
As seen in
Yama ("Mountain" in Kitsune langauges) is a mountainous regios located in the South-western coast of the Central Sea. Sparsely populated, it's rich in the minerals which has lead to it being target of colonization by The Fox Empire. It the later periods, it became a collection of the city-states with one of them,  Ryuudou Machi Empire claimed dominion over the rest.


Yama consists mainly of the river valleys crossed by the mountain ranges. In the east of it, there lays the Central Sea, to the West, behind yet another mountain range, there is sizeble lake. The mountains It's northern and southern borders are distinguished by the chains of the tops higher than the rests. It's terrain is filled with easily accessible stones of various kinds.   Stone-build cities can be found, mostly on the shores of the rivers, the sea and the lake.


The warm sea currents reaching the shores, makes the temperature higher that regular in the simmilar geographical location. Overall, ressembles subtropical climate with hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. Relatively stable with the biggest potential source of disasters being the river floodings.

Natural Resources

It's primary riches could be found in easily accesible stones, especially the jade, used commonly by the people of the area. Climate and terrain don't favor agriculture much, as it is dependent on the land in proximity to water sources like rivers or the lake in the east. Hills and mountains, however, allow for the extensive pastures.
Metals used to smelting bronze are easily found as well, just like the gold and silver. No confirmed iron sources.


Early on, when the area started ressembling it later self, the region was mainly inhabited by numerous gods. It consisted primarily out of the northern and southern ranges, with a lot of fertile flatlands in the east, nearby the lake. Gradually, more and more mortal peoples started to migrate. Most of the gods in the area were of the Creation and Destruction Dynasties.   The first, and the most stable ones were oni. Due to their lifestyle of the solitary apex predators, their population never grew much, but they managed to maintain their initial numbers over the years. The fea possesed vast populations on the north of the region, yet neither them nor the Life Dynasty gods were interested in it. Both humans and ghouls, however settled there. Due to much higher number to Creation gods, much more accessable for the humans rather than ghouls, the latter eventually abandoned it.   There were various human peoples in the land known as Yama, but they all became forgotten with the exception of the last two. Their societies weren't numerous and there settlements most of the time lacked in comaprison to the humans in the other parts of the world. Highly localized, their technology wans't the greatest and yet, they were leaving mostly peaceful lives with occassinal high low-lethal, highly ritualized warfare. Mostly, they were keeping it to themselves. As time was going by the new peoples arrive and culture changed, but the core of the lifestyle stayed the same. The only one of them known are reffered to later as "the old Yamaians".   At the same time, the ruleship among the gods in the area was much more centralized and tense. The culture of various alliances of the gods collectively holding dominion over all the other ones became the norm. From time to time a new group of challengers was managing to slay the previous rules in the direct combat and assumed their place. Most of the time, each group became also the most important gods worshipped by the humans living there.   After one of the power struggles, two sibling gods have established their own power base on the sole mountain in plane nearby the lake. They were the close friends of the recently abolished group and have felt the anger towards the new ones. As the repsonse, they've erected a new mountain range, separating the are on the lake shores from the rest of Yama, technically separated it. Two siblings never became brought over any other god's dominion again and became known as "the Divine Siblings".   The currect socio-political state of Yama came after the Kohakujin sailors from The Fox Empire discovered the land, rich in the jade which was considered holy by the Kitsune. Very quickly, the colonization has happened, which also have lead to the brutal war among the gods as well. In the end, the Kitsune managed to dominate the entire region, basing their power on the mining of the jade, bringing the enslavement, mostly Kohakujin settlers and the drastic increase in urbanisation and the population numbers. The colonial rule didn't last forever, though. After the fall of the Fox Empire, the administration collapsed and the whole location became a collection of the city-states. The people living there over time mixed with the Kitsune leaders and created a new people known as Yamajin  The later period was marked by the ambitions of the Ryuudou Machi city, which tried to establish their own dominion over the entire Yama, claiming the title of The Heavenly King, just like the leaders of The Fox Empire, due to their alliance with the dragon god Arashi-no-Ryuu, which has helped them in their conquest. The dragon, also have maanged to establish their own sole dominance over most of the gods there. The only humans and gods that managed to avoid the fate were those over the dominion of The Divine Siblings. Since then, Ryuudou Machi empire have managed to fall and recreate itself few times, but no drastic changes were noted since them.
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