
Supreme Concept of the Addition

Creation is one of the four Concepts. It's a transcendent Being, that is related to the ideas of growth and making the complex out of the simple.   Creation grants for the Law an idea of allowing an endless growth, multiplication and diversification of everything everything within the Law territory. It fullfills those ideas by providing the means for it in the shape of the Primordial Gods that posses an Aspect of it. The Primordial Gods relating to those fundamental ideas are:
  • The World - the embodiment of the idea of the Foundation. It provides within Law territory a space which allows only for beings than can grow and change, by expelling stangant existences to the territory known as Plane of the Dead and separating it from the territory of growth.
  • The Sun - the embodiment of the idea of the Surplus. It provides within the Law territory a source of new energy that could be used by the Law-abbiding beings to facilitate their growth and overcome the entropy.
(authorial note: there is a possibility of more Primordial Gods of Creation, but it's unlikely they would fullfill such fundamental roles. They are not mentioned, because at this moment I don't know myself if they even exist.)   Example of beings that posses Collective Aspects of Creation:
  • rocks
  • ground
  • ore
  • salt
  • artworks
  • grass
  • lower plants
  • mountains
  • buildings
The People of the Creation are Humans.   The mindset associated with Creation is related to making artworks, creating architecture, facilitating growth of the others.   Gods  coming from the creation dynasty tend to ressemble humans the most out of all other gods.   Creation shares close ties with the Concept of Destruction as, according to the Law, to make a new thing, some old one must be destroyed (which by itself come form the Concept of Life). Therefore, there are beings that posses Aspects that could be hard to determine from which of those two Concepts they come from like the processed metal. Metal ore is firmly of Creation, but by heating and melting a new being is formed that is close to the Destruction, but not fully. That makes processed metal a middle ground.


Family Ties

Divine Classification
Transcendent being


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