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Scott Summers

Scott Summers (a.k.a. Cyclops)

Scott falls in love with Jean Grey during high school and continues throughout his adult life.  He grows to become the leader of the X-Men  on the training side with his Wife being the educational leader of the X-men.   When Agatha Harkness or Wanda Maximoff scans Peter Quill she recognized the DNA and they learn Peter is Scott's Half uncle   Christoper Summers returns to earth and...

Physical Description

Special abilities

Eyes emit a beam of ionized energy, uncontrollable as a child after head injury from falling from a plane.  His skin has a psionic field that protects him from almost all forms of radiation or energy except that which is can adsorb.  This is why his eyelids stop eye beam!

Specialized Equipment

Optic Visor that can shape and direct eye beam.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to Christopher Summers and Katherine Summers.  He has a younger brother, Alex Summers.  They are on a private small plane when a Kree ship shoots it to collect Chris as a mission for Ego who decided not to trust the Ravager after they failed to bring him Peter Quill in 1988.  The Kree treleport Chris and his wife, telling them that they grabed all living beings on the vehicle since Katherine had given her son's the parachute and shoved them out the door. 

Scott and Alex are separated by child services.  Nathaniel Essex (Mr Sinister) arranged it.  he performs experiments on children with abilities.  Scott ran away after hiss eyes hurt someone and he was found, but not identified in Boston.  Agatha Harkness ended up on his case via the network of child services workers who watch for odd cases to protect the kids.  She contacted Charles Xavier and sent Scott there.  Eventually, Scott reported some of what happened to him and the US raided the orphanage.  Mr Sinister escaped and Charles was allowed to move Scott to Canada to raise with the other X-Men at the time.

Mental Trauma

After his parent's death, his brother being taken away, Mr Sinister's manipulations, Scott is very scared of betrayal or abandonment.  He idolizes Charles from a young age for saving him and believing him.  He is very reserved in his feelings for other for this reason and takes any failures in himself very hard, especially when it harms another in his care.


Scott Summers


Towards Jean Grey


Jean Grey


Towards Scott Summers


Year of Birth
1979 16 Years old
Jean Grey (Lover)
Aligned Organization


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