
Hisui is a city located in the center of The Fox Empire, which is both the most populated settlement in the country and serves as its capital.   The city is important in the history of the culture of the Kitsune Folk , as the ethnic group itself originated from the area.   Named after jade - The Holy Stone of The Fox Goddess, which was the patron goddess of the Kitsune Folk.


Most of the population consists of the Hisuijin, with the over-representation of both nobility and slaves. The one could fiund pretty much any type of proffession ther in large quantities, together with some other ethnicities, however, due to the fact that in terms of population numbers, the city dwarfs immensly every other settlement in the country, witth the exception of the Kohaku.


The city is traditionally ruled by The Heavenly King of the Sakata family since it's founding. The royal retinue is responsible for the city's defense and the law enforcment.


Defences consist of thick, massive stone walls with three potentially weak points being the three small open gates which let out the stream of the three rivers that have source inside the city.   However, the city itself doesn't have great defending location, due to the reliance on The Fox Goddess for the defence purposes.


The city has build river docks outside it's walls in the nearby places where the three rivers start growing bigger. tHese docks allow for the great communication with most of the major settelemnts in the Fox Empire (except for the Western Region), as most of them lay nearby those rivers as well, making this city the transport center of most of the country.

Points of interest

Royal Palace of Hisui - the giant residence where The Heavenly King lives and rules from. Contains royal private chambers, the throne room, varios rooms and cabinets for the governing purposes, guest rooms and staff rooms. Only parts of it can be etenered by any person. Also contains the throne chamber for the Fox Goddess - The Heavenly Chamber, but she rarely visits there and therefore, it's used more for the purpose of non-public religious ceremonies.   Golden-Jade Solar Temple - the biggest temple in the world dedicated to The Fox Goddess. Made full of decoration from the jade and god - holy stone and holy metal of the diety in question. It was the first temple, build during the time of Sakata The First, gradually expanded and decorated. It contains the original jade plate contating the rules of the Jade Pact, created by the Daughter of the Sun herself out of the thin air to make The Jade Pact established. One of the most important pilgrimage sites and the place where public celebrations opf the Fox Goddess are conducted in the city.   River Shrines - four shrines dedicated to the Kawa-no-Ryuukami and his children, managed by the Tri-river Dragon Priesthood, serving as the place of prayers. One of them, called Parent Dragon Shrine is the entire complex, with the Prieshood quaters included. Visitors can go only to the shrine part. Parent Shrine is localed nearby the central Mountain and concerns the source of all three rivers. The rest three shrines are located nearby the river gates and are much smalled, consisting only of the shrines itself and a small garden. Each of the shrines is dedicated to the one specific river and the Kawa-no-Ryuukami's child guarding it.


Most of the city is located in the plain. The land is gradually going upwards as one is closer to the center of the city. In the middle of it, there is relativelysmall, but tall and steep mountain, from which the three Hisuian rivires strat flowing.   The rivers themselves are present in the city, dividing it into the three parts, however they are starting being considered more than just a potential inconvienience only after they flow out of the city.   The terrain outside the city is surrounded by multiple hills.


The temperate climate. During the summers, the temperatures are about in the range 28-25 degrees Celsius. During the winters, the temeprature usually doesn't fall below -15 degrees Celsius and rarely goes above 0 degrees Celcius. Cilmate is also generally humid with storms being common in summer, "usual" rains in springs and autumns and snowfall in winter (ocassionally blizzards).
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Capital Hisuians
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)


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