Triple River Procession

Triple River Processions is a ceremony conducted annualy in the City of Hisui during the third day of the Holidady Period by the Tri-river Dragon Priesthood. It serves as the biggest ceremony dedicated to Kawa-no-Ryuukami and his children, which create and maintain the Three Rivers. It consists mainly on ritualistic visiting all the river shrines in the city.


Ceremony starts in the Parent Dragon Shrine. All Tri-river Dragon Priesthood members are gathering in one place and begin the common prayer in front of the Bowl of the Source. The prayer is lead by the Head Priest.   After that, the Priesthood walks together through the city to all three of th eminor shrines one by one, anmd performs simmilar prayers there.   When all shrines has been visited, the procession goes back to the Parent Dragon Shrine.   The whole process is being done three times.   During the processions, people outside of the Dragon Priesthood can join and are encouraged to.   It's been a common sight to see a Heavenly King joining the procession.
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