
Supreme Concept of the Subtraction

Destruction is one of the four Concepts . It's a transcendent Being , that is related to the ideas of wither and making the simple out of the complex.     Destruction grants for the Law an idea of putting the limit on the growth of everything by the means of elimination or domination. It fullfills those ideas in very indirect manner, by providing Primordial Gods that, while embodying those ideas, themselves do very little action, instead creating more gods that would subtly influence the world in the manner. Those Primordial Gods are destined to finally take action when everything will end, but they are mainly just there, looming above the world.   Some of the Primordial Gods of the Destruction:
  • Celestial Serpent - the embodiment of the idea of Domination. It takes a form of a giant snake that could be seen oin the sky, spanning around the World. It's divine descendants tend to be serpent like, and they are commonly reffered to as "dragons".
  • Mother Death - the embodiment of the idea of the Final Death of Everything, her children are destined to bring waste to nearly every being withing the Law, while she herself will finish the job by hunting them. Besides that, she eliminates those whose actions would acitvely break the basic principles guiding reality.
Example of beings that posses Collective Aspects of Destruction:
  • flames
  • melted rock
  • melted metal
  • ash
  • ice
  • snow
  • viruses (not bacteria)
  • alcohol
The People of Destruction are Oni.   The mindset associated with Destruction is related to willingess to hurt others, desire to detroy objects, performing actions that keep other people down, dominating others.   Most of the gods of the Destruction Dynasty active in the World are the descendants of the Celestial Serpent, tend to ressemble serpents and are often called "dragons".   Destruction shares close ties with the Concept of Creation as, according to the Law, to make a new thing, some old one must be destroyed (which by itself come form the Concept of Life). Therefore, there are beings that posses Aspects that could be hard to determine from which of those two Concepts they come from like the processed metal. Metal ore is firmly of Creation, but by heating and melting a new being is formed that is close to the Destruction, but not fully. That makes processed metal a middle ground.


Family Ties

Divine Classification
Transcendent being


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