The World

The Foundation

The World is a Primordial God possesing an Aspect of Creation. As the embodiment of the idea of Foundation, it is probably the most crucial of all of the Primordial Gods.  


The World embodies the idea of Foundation. It makes it the being that allows for the part of the Law territory to be the place when growth and change is possible. As a counter-balance however that means there needs to be the part of the Law territory where everything unchanging resides. Those two parts are called Plane of the Living and Plane of the Dead respectively, with The World serving as a border between those two.  


It's shape and Body is that of the rock-like sphere, empty inside. On the outside of the sphere, Plane of the Living is located, inside - Plane of the Dead. It is possible for one being to cross the border between the two, but it needs to be let through by The World itself. The World is mostly covered with the layers of rocks and ground above which surface the animate beings reside. There is a field of pulling furce attached to The World. Normally it's directed inside of the sphere, however the closer one gets to the actual sphere the more the pulling shifts in a way that in the end The World will be always in front of and not below.   It's worth to note that most of the description above is done from the persepctive of the Plane of the Living. The Plane of the Dead is essentially the same, but reversed - from it's perspective it's the Plane of The Living that's inside the sphere. Pulling also works in a way like described bove. The primary difference is that there are no beings by their own in the Plane of the Dead, not even rocks and surface, only unchanging and passive Forms of the beings that died. It is possible, however for the Forms there to receive projection of the pseud-Body in the Plane of the Dead, but it requires action of a living god that got there, let through The World's border. Even with that projection, the Forms themselves will not really change as they lack an Aspect, making them not complete beings on their own.  


The World's descendants are following the trands common among the gods of the Creation dynasty by sharing mutliple traits with humans. Undefined skin tone is extremly common.


Family Ties

Divine Classification
Primordial God of Creation
Idea: Foundation


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