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Space Stone

Brought and hidden on Earth when ASgards were considered gods of Norse Mythology. Found by Nazi's who learned to drain its power in raw form. Howard Stark wa the first person in the universe to learn to recreate the power of an infinity Entity in the arc reactor. Tony Stark completed the research after his death.   The location entity remained on Earth until 1989 when Project Pegasus and Mar-vel took it off world to an orbiting ship of Skrulls. Goose held it for a few years after eating it in 1995. Nick Fury kept it and had SHIELD studying it.   Current Resonance is Loki Laufeyson  of Asgard.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Location Entity is the creation of physical space.  It also connects all the other Infinity Stones in the universe by location.  It controls distance and travel speed.  It understands the impact of gravity and attraction.
Current Holder
Subtype / Model


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