Shoujo Himeko

Shoujo Himeko (Girl Noble lady love) is a Goddess of the Creation Dynasty, worshipped by the Kohakujin and the most of the Hisuijin primarily as the patron of love, beauty and passion. She has close relationship with her sister Touji-sama and her brother Sensou no Oo-sama, who is also a husband for the both of them.
She is recognized, but not worshipped in the Northern Region.   One of the Kitsunejin Family Gods.

Divine Domains

Shoujo Himeko is mainly associated with love, passion, sexuality, marriage and young women. Everywhere where she's worshiuped she's related with those.   Other ideas commonly, but not universally, associated with her are dance, virginity, beauty, etiquiette.   In the Northern Region she isn't worshipped, istead all of her domains are relegated to the Touji-sama.   In the Western Region she is also associated with housekeepeng.

Tenets of Faith

There is no single list of universal tenents, but they are generally ressembling those points:
  • Follow your passion
  • Be loyal to your spouse
  • Try finding pleasure in love
  • Improve youself
  • Don't hurt other people
  • You can pray asking for help and advise with any of those topics, with the help of the priest


The 4th day of the Holiday Period is traditionally dedicated to the Kitsunejin Family Gods - Shoujo Himeko, her sister Touji-Sama and her brother-husband Sensou no Oo-sama.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ressembling short, young woman with extremly long red hair and the body considered possesing sexually attractive shapes.

Body Features

Smooth skin with undefined color. Height aobut 148 cm, slim waist, round breasts and the bottom. Hair are red of color, straight and extremly long - reaching her ankles. Relatively slim legs.

Facial Features

Small and flat nose. Narrow lips, slim face, eyes green in it's entirety - particular parts of the eye are undistinguishable. Long eyelashes. above her narrow eyebrows, there are two small horns, red in color.

Special abilities

She posses knowledge allowing her to have certain control over the human bodies in suprisingly detailed ways, but it's rather limited in scope.   Shoujo Himeko posses masterful control over sexualy-related feelings of humans having Connection with her, down do changing their preferences (which she rarely does, out of basic respect).

Apparel & Accessories

She usually wears clothing ressembling that of Kitsune Folk, but with great degree of freedom. She can just as well be eager to dress completly modestly (usually when meeting with outsiders) or extremly revealing (she considers both dance and her own, aimed at Sensou no Oo-sama, sexuality the important part of her and isn't afraid of embracing outfits suited for both of them, although most often in private). Hair always kept freely loose down. Legs rarely covered knee-down. Always completly barefoot.

Personality Characteristics


Her desire seem to be live relatively peaceful life with the good comapny. Since the young age, after being spawned by The World, he was close with her sister and brother. They all had a big fondness of humans. As the result, they decided to adapt some of their customs and both of the sisters married their brother. They all three continued to live thier lives together as siblings and lovers relatively happily.   She likes to give advice to humans, like both her sister and brother-husband, however, unlike them she's much less concerned with uhman society rules. She values self-expression and passions much more and her advices might come off as scandalous at times. That said, she isn't ingoring that completly and she knows the value of it, it's just she knows that at times it can be bent. Her advices are often concerned with love and sexuality and she can be quite reserved with it, despite what it might seem.   She empthasizes with young woman quite much.

Likes & Dislikes

  • making love with Sensou no Oo-sama 
  • dancing
  • board games
  • singing
  • spending time with family
  • helping humans, especially young women
  • pursuing her goals
  • seeing girls cry
  • people being needlesssly limited
  • anyone who would hurt her family


Family Ties


Sensou no Oo-sama


Towards Shoujo Himeko


Shoujo Himeko


Towards Sensou no Oo-sama




Towards Shoujo Himeko


Shoujo Himeko


Towards Touji-Sama


Shoujo Himeko


Towards Sensou no Oo-sama


Sensou no Oo-sama


Towards Shoujo Himeko


Divine Classification
Sensou no Oo-sama (husband)
Touji-Sama (sister)
Sensou no Oo-sama (brother)
Green in it's entirety
Long, red, straight, up to the ankles
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Undefined skin tone
148 cm


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