and raise children there. his children are always welcome there and Will is a frequent visitor.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Short, barrel chested with dark hair.  Wears comfortable clothes meant to survive his rough lifestyle.  Usually smoked cigars

Special abilities

Accelerated healing from his Fther's genetic line. His half brother, Dog also has this. As do his cousins the Creed family.

Bone claws protruding from his first 3 fingers. They are now covered in adamantum thanks to experiementation in the 60s.
  decent physic shields for a non-psychic to try and protect his memories.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Logan was born James Howlett to Elizabeth and John Howlett in Alberta Canada in the 1880s. However, he was in reality the son of their gardener, Thomas Logan. His older half brother, John Jr, died causing his mother to lose touch with reality and be institutionalized. John Jr manifested the same claws Logan has and attacked his mother, causing his father to kill him. The same claws were present in Logan, but being of a more gentle soul, they did not manifest until his biological father killed his adopted father and his mother.   His full brother, Dog Logan, also had the same healing ability and tracked after Logan and their mutual friend Rose. After he attacked in a fight that ended up killing Rose, Dog Logan disappeared from Logan's life and Logan ran into the woods and integrated into a wolf pack, losing almost all memories of his former human life. He left Rose's husband to riase their child alone, but Smitty never forgot the man he'd befriended.

When Logan returned to civilization, his powers were fully integrated with his body and his instincts after such time with the wolves made him a deadly man.   He encountered a circus run by Mr Sinister and met and befriends siblings Saul and Clara, later becoming Clara's lover. Their older brother, Victor Creed continued hunting them and discovering they were in a happy family with another, he kidnapped and tortured them to death. Logan escaped.   Logan joined the US military at this point just in time to fight in the Civil War ont he side of the North.   When the fighting dwindled, Logan found himself wandering again and fell in love with A Woman of the Blackfoot tribe named Silver fox. They had a daughter. Logan's abilities were now known due to Victor (Sabretooth) spreading rumors. To get his revenge on Logan, Victor aligned with one of the first leaders ofthe Red Room for resources. They tracked down Logan and Victor killed Silver Fox and battled Logan. Niether clearly won, but the Red Room made it look like Logan had killed the whole tribe. Driven to madness once again, Logan left, never knowing his daughter became one fo the first memebrs of the Red Room and later took the name Silver Fox to honor her mother.   Following her death, Logan went abroad fighting, until he gaine dthe attention of Lord Ogunm leader of a ninja faction in Asia that transcended borders. Ogun taught Logan to balance his human and primal side into a single person, teaching him the way of the Smaurai that he himself had forsaken, as well as the lessons of Sun-Tzu. Ogun also helped Logan build strong, natural psychic barriers. He was the person to told Logan that any injury to his head would force his healing factor to "heal" away any traumatizing memories. He needed to stop relying on the healing factor if he wished to hold on to his life, instead of simply survive. (He later goes after Kitty).   Logan left Ogun when Ogun started delving too deeply into the mystics of long life. Instead he returned to Europe to fight in WWI.   He returned to the battle front in WWII, joining teh Howling Commandoes as Lucky James. Eventually James Rogers recognizes him in the present time. He was part of the same regiment as Bucky and Dum Dum] when they were attack but left for dead. he appeared as their support several more times through out the war.   He assisted in the Korean war int he 50s. He then chose to stay in Asia, following the war, he left for Japan and met and Married Itsu while trianing with her uncle Bando Saburo. She was killed by James as the Winter Soldier and her newborn babe taken to be raised as a Winter Soldier himself(called Daken, but named Akihiro ). Logan went wild with grief and left the village to believe he'd killed his family.   He returned to fight in the Vietnam conflict and lost himself into the violence. During this time he was captured by evil dudes who'd infiltrated Stark Industries overseas location. They experimented on him. Among other things, they added Adamantium to all his bones. Howard Stark found out during a surprise visit and put a stop to it. Logan had already been brainwashed into a few mission swith his team including Victor, Silver Fox from Red Room, Omega Red from the Winter Soldier, Christopher North of East Germany(also under duress), John Wraith (teleporter, grey character, becomes paranoid) and MAstadon (gentle giant) under the guide of Major Arthur Barrington. Howards interference allowed the group to free themselves and those under duress escaped, after killing Major Barrington.   Logan ended up in the middle east near the end of Vietnam war and encountered Charles Xavier, a then soldier. Logan eventually would also meet Erik and the men would travel back to Canada with a young Ororo Monroe to help Charles start his school following the death of CHarles's mother. A few years later Nick Fury would track him down to ask for his help(Operation Urgent Fury in Grenada). In the process he'd be injured in the head and forget his personal memories again.   At some point he ende dup back in New York in 1984. Howard Stark would see him and recognize him, offering his assistance. Logan, going by Bill James, refused much but finally allowed Howard to help him find an apartment.   In 1985, Logan resuces Delores Downing from a gang rape. She lives with him and they stay together until 1986 when Nick Fury tracks him down again and asks for help(Libya and Pre-Gulf war work). Unknown to Logan, Delores is pregnant and gives birth after he leaves. After Desert Storm, he is found by Erik, who recognizes him and drags him back to Charles who swears to help him get his memories back.


  • Mining education from Smitty in 1820s
  • Upper class caligraphy education
  • Forestry from Wolves
  • Martial arts from Lord Ogun, and Bando
  • Military training in 6 wars with the US
  • Diplomacy from Lord Ogun and Charles Xavier


Teacher for the X-Men

Mental Trauma

He loses his lovers a lot.  traumatic memories are "healed" whenever he suffers a brain injury.

Intellectual Characteristics

Highly intelligent, instinctive intelligence high, sharp reflexes.

Personality Characteristics


he is mostly trying to live his life as the original gentle soul he was born with while surviving as he was taught by the wolves


Contacts & Relations

  • Silver Fox(origianl)
  • Itsu (Wife)
  • Delores Downing
  • Clara Creed
  • Mariko Yashida
  • Rose
  • Atsuko
  • Seraph( red Room -20s)
  • Viper(Wife - Red Room - )
  • Poly Marries Jean and Scott eventually
  • William Downing
  • Akihiro
  • ShadowStalker(daughter)
  • Fire Knives(daughter)
  • Saw Fist (son-Mexican)
  • Cannon Foot (Son)
  • Erista (??)
  • Laura Kinney (Winter Soldier to Red Room)
  • Silver Fox (Red Room original)
  • Amiko
  • Hoshiko(descendant from Rose, not technically Logan's)




Towards Delores Downing

Delores Downing


Towards Logan

Year of Birth
1825 170 Years old
Circumstances of Death
Delores Downing (spouse)
Quotes & Catchphrases
I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do isn't very nice.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
English, Cherokee, Japanese, Mandarin, German, Arabic, Hungarian, some Russian.


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