Tri-river Dragon Priesthood

Tri-river Dragon Priesthood is a religious organisation present in the City of Hisui and focused on the worship and the service for the Kawa-no-Ryuukami.   It's main quaters are located in the Parent Dragon Shrine in the Hisui, the activity is main focused in that place, but can potentially ecompas the area within the city borders.   Besides Parent dragon shrine, there are also three small shrines present in the city, each representing different river and the guardian dragon of it that is also a child of the Kawa-no-Ryuukami.   There are no registered members of the organisation beyond the priests and priest candidates. All people present in the Hisui are considered to be faithful and are required to follow two very basic rules - to not disturb the rivers and to show respect towrds the river shrines, but they are extempt form any other.

Tenets of Faith

The code that the religion considers important. In the brackets there is category what type of offence the breaking of the specific tenet is considered.
  • Don't disturbe the water of the rivers in the borders of the City of Hisui. Don't throw anything to the river stream there and don't attempt to block it in any ways (Criminal)
  • Respect the shrines devoted to Kawa-no-Ryuukami and his children, by making a small prayer if you pass them (Sinful)
  • The priests shall be obedient to the priests of higher rank (Sinful)
  • The priests shall take active care of the integrity of the rivers in Hisui and the shrines (Sinful)
  • The priests shall not eat any plant or animal that comes from the river, at it is the divine territory (Sinful)
  • The skin of a priest shall never be sumberged in the water of a river, as it is the divine terriotry (Criminal if intentional, Sinful if forced)
  • The Bowl of The Source should not be damaged and thye priests are required to actively protect it at all costs (Criminal)
  • The priest shall never destroy the symbol of the three snakes joined with their tails or any depiction of the Kawa-no-Ryuukami (Criminal)
  • The priest shall not break the customs of the Hisuijin (Mostly sinful, criminal in some cases)
  "Sinful" acts by themselves are mattering mostly for the priests, as they might be a basis for the demotion or expulsion. "Criminal" acts concern all people residing in Hisui as they might be basis for the court trial and the legal punishment. If someone has been observed to commit multiple "sinful" acts, it would also be a case for the legal action.


Act of prayer is done in short, ritualized manner in a shrine (details can be learned from a priest there) and often involves making an offering. Non-associated faithful is required to make a prayer when they're passing nearby the river shrine.   Each priest is required to make at least 3 such prayers a day (exculding offerings).   On specific days, the priests perform a group prayer in a shrine. It's generally lead by one of the Higher Priests, is performed in it's own ritaul and involves smoking the incense. Outsiders can join in a limited manner   Days and locations of that group prayer:
  • 9th day of the week, Parent Shrine - every time the rth day of the week happens
  • 3rd day of the week, Parent Shrine - every 3rd week of the month
  • 9th day of the week, minor shrines - every 3rd week of the month
Besides that, during the 3rd day of the Holiday Period there is performed Triple River Procession , which consists of the priests making the official procession between all the river shrines 3 times. Every faithful can join.


The priesthood is a way of serving Kawa-no-Ryuukami in the formalised and active way. The priests are organised in a hierarchical way in which the ones with lower rank are required to execute orders from their superiors. Not following orders can have the risk of demotion of the expulsion.   Breaking the tenants of faith specific to the priests also has consequences with demotion and expulsion.   The priests can posses their own wealth and families, but only if neither is an obstacle to fullfill their priestly duties (therefore, most of them are not actively participating in family life if they are serving in the Priesthood). They do not get monetary gain on their own. What Priesthood earns, it is the property of the entire Priesthood. Being a priest is treated as a civil service more than a job. Being an active priest anywhere else is forbidden to prevent any potential conflict of duties.   Position in the Priesthood is not inhieritable   Duties are perfomed all the time, unless released from the duty by the superior. Priests sleep and dine in the Parent Dragon Shrine.    After being expelled, rejoining is forbidden for the period of the five years, although the exact period can be shorter or longer, depending on the reason for expulsion. When rejoining, the one must start everything from the beggining. Rejoining is not possible if the priest stopped perfomring duties without proper resignation or expulsion.   Gender is not a factor in the Tri-river Dragon Priesthood. Anyone can sign up regardless of gender and serve any role in the same way.   When performinf priestly duties, priests must wear proper uniforms. When specific rituals are perfomed, change of the clothing might also be required.   To become a priest of Kawa-no-Ryuukami, the one should ask already active priest about the candidature. The asked priest should check if they need more members and judge if the one asking is a good material for a candidate. If agreed, the asking becames the member in the rank of the candidate.   Ranks of the priests, from lowest to highest:  
  1. Candidate - their main duties are serving priests of higher rank and taking care of the cleaning of the shrines in the City of Hisui and preparing meals for all of the priests, they are also trained in the proper way of performing rituals. The candidature ends after the three years. After that period they are either promoted for the lesser priest or expelled with an option of trying to be candidate again after another 3 years. While on duties, the candidates are wearing all-white kosode and zori sandals without socks. Hair should be cut short. No headgears.
  2. Lesser priest - most of the priests in the prieshood have this rank, they perform most of the duties like perfomring rituals, raking care of shrines, guarding shrines themselves, patrolling the city to prevent disturing of the waters, cleaning etc. They are also performing cadidate's duties if they aren't avalible. Their uniform consists of the white kosode, blue or gray hakada, geta sandals with white socks. Hair can be longer, but must be tied up and at most cannot cross the waistline.
  3. Higher priest - rank of only a handful of priests (5 at most), their duty is to manage the entire Priesthood, it's exact duties, finances, etc. They are also required to perform more important ceremonies and rituals. Their uniform consists of the white joue and geta sndals with white socks. Hair must be covered. To reach this position, the lesser priest must reccomendedd by at least one of the higher priest and accepted by the head priest. This rank cannot be achieved if they are already 5 higher priests in the Priesthood.
  4. Head priest - the leader of the Priesthood, focusing mostly on the matters of mettings with important people outside of the Priesthood, performing the most important rituals or making decisions directly concerning positions of the other preists. The uniform is nearly identical to that of a higher priest, but with the difference that the joue is blue instead of white.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The proper worship of Kawa-no-Ryuukami is considered crucial for the city of Hisui and the enteire Fox Empire due to the important role the three rivers have. As such, Hisuian leaders are cooperating closely with the Tri-river dragon Priesthood. Therefore, every action the Priesthood deem as criminal is treated as such by the Hisuian law as long a it is commited inside the territory of Hisui. Donations from both the state and important merchants are done from time to time.   The Heavenly Kings can be often seen participating in the ceremonies of the Dragon Priesthood during the Holiday Period.
Religious, Other
Alternative Names
River Priests, Dragon Priesthood
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