
Touji-Sama (The Lady [honourably]) is a Goddess of the Creation Dynasty, worshipped by the Kohakujin and the most of the Hisuijin primarily as the patron of motherhood. She has close relationship with her sister Shoujo Himeko and her brother Sensou no Oo-sama, who is also a husband for the both of them.   She is recognized, but not worshipped in the Southern Region.   One of the Kitsunejin Family Gods.

Divine Domains

Touji-sama is primarily associated with marriage and the motherhood. People also raise prayers for her in the topics on housekeeping, hospitality and following social norms.
Detailed list by region:
  • Central Region - marriage, motherhood, housekeeping, hospitality. Social norms are solely domain of Sensou no Oo-sama there.
  • Eastern Region - marriage, motherhood, housekeeping. Both hospitality and social norms are solely domain of Sensou no Oo-sama there.
  • Western Region - marriage, motherhood, anything else is considered to be interchangable domain of either Sensou no Oo-sama, Shoujo Himeko or a god adapted from the Double-tonguer following.
  • Northern Region - marriage, motherhood, housekeeping, hospitality, following social norms.
  • Southern Region - she is not a subject of prayers there, all possible domains listed here are completly the domain of Shoujo Himeko there.

Tenets of Faith

There is no single list of universal tenents, but they are generally ressembling those points:
  • Be loyal to your spouse
  • Maintain the customs of your society, especially those related to the marriage
  • Provide your children care and prepare them to undesrand the customs of your society
  • Don't disrespect any guest in your house
  • Be sure that your house is in a good condition, both physically and when it comes to people livng in it
  • You can pray asking for help and advise with any of those topics, with the help of the priest


The 4th day of the Holiday Period is traditionally dedicated to Kitsunejin Family Gods - Touji-sama, her sister Shoujo Himeko and her brother-husband Sensou no Oo-sama.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ressembling a mature human woman, tall for the Kitsune Folk, yet still in the norm with big breasts, wide hips, long blonde hair and two small horns above the eyes.

Body Features

Undefined skin tone, long, striaght blonde hair reaching the waist. Round bust of the big size and wide hips. About 160cm tall. Skin seems to have some slights signs of aging, despite the fact that she's not aging at all due to her divine nature.

Facial Features

A bit square face shape, big nose. Eyes are blue in it's enirety, without any distinciton between various parts of the eyes. Full lips. Above the narrow eyebrows there is a pair of short horns, covered with the ceratin in the same color as the fingernails.

Special abilities

Understanding of human mind and body: Touji-sama has studied humans, both in terms of how they are thinking and behaving and their physical manifestastion. As such, she is albe to assume partial control over human's body or change the state of the mind. Most of the time she mainly uses this to help people, for example to heal the diesese, but it can also be weaponised. She is able to do the same with some other beings, the more they ressemble humans, the higher is the degree of it.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears usually clothing appropriate for the ladies from the Kitsune Folk, altough with much less strict following of the rules (despite being a patron of them - she doesn't feel like fully be loyal to the rules of human is a proper way to do as a goddess). An example of the looser interpretations is that she never wears any socks, even in offical context. She's usually barefot when inside of any building and outside she wears wooden geta sandals. Her haistyle or accessories also don't follow any social conventions of the Kitsunejin.

Personality Characteristics


Her desire seem to be live relatively peaceful life with the good comapny. Since the young age, after being spawned by The World, he was close with her sister and brother. They all had a big fondness of humans. As the result, they decided to adapt some of their customs and both of the sisters married their brother. They all three continued to live thier lives together as siblings and lovers relatively happily.   She's primarily concerned with the matters of maintaing their shared lives, to their relationship in good shape. As such, she often acts as de facto leader of the family. While Sensou no Oo-sama is the main line of their defense, interanlly everything revolved around Touji-sama.   As the rest of her family, she started to give advise to humans asking for it (focusing primarily on marriage, family and housekeeping), as she has a lot more experience due to her lifespan. OVer time, those advises became the proper type of worship.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Spending time with her family
  • Seeing her family in harmony
  • Playing flute
  • Weaving
  • Architecture
  • Humans
  • Giving advice
  • Board games
  • Any threat to her family
  • Humans not respecting idea f family
  • Gods who are cruel to humans
  • Being alone
  • Being involved in combat, either for training or serious way


Family Ties

She is technically the sibling with all other gods that are the children of The World, but she's only maintaining actual relationship with two of them - Shoujo Himeko and Sensou no Oo-sama(who is also her spouse).   


Sensou no Oo-sama


Towards Touji-Sama




Towards Sensou no Oo-sama




Towards Shoujo Himeko


Shoujo Himeko


Towards Touji-Sama




Towards Sensou no Oo-sama


Sensou no Oo-sama


Towards Touji-Sama


Divine Classification
Sensou no Oo-sama (husband)
Shoujo Himeko (sister)
Sensou no Oo-sama (brother)
Blue in it's etirety
Straight, blonde, up to the waist
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Undefined complexion
160 cm


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