
Supreme Concept of the Self

Cognition is one of the four Concepts. It's a transcendent Being, that is related to the ideas of the sapience, observation, analyasis, understanding, and the self.   Cognition is what makes things happening in Law territory meaningful. It is the reason of the minds that observe, analize, and came to the understanding of the space of reality. As giving shape to those ideas on the highest possible level, it is hard for the beings that follow Law to actually incorporate in their minds how the transcendence is working. The Primordial Gods are provided that are emboding all of those ideas, but they escape simple exlpanation. In some way, Cognition is the opposite of Life . Life is the Concept the most related to the Law, while Cognition is not following it. Life is all about blindly using mechanicsm to make sure the goal of the many will happen, Cognion rejects that notion and embraces the individual mind with all the possible diversity than ensures. According to the ideals of the Cognition, it is from it's own mind that one's derrive the meaning, not from being part of the nebulous "unit". Understanding and recognition are coming from it as well, but not everything is fitting with the minds of everyone, which for the Cognition is perfectly fine. Individuals differ from each other. That is why they are considered "individuals", after all.   Some of the Primordial Gods descended from the Cognition:
  • Understanding - embodiment of the idea of Understanding. One of the few beings that are not Vastness or the Concepts that are transcendent - in fact it is not a separate being for the most part, but rather the sole Aspect that Cognition itself hold separate. It sometimes manifests withing the Law territory as a being. It's transcendent existance is what allows every being to understand with their mind, and thus - allows for the gods to alter reality.
  • The Watcher - embodiemnt of the idea of Observation. It's also transcendent, but it can be considered a being on it's own. It's only role to to observe and record every event, every being, every existence and every space within the Law territory. It is done to make it definitive and real. After all, the observation changes the observed.
  • The Moon - emodiment of the idea of Counterpart. It is for the Sun what Cognition is to life. It also changes the way the oceans are moving, by haivng them connected to the movements of it's own.
Example of beings that posses Collective Aspects of Cognition:
  • water
  • oceans
  • aquatic animals
  • aquatic plants
  • written wokrs
  • glass
  • mushrooms
  • smoke
  • clouds
The People of the Cognition are Ghouls.   The mindset associated with Cognition is ambition, madness, engaging in scholarship, being mentally intoxicated, dreaming.   Gods of the Congition Dynasty tend to share traits with various marine life forms, with the exception of the descendants of The Moon which tend to be extremly human-like.


Family Ties

Divine Classification
Transcendent being


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