Kitsunejin Family Gods

Kitsunejin Family Gods is the collective name for the three gods worshipped by Kitsune Folk in the lands of the The Fox Empire that are acting as the patrons of family, love, marriage and social norms. The gods in questions are siblings of each other, the direct descendants of The World. They are also in a polygamous marriage relationship.   Those are:
  • Sensou no Oo-sama - brother, generally associated with marriage, war and fatherhood
  • Touji-Sama - sister and wife, generally associated with marriage, housekeeping, hospitality and motherhoood
  • Shoujo Himeko - sister and wife, generally assocaited with love, passion and beauty
  On organisational level, the worship is organised in temples that are loosely associated with each other, with specific way of worship (or even to what god they are direct their prayers for) can change depending on region. Generally speaking, the faithful are not praying to one of the three gods directly, but they are doing this through the priest.
Religious, Pantheon
Related Ethnicities


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