
As seen in
Yamajin is the culture of Kitsune Folk, inhabiting Yama, as the result of the colonization by The Fox Empire.   While most of their culture and langauge originates from Kitsune, geneticallly they are descendants of both Kohakujin settlers and the local Old Yamaians previously inhabiting the region. Some cultural influences of their neighbors, like Polnocni can be visible. Higher classes have more Kohakujin ancestry, so the Kitsune features are more prominent in comparison to lowe rones which have more Old Yamaian blood.   After the fall of The Fox Empire, their society became a colleciton of the city-states that were often dominated by one of them, while still keeping their own autonomous rule.  


[Work in progress]


Major language groups and dialects

Yamajin speak in language derrived from the Western branch of the Kitsune speech, sharing the closest relationship with one of the Kohakujin. It can still be understood by them to ceratin degree despite the fact that since the fall of the Fox Empire both languages diverged rather quickly.

Shared customary codes and values

As the result of the society splitting into the numerous city-states and the influence of Old Yamaian on their culture, the primary value for most of the Yamajin is the service for the local community. They care less for the loyalty to thte distan leader. In fact, direct rule over other communities is considered unacceptable. Domination, witht still keeping local autonomy, however is rather normal.   Foreigners are not mistrusted, but they cannot hold any public office in the visitted city without the citizen status. Overall, Yamajin city-states tend to form complex political structures with multiple assemblies and levels of governance. Rarely, the power is focused in the single monarch (one of thte few the examples is Ryuudou Machi Empire ), most of the time the governments are oligarchical in nature with elements of democracy.   Besides worshipping the local gods, Yamajin continue the Old Yamaian tradition of worshipping the coalition of the divine sovereigns of Yama first and foremos. Currently the one revered as such is known under the name of Daishugojin. It's worshipped even afer technically losing its status to the Arashii-no-Ryuu. In the ciies dominated by the Ryuudou Machi Empire, the worship of mentioned dragon god is also common. Naturally, many cities also have worship of various local gods placed on a simmilar level.  

Nobility and Citizenship

  Yamajin make a distinction between nobility and cittizenship. The nobility is recognized diplomatically among various states - one noble's status is retained even if they are foreigners. Citizenship is always specific to the particular city. Both statuses can only be gained via adoption or marriage to the family with such status.   All non-foreign free inhabitants of the city are (in theory) considered the citizens. It's a status requied to be part of the official millitia and holding any public office. The ciizens also have political rights and can be part of the local public assemblies (although, it's most often limited to the men only) and are requied to pay taxes.   Nobility most often have exclusive rights to holding highest offices in the city and the leadership position at the millitary. Foreign (non-citizen in the particular city) nobles have automatically granted diplomatic status.  


As the legacy of the violent colonization, slavery is the important part of the Yamajin economy. A lot of the people living in the villages outside of the cities have inhieritable slave status and are used as the farmers, workers and miners (although, free ones are also a thing, they do not hold citizen status, however due to inhabiting village not a city and are plotically treated as foreigners). Slaves are also often used as the house servants and construction workers in the cities. Slaves have some legal protectton. Murder of a slave, or denying them food or essential means to live is considered a crime. Rape of htem, outside of the concubinage status, is also forbidden. They also getting paid and a few are able to buy off their slave status (it does not grant them citizenship, however). Despite than, they can still be sold and bught, they have overwhelmingly bad life conditions (outside of the house servants of weathy owners) and the complete lack of control of their own lives.

Average technological level

Building complex structures from wood and stone.  Making the tools of bronze and, rarely, iron. Chariots. Writing is fairly widespread among the higher classes, scrolls are used for feeping the records.

Common Dress code

The fashion diverges from that of the Kitsune Folk , as such ther eare multiple simmilarities.   Showing much skin is not considered proper in all of the public context, with the exception being lower parts of the legs. Overall, the clothing more commonly is wider/looser in lower parts of the body, allowing for the greater degree of movements for the legs. This style is partially borrowed from their neighbors, consisting of Polnocni and Bethulomans 
Among the nobility braiding their hair in the style of @Polno is common. Short and completly loose hairstyles are uncommon in all of the society.
  Unlike the Kitsune Folk, Yamajin basically never use socks. For the lower classes the lack of shoes is looked down upon in offcial occasions, but it is ignored. Footwear is considered a nessecity in public places by the higher classes. Slaves are required to be entirely barefoot, with the exception of the weather cold enough, during which they can wear protective footwear.
  Shoes are usually made out of wood or straw and are mainly slip-on sandals. They are worn without the socks. They are nearly always taken off indoors, especially on the holy ground.

Art & Architecture

Architecture ressemble that of the rest of Kitsune, however unlike that, the usage of jade is extremly common and has no strict relationship to any religion.


Beauty Ideals

Generally speaking, paler skin and smaller nose are valued higher due to them coming from the higher degree Kitsune ancesttry which tends to corelate with higher social status. Just like wih the rest of Kitsune paler skin tones are considered more valuable among women than men.

Gender Ideals

Simmilar, to the rest of Kitsune Folk, their societies are mostly patriarchal with men taking primary role in military and politics while women are considered supportive. Overall, most of the gender norms are simmilar to that of the rest of Kitsune, althtough women have higher degree of autonomy in choosing their husbands. There are also cases of the city-states where women have prominent political and semi-military position via the priesthood.

Courtship Ideals

Simmilar to the rest of the Kitsune Folk , although taking concubines happens way less often outside of men of extremly high social standing.

Major organizations

Ryuudou Machi Empire
Parent ethnicities
Related Locations

Common appearence:

  Skin tones: ranging from light to dark olive, generally speaking higher classes are more likely having pale complexion   Average male heights: 153-173 cm Average female heights: 140-160 cm   Hair: straight, mostly black   Eyes: monolids are common, but are less prominent among lower classes, can display wide diversity of colors   Generally speaking, higher social classes ressemble more the rest of the Kitsune Folk, while lower classes are closer in appearence to the Bethulomans
Miko Ikena - a preisttess of a Yamajin ethnicity in the traditional priestly attire


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